List of abstracts, 2017 all issues

issue 1 (17)

From the Editors
Danilyuk A.

Key words: Global Educational Net (GENet), national educational net, component of educational content, sense as pedagogic category, technology of sense-formation, developing training.

Creation of global educational net

A part of fundamental author’s concept of the secondary school education content is presented in the article. The new structure of education content is established: sense – knowledge - skills – experience. The sense is revealed as a pedagogic category. The general method of generation of sense and possibilities of its didactic realization are defined. The main form of sense-based education is the Global Educational Net (GENet). It integrates national educational nets and forms in innovative new generation didactic system. The system carries out huge potential for modern information technologies and is pedagogically organized in the Internet space. The algorithm for the creation of the World Education Net and new organizational levels of educational content are disclosed. They includes: digitization of сontent of training programs in subjects, establishing the inter-disciplinary links, developing the integrated courses to obtain the real objects and events models, organization of integrative humanitarian educational spaces, capable to restore different cultures in the entirety of their historical development. The mechanism of integration of national educational networks into Global Educational Net is determined. This mechanism unveils the possibility of additional essential content increment of learning content on sense-based foundation.
Kolesnikova I.

Key words: education, professional standard, teacher-educator, educational competence

Meaning and logic of training the theacher for upbringing (as a reaction to the emergence of a professional standard of specialist in education)

The reason for writing the article was the appearance in Russia of a professional standard regulating the activity of a specialist in the field of education. The author, basing on half a century of experience in theoretical and practical work in the field of education (1967-2017), sets out his understanding of the meaning and mission of modern education, as well as the logic of training a competent teacher-educator. Against the backdrop of the crisis of the educational potential of society, education is treated as a work to preserve and develop the human quality in its philosophical understanding. The article reveals the specificity of the socio-psychological context that determines the professional position of the teacher as a tutor, provides a list of methodologically significant components of the content of university training and considers the logic of its organization. Particular attention is paid to the need for the formation of methodological and praxeological bases of educational activity at all stages of continuous professional education of the teacher. The proposed author's approach to teacher training has passed a long successful testing at various levels of continuous education (school, university, teacher training college, institution of advanced training), and can be used in designing programs, taking into account the new standard requirements.
Diduk I.

Key words: pedagogical profession, pedagogical dynasty, integral characteristics, competency-based paradigm, professional standard

The study of pedagogical dynasties as a source of transfer of traditions of service to the profession under the circumstances of pragmatization in the sphere of education

The goal of the article is to draw attention to the study of pedagogical dynasties as one of the sources of keeping the national traditions for service to the profession. In the situation of understanding modern education as the service sphere the preference is given to a teacher’s profes-sional qualities rather than personal ones. The author gives brief characteristics of the professional standard of a teacher from the perspective of the competency-based paradigm of modern education, enumerating the problems faced by the teachers in everyday pedagogical practice demanding not only professionalism, but also active civic position, initiative, personal responsibility. The contra-diction between the requirements put forward by the government to the professional activities of a teacher and the learners’ preferences, where the personal (axiological) component is being empha-sized, makes the problem of pedagogical dynasties actual. A pedagogical dynasty, being the insuf-ficiently explored phenomenon of the Russian educational system, bears the unique experience of loyalty to the idea of service in pedagogical profession. Based on the primary analysis of the archive materials and the massif of empirical data about pedagogical dynasties of the Smolensk oblast, the author presents integral characteristics of a pedagogical dynasty as a special phenomenon the study of which allows rethinking the essence of professional activity for a modern teacher
Grishina J.

Key words: lifelong education, pre-university education, educational space, university

Pre-university component of lifelong education

The functional uncertainty connected with lack of uniform understanding of an essence of pre-university education, the purposes and problems of this component of multilevel continuous education causes contradictions in ensuring continuity between general education and vocational training. The research objective makes a solution of the problem of detection of intrinsic and substantial characteristics of pre-university education and search of adequate definition of this educational phenomenon. The solution of research tasks was provided with a complex complementary theoretical (the analysis of scientific, methodical literature on the studied problem, the comparative analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization, modeling) and empirical (studying and synthesis of standard and legal documents, the best pedagogical practices, method of expert evaluations) methods. As a result of a benchmarking it is revealed that now before pre-university education the new tasks caused by need of the through vertical integration providing the sequence, continuity of education, and the horizontal integration guaranteeing alternativeness, flexibility of preparation move forward. On the basis of the analysis of various contexts of a goal-setting, an initial conceptual position, the directions and mechanisms of design of pre-university educational space, the author has presented attempt to record an originality, ways of existence, the place and a role of this pedagogical phenomenon among others, to allocate that the general and special that characterizes pre-university education and allows to define him in the existing system of continuous education. Proposed regulations and conclusions create prerequisites for further studying of a phenomenon of pre-university education, and the presented practical experience of realization of integrative model of pre-university education "University lyceum" can be used at design of the educational space providing a continuity and continuity of education in other educational organizations.
Georgiadi A., Georgiadi A.

Key words: web resources, educational platforms, cloud computing, content, lecturer

On the choice of educational web resource

The paper analyses the issue of choice of educational web-resources from the standpoint of university lecturer. It focuses on the need to organize educational activities with consideration of the basic characteristics of web resource as an information system that provides access to content by using a certain set of technical means and technologies. The authors discuss possibilities and limitations of popular platforms used in distance and blended learning; evaluate the effectiveness of their use from the standpoint of higher school lecturer; outline a range of issues affecting selection criteria of electronic educational resource at organization level and personally by lecturer. Cloud technologies are viewed as an alternative type of web resource with great potential for education whose use is fraught with risks caused by lack of adequate international legal framework. The combined use of different type web resources with regard to learning objectives and specifics of a particular audience is considered as a perspective direction. The article is debatable, its conclusions may be of interest to educators carrying out research in the field of education informatization, teachers integrating traditional and new teaching methods in their practice, and professionals engaged in the organization and control of information technologies implementation at the institution level.
Volosnikova T., Emanuel J., Emanuel T.

Key words: individualization, advanced training, health-saving activities, learning trajectories

Realization of teachers in- house training in the field of healthsaving activities in the context of lifelong learning

The article is focused on the methods of organization of intrafirm teachers’ training based on healthsaving activities. The study aimed at the development and experimental foundations of theoretical and methodological (tutorial) tools for individual approach to teachers’ training was carried out on the base of Govermental Budget Pre-school Institution (GBDOU) #139 of the Viborg region in St. Petersburg. The study engaged 160 teachers from St. Petersburg kindergartens and (pre?)- schools. In the course of experiment the lerners knowledge assessment was monitored according to the training program units and key topics; to the dynamics of activities to save and strengthen health of the training proccess participants; and to the introduction of the health culture in the educational institutions included in the program. The model of individual approach to the teachers’ training, individual health-improving and learning trajectory, differential-thematical structure of interconnections of the training modules of the program were proved. The results of the study could be used in the system of training apart from the thematical direction.
Ruess A., Hildebrandt E.

Key words: co-teaching, team-teaching, internship, professionalization, cooperation, reflection.

Professionalisation in co-teaching by reflection and co-construction - importance for internships in tandem

Based on international research and a qualitative study concerning joint planning sessions with experienced teachers working in Switzerland, ways of improving the use of teacher training tandem internships to generate increased professionalization are discussed. The focus is on opportunities to use new forms of collaborative planning, reflection and implementation during internships. In particular, reflection and co-construction will be considered. The aim is to present the results of the experimental work on the organization of joint teaching on the basis of the concept of professional practice developed at the Institute of Primary Education of the Pedagogical University of the Northwest of Switzerland. Particular attention is paid to collective reflection and co-design as a source of professionalization when working in a team. The advantages and disadvantages of joint teaching are shown. In real practice, co-construction is reflected in the detailed planning of activities in the classroom in relation to goals, content, methods, materials, mechanisms. As a subject of reflection, the education or behavior of students dominates. At the same time there is almost no reflection of the process of joint teaching, self-reflection. Reflection by both students and experi-enced teachers is carried out mainly on a descriptive level, rather than on a comparative or critical one. The authors emphasize that the professionalization of students in tandem practice requires that teachers in schools and universities are competent in group reflection and co-design.
Garkavenko Z.

Key words: open family studios, educational technology, work with parents, «peer-to-peer», non-formal education, tolerance.

Open family studios: capacity, experience and barriers

The article deals with the experience of the implementation of educational technology to work with parents, based on the principle of «peer-to-peer», which received the author's name «Open Family Studios». The strategic goal, pursued by the authors, is to create «a fashion for tolerance» in the relationship between teachers and parents, parents and children and members of the society. Implementation of this task can lead society to the new approaches to education and upbringing of the younger generation. The need for such solutions is due to the modern conditions of life in the global world with its speed, intensity and uncertainty. Diversity and tolerance as the principles of organization and interaction in society are invited to form within its primary unit - the family, with the participation of educational institutions. In this process author expects to involve not only parents, but also other family members, to maximize the field of application of the listed principles.
Valitskaya A.

Key words: modernization, challenges of epoch, Russian education, paradigm, teachers professionalism, world view, teacher education.

Paradigmatic changes and errors of russian education modernization

The article, which bears the character of a discussion, the overall thrust of the process of modernization of Russian education since the mid-1990s is analyzed. The author identifies three paradigmatic errors which causing the problem in the course of modernization. They are: a definition of education as a service sector; the priority of quantitative methods of education quality assessment; refusal to recognize the specificity of professional teacher education, leading to its destruction. The article contains criticism of the positivist model of education, focused on a minimum standard of knowledge, which leads to the gradual breach of Russian higher and secondary education, the principles of universal, fundamental education also the principle of the state order. This comes into collision with the socio-humanitarian nature of the educational system. Special attention is paid to the changing role of teachers who have to work in a hostile, ever-changing social environment. This requires a special vocational teacher training system: the selection of the appropriate «input» into the profession; special education program, which includes the basic ideological and fundamentally subject-cycles, as well as the practical part of the in-depth psychological and methodical program. According to the author, the teacher education corresponding to the challenges of time, it becomes a key issue for the Russian state and society.
Eflova Z.

Key words: the ungraded educational organization (school), the paucity of educational organization, formal and informal education signs, pedagogical and organizational features of education.

The relevance of definition of «ungraded school»

The article discusses the need for scientific substantiation of the concept of «ungraded school», as especially relevant to the Russian educational theory and educational practice as ensuring the continuity and sustainability of a modern national education system, in particular, implemented in rural areas. Ungraded essential feature of educational organization are: an organization of the educational process, the use of specific educational technologies, the specific organization of educational activities aimed at the implementation of additional functions. First of all is the compensatory functions. The lack of definition of the term and a number of similar concepts leads to breaks in the education system, to such effects, as the widespread closure of minority educational institutions, and as a result, to a violation of the rights of the rural child on continuous access to quality education. Legalization of concepts on the scientific and regulatory levels is a necessity. The author identifies formal and informal (essential) features ungraded educational organizations. Recognizing the paucity of trained staff as a sign-circumstance leading to ungraded, the author insists that its main indicators are pedagogical and organizational characteristics.

issue 2 (18)

Bermous A. G.

Key words: -


The farewell ceremony with Evgenia Vasilyevna Bondarevskaya, the holder of Advanced Doctorate, professor, a member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary Professor of Ros-tov and Volgograd State Pedagogical Universities, Foreign Member of the Academy of Pedagogi-cal Science of the Ukraine was held in May, 31 2017 in assembly hall of the former Rostov Peda-gogical institute (presently is one of the buildings of the Southern Federal University). During her long life in science E.V. Bondarevskaya wrote and took part in writing and editing of more than 300 scientific papers, including monographs «Introduction to Pedagogical Culture» (1995), «Education in Search for the Human Senses» (1995), «Pedagogy: Personality in Humanistic Theories and Systems of Upbringing» (co-authored with S. V. Kulnevich (1999), «Theory and Practice of Personality-Centered Education» (2000), «The Strategy of Upbringing in a Modern University» (2007), «The Concept and Strategy of Students' Upbringing in the Space of the SFU Pedagogical Institute» (2007), «Modernization of Pedagogical Education in Innovational Space of a Federal University» (2013). Her papers were published in Bulgaria, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, China, Transdniesrtia, Ukraine. The scale of scientific and pedagogical school created by E. V. Bondarevskaya is impressive: more than 200 candidate of science and more than 40 holders of advanced doctorates of pedagogical science were trained by her. Of merit for pedagogical science E.V. Bondarevskaya was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the K.D. Ushinsky Medal, Title of Honor «Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation»; in the year 2003 she became the Government Prize Laureate.
Polyakov S. D.

Key words: social and cultural challenges, education, school, scenarios for answering challenges


The article describes and analyzes social and cultural challenges as phenomena that create sustainable tensions in the field of education and in school in particular. Challenges are singled out, which in the present time are manifested to a great extent and certainty, as well as challenges that tend to increase, which will become relevant for Russian education in the near future. Based on the approaches to the description of social and cultural challenges at the factors by professor A. V. Mudrik, the author characterizes the consequences of these challenges for the development of schools as social organizations. The hypotheses about the psychological consequences of social and cultural challenges for modern schoolchildren are discussed. The following scenarios of schools' answers to the social and cultural challenges of the present and foreseeable future are singled out: «Rearguard», «Synergic», «Vanguard», «Countercultural», «Spontaneity». The factors that contribute to the implementation of this or that scenario for the school and for education in general are described. It is emphasized that without the analysis of contemporary challenges to school education, it is impossible to build effective state educational policy and develop the school as an educational organization.
Babakova T. A.

Key words: general educational skills, cognitive competence, adaptation of students to educational activity, independent work, higher education.


The article is devoted to the review of general educational skills of higher education students. The quality of general educational skills is regarded as an essential condition for the successful adaptation of students to higher school educational activities and the development of cognitive competence necessary for the implementation of formal, informal, informational education. The data obtained on the basis of the self-assessment of general educational skills by 1st-year students and by students of the 2nd and 3rd year, as well as undergraduates and post-graduate students at Petrozavodsk State University, are compared and analyzed. Questionnaires and comparative analysis were used as priority research methods. The results of the pilot study are presented in the article, during which groups of general educational skills (working with texts, with graphic information, searching for information, creating texts of a scientific style, communicative skills, self-organization skills) were singled out. The author put forward the assumption of the need for systematic study and monitoring of the students general educational skills for the organization of the educational process in university. In particular, such its component as independent work. Proposals have been made to continue the research and to modernize the independent work of students at the university.
Lebedeva S. S.

Key words: social worker, the system of lifelong learning, additional education, social sphere, social service recipients.


The article focuses on the problems of professional training for social workers with reliance on the continuity principle. On the basis of the author’s personal experience who has been working during a number of years in the system of training staff for social sphere, the problems of training for social workers are viewed both in the system of basic higher institutions format and in the system of additional education. The texts of graduate qualification papers of the students studying at St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work, the proceedings of presentations of social workers and heads of social services at the scientific-practical conferences, working experience in guardian boards of social services and methodological associations served as the foundation for the analysis and generalization. The significance of continuation of basic education for social workers is increasing due to institutionalization of social sphere, differentiation of demands of social service recipients, increasing interest of social workers not only in professional development but also in personal growth and self-realization in the sphere of social aid. The author makes the conclusion about the necessity of creating the concept of connections between basic and additional professional education of social workers in order to perform effectively in the constantly changing situation and show enough flexibility to face diversity and variety of professional challenges.
Robotova A. S.

Key words: Master’s Degree Program, the Bologna process, independent work, teacher’s self-education.


A modern Master’s Program is a significant part of lifelong learning system, but the phenomenology of this level of education is poorly revealed yet. The goal of the article is to highlight the problems of teaching Master’s students on the basis of specific description of Master’s Program available both for pedagogical and humanitarian (arts) profiles. The basis for the analysis is the author’s pedagogical activities within the frames of Master’s Program courses «Methodology of Pedagogical Research», «Pedagogy and Psychology of Tertiary Education»; special courses on the problems of artistic-imaginative comprehension of pedagogical reality, the authorial course devoted to moral upbringing of high school students through humanitarian disciplines, graduation student papers guidance at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia for the time period from 1993 up to 2017. The following distinctive features of modern students involved in Master’s Degree Program could be emphasized: mixed age with adult age predominant, which calls for variability, flexibility, delicacy, comprehension of various motives to continue education; the larger share of independent work, demanding different text manipulation. The author underlines the fact: constantly changing terms of teaching call for continuous self-education for university professors. The suggested facts and observations might be of interest for pedagogical staff involved in Master’s Program teaching and researchers of lifelong learning.
Kuzmenkov A. A., Fedorova A. V.

Key words: additional education, additional competencies and skills, value engineering and pricing in construction, efficiency of education, innovative teaching methods.


The article deals with the issue related to the determination of the effectiveness of the implemented supplementary training program «Programmed Estimate-Analytical Complex A0: the Basis for Development of Estimated and Production Documentation» for students in the field of «Construction». The purpose of writing the article was to review the applied methods of organizing educational activities for an additional training program and a direct evaluation of its effectiveness. In the course of the study, based on the professional standard 16.033 «Specialist in the field of planning and economic support of construction production», the authors created professional com-petencies. The result of their development and the effectiveness of the program were determined with the help of a score-rating system for assessing the students' knowledge. Also during the re-search, the data obtained from questionnaires of students at the end of the supplementary educational program were analyzed. This allowed not only to assess the level of implementation of this program, but also to determine the degree of satisfaction of the educational needs of student builders, thereby determining its further development prospects.
Gorchakova-Sibirskaya M. P.

Key words: education, economy, quality of life, human capital, education costs.


The article highlights the problem of the interconnection of a high level of education in Russia (53,5 % of citizens have a higher education) with the development of the economy and the quality of life in the country. Using statistical data, the author compares the number of people with higher education and the cost of education in the ten «most educated» countries of the world and shows the impact of these expenditures on GDP per capita and GDP at purchasing power parity. The above analysis of the role of education as the foundation of human capital confirms the role of the unconditional impact of investment in education on the state of the economy and the quality of life determined by the Human Development Index (HDI). The author emphasizes that, despite the first place in the world in terms of the share of the population with secondary vocational and higher education, and the presence of 94 % of the population with education at least below the full average, Russia has only 49th place in the HDI and the last place in GDP per capita among the 10 most educated countries in the world. It is noted that with the reduction of budget expenditures on education in Russia in 2016, considerable financial resources are provided for the implementation of the State programs for the development of education, which makes it possible to dramatically improve its quality. It confirms by the pace of economic development and the standard of living. The information given in the article can be used in the development of special courses of pedagogi-cal orientation and in the studies on comparative pedagogy and the economics of education.
Sokolova E. I.

Key words: lifelong education, adult education, European countries.


The article focuses on the problems of lifelong learning in European countries. On the basis of the open Internet resources the lifelong learning development in the top five European countries is analyzed. They are: Denmark, Finland, Sweden, France, and the Netherlands. The unique way for every country of realizing the common European strategy in the field of lifelong learning is described. The problems faced by every country are discussed. Despite of common educational strategies for all countries, there are unique features for every participant of European Lifelong learning. For example, Denmark has pursued efforts to improve the quality of its education system; Finland’s education system performs well in terms of both the quantitative targets and the quality of educational outcomes. France faces two major problems − school failure and low adult participation in lifelong learning. The Netherlands has strengthened the implementation of its lifelong learning strategy by setting up new structures ensuring inter- and intra-governmental coordination. The information and conclusions proposed by the author are of interest to researchers and managers of continuing education, as well as specialists in the field of comparative pedagogy.
Vanhamping E. G.

Key words: social entrepreneurship, social competence, academic mobility


Socio-political knowledge and social competencies, including in the field of social entrepreneurship, are becoming the most important indicator of the strategic professionalism of a civil servant. The article outlines the main ideas of the applied project for building an expert platform for the resource center for the development of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan, jointly developed by Kazakh, Russian and Finnish analysts. One of the tasks of the project was the creation of a dialogue international platform on the basis of the Finnish Seinäjoki region with the aim of building a model of social entrepreneurship most effective in a specific country of application. The article shows that the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship has a resource of innovative significance in terms of increasing the efficiency of the new social policy in the countries of the post-Soviet space. In the situation of ambiguous theoretical interpretation of the phenomenon in question, the prevention of protest moods of the population is noted as an important task in selecting a national strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship. On the basis of the comparative analysis, the features of understanding and development of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan, Kirgizia of Russia, Finland are highlighted. The author underlines the need for a comprehensive assessment of the selected trajectory in building models of social entrepreneurship with national content and, accordingly, forms of professional training in the system of academic mobility. One such form is practice-oriented internships – «Immersions into the Scandinavian model of social well-being» implemented on the basis of the Scandinavian Institute for Academic Mobility. The article is of interest to specialists in the field of strategic design training of specialists in the field of social entrepreneurship.
Titova E. V.

Key words: children's movement, children's social movement, children's organization, children's public associations, pioneer organization, Russian movement of schoolchildren, periods of development of children's movement.


The children's social movement in Russia is entering a new period of its development, connected with the establishment of the public-state children's and youth organization «Russian movement of schoolchildren». In this connection, the author's appeal to the consideration of the processes and tendencies of the emergence of a new subject in the children's movement on the background of an analysis of the achievements, problems and mistakes of past periods of its development, especially of the pioneer and post-pioneer movement is timely. The base for generalizations and conclusions is the long experience of the author of the article in the field of practice and theory of the children's movement in the USSR and the Russian Federation. The author pays attention to the positive experience of raising children, accumulated in almost a century of the existence of the pioneer organization, and the negative consequences of its deliberate destruction. At the same time, mistakes were made in organizing the activities of a pioneer organization, knowledge of which could become instructive at a new stage of the development of the children's movement in modern Russia. In the context of the historical lessons of the pioneer organization, the problems and contradictions that have already manifested themselves at the first stage of the formation of the «Russian movement of schoolchildren» are considered. The materials of the article are of a discussion nature and will be of interest to researchers and leaders of the children's movement.
Kolesnikova I. A.

Key words: Academic writing, imitation, educational service, ghostwriter, academic ghostwriting


The article analyzes the phenomenon, called in international practice «Academic Ghostwriting». At the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the mass market is stepping up the demand for ready-made educational and scientific products in the form of coursework, diploma thesis, master's, candidate's, doctoral dissertations, scientific articles and monographs. Academic ghostwriting service is considered in the article as an imitation of scientific and educational activity. The basis for the analysis is information openly presented on the Russian, English, German-speaking websites of institutions and individuals offering services of academic ghostwriting. Some common semantic units and intentions on the side of customers and executors of academic texts, as well as specific features and trends in the development of the market for this type of service are identified. The technology of organization of academic gostraining and social and pedagogical consequences of imitation of scientific and educational activity are shown. Some possible ways of professional opposition to the described phenomenon are also outlined. The facts and the main provisions set forth in the article are of interest to the broad pedagogical community, education managers, teachers of schools and universities, and the organizers of certification of pedagogical personnel.

issue 3 (19)

* *.

Key words: *


Polyakov S.

Key words: professional actions of the teacher, stimulation of relative activity of students, stimulation of relative passivity of pupils, pedagogical activity.


The article presents the results of the research of everyday professional activities of a modern Russian teacher. It is emphasized that the lack of such research makes it difficult to solve the problems of managing the pedagogical process, both at the level of the educational organization and at the levels of education management in the state and in the regions. The representation in the minds of teachers of their professional activities in classes 6-9 is analyzed. The criterion for the separation of professional actions is their ability to stimulate relative activity or relative passivity of students. The differences in the images of the educational reality are analyzed by teachers, students and qualified observers. The conclusion is made about the impact on these images of the teacher's "image of lesson " and the significance for the students of the actions to be accomplished.
Rayevskaya E.

Key words: teenager, network cultural-educational project, chronotope, lifelong learning, reflection, self-awareness.


Temporal and spatial characteristics of network cultural-educational project are viewed in the article from the perspective of a promising form of non-formal education. The network project localized in a specific socio-cultural space and limited by the time of localization is interpreted as a peculiar chrono-tope of lifelong learning. Creative educational practices presented in the article were offered to teenagers (14−16 years old) from Petrozavodsk various educational institutions in 2016. On the example of the project results (which got the title «JEANS») the effectiveness of the network projects from the point of view of teenager’s personal development was shown. The international experience of the use of artistic and cultural practices to solve social and psychological problems was taken as a project basis. The results of sociological survey helped to reveal the positive project influence for teenager’s leisure time management and change in communication. By the results of comparative psychological study the project influence on decrease of diverse types of adolescence anxiety (general, situational, interpersonal, at school, self-esteem, «magical») is presented. The psychological training courses, based on the projective techniques of ego identity study through dialogical perception of world painting masterpieces are described. The conclusions presented in the article may be used in project teenager’s activities in the system of lifelong learning.
Oreshkin V.

Key words: pedagogical excellence, scenic form, theatrilasion, dramatization, communicative and conflitological competency


The article deals with psychological and pedagogical potential of theater and stage forms from school performance to public presentation. Special attention is drawn to the terms «theatricalization» and «dramatization» which are often interpreted ambiguously both in pedagogical environment and in the sphere of theater practice. In the light of philosophic ideas of XX century, such as dramatization (adaptation for the stage) of literary work in educational process is regarded as interpreting reading which is actual for post-classic education. Relying on the ideas of Erikson's epigenetic conception, the author gives special attention to adolescence and early adulthood periods as the actualization time for the role and gender establishment of personal identity. In connection with M. Bachtin's and other scholars ideas on society carnivalism, the importance of theater practice for personality development of adolescent, especially of mail gender is underlined. Against the background of related to theater psychological-social and psychotherapeutic practices comparison, the possibility of use of different theatric forms in modern education is viewed within the frames of communicative and conflictological competence formation. For the theory development, these reflections may be accepted as a basis for further complex study of theatrical forms in education from the perspective of psychology, conflictology, and pedagogy.
Eflova Z., Smirnova S.

Key words: higher pedagogical education, training of the Karelian language teacher, small ethnic group, ethno-pedagogy, ethnocultural personality, multicultural personality, multicultural personality.


The preparation of teachers of Karelian language at the university is considered as a sign of the regionalization of the university, as the activity of the support university. It should be aimed at satisfying the demands of the regional education system and the republic, on the preservation and development of a small ethnic group. Data on the current state of the Karelian ethnos, the study of the Karelian language in general education organizations of the Republic of Karelia and the relevance of training teachers with two profiles, including the teaching of the Karelian language. Clarify positions and identify the main ideas for the preparation of the future specialist as a person, in which are harmonized the ethno-cultural, multicultural and multicultural components.
Barinov E., Nikolenko O., Balykina A., Bondarenko N.

Key words: theoretical departments, efficiency of students' education, elective course, fundamental knowledge of medicine, professional competence of a doctor.


To formulate the basic principles of the development of elective courses at theoretical departments in medical universities and to present results of students’ education using elective course "Histophysiology of visceral systems". Methods of research: analysis of the practice of creating elective courses at the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Donetsk National Medical University of Maxim Gorky (DonNMU). Results: The main principles of the creating of elective courses are: implementation of the paradigm "fundamental knowledge - the orienting basis of the doctor"; interdisciplinary integration of fundamental knowledge, contextual (motivational) approach to the content of educational information and the organization of the learning processwhich provides an understanding of knowledge based on the professional competencies of the doctor. During the creating of elective component of the educational program on the discipline "Histology, Cytology and Embryology" and the elective course "Histophysiology of Visceral Systems" the teaching experience of basic clinical disciplines (cardiology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, neurology, endocrinology, nephrology) was reviewed as well as educational content at theoretical departments (human physiology and biochemistry, pharmacology, pathophysiology and pathological anatomy)for clarifying the relevance of cytology, molecular biology and histology knowledge; Prepared actual material that provides the formation of required knowledge to decide typical clinical situations; The level of theoretical preparation of students of 1-2 and 5-6 courses is revealed and their study readiness for variable component is determined.
Lukashenya Z.

Key words: mentorship, guidance, consulting, consulter, tutorship, coaching.


The article dwells on the phenomenon of mentorship in connection with consulting development in a modern higher educational institution. The author marks that significant decrease of productivity for functioning of the institute of mentorship in the system of professional training of pedagogical staff leads to prolonged period of adaptation for young specialists, problems in professional activities, decrease of motivation and loss of unique experience of professional activities of senior generations. Consulting is positioned as pedagogical technology of innovation development at higher educational institutions which might promote the renewal of mentorship at universities. The client of consulting is supposed to be a young specialist, experiencing problems in professional practice. Consulter serves as collective cumulative entity which is being formed to solve a specific problem. For this purpose a special department is established made up of specially trained personnel, the so called «consulting university service». Consulting is implemented through the use of consulting techniques which have been historically identified with the guidance phenomenon. Through comparison of problems solved by guidance and consulting, the commonality of approaches, content, forms and methods in professional support for young specialists is proved. The offered conclusions are of interest for professors, managers of higher education, consulting specialists.
Vanhemping Е.

Key words: higher engineering education, organization of educational process in higher educational institutions, training documentation, guide for educational disciplines.


Comparative study of educational process in the system of higher engineering education in Finland, Russia, and Kazakhstan is presented in the article. The author refers to the interview with Timo Vekara, the Head of the Chair of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technologies of the Technological faculty at the University of Vaasa as the main source of information. The specificity of the number and volume of teaching-methodological documentation, content of engineering education in the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate system of studying is shown on the concrete examples. The results of teaching the innovation direction of engineering science and practice (renewable energy) in the University of Vaasa are delivered. The author underlines the fact that under the situation when modern educational policy of getting double diplomas is being implemented, the curricula coordination among technical higher institutions of different countries calls for profound comprehension of the documentation flow specificity − academically more liberal and textually less loquacious in Finland. The article refers to the factually based material and may be of interest for researchers in the field of comparative studies and academic exchange.
Vaskelainen V., Vinokurova N., Lunina E., Sukhorukov A.

Key words: creative class, creativity motivation, project games, co-creativity, communication grounds, innovation projects.


The article deals with the problem of creativity motivation development as a factor of «creative class» formation. The authors present the results of new educational style carried out at Petrozavodsk State University in 2015−2017 and aimed at teamwork with high school students. The new educational style steps beyond the scopes of standard educational forms. It was invented, tested and endorsed by the specialists of non-commercial «New Dimension» Support Fund for innovation projects at the first Youth Hyperborea Forum in 2009. Today it is being developed and implemented in partnership with Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk Creativity Club № 2, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk Center of Education Development, and «Contemporary» Regional Resource Center for Additional Education. The result of joint work calls for drawing special attention to a number of paradoxes in indication the interest to innovation phenomenon in general and technical creativity in particular for high school students. The article dwells on the conditions under which the project games give both good products (innovation projects), and noticeable psychological results. Among them are the following: setting wide range of unique problems, immersion in the team projecting environment with the assistance of moderators and experts, creation of diverse meaningful and symbolic contexts. The information offered in the article may be helpful for the organizers of the system work on professional orientation for high school students and supporters of gifted youth.
Ignatovich E.

Key words: lifelong learning, continuing education, copy-paste, plagiarism, academic publication.


The article addresses the issue of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, recycling fraud in research on lifelong learning and continuing education. The author introduces the term «copy-paste» and its usage in relation to academic publications. The research is based on 500 publications on lifelong learning including 100 texts on non-formal and informal education, which have been published from 2007 to 2017 and are included into the data on The author introduces the classification of the articles, which use ‘copy-paste’: 1) articles-compilations, 2) articles-abstracts, 3) article with elements of copy-paste. The publication includes a number of examples illustrating the “copy-paste” phenomenon in academic articles. Finally, the best foreign practices in solving the problem of plagiarism are included.
Serikov V.

Key words: pedagogical theory and practice, pedagogical texts, thinking of the teacher-practitioner, interaction between the theory and practice of education.


The article considers the nature of pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical activity on the basis of the humanitarian paradigm and the analysis of the experience of pedagogical research, also the complex collisions and paradoxes that arise in the process of their interaction. The author reveals the reasons for the low relevance of pedagogical science in the practice of education. This is due, on the one hand, to the poor quality of pedagogical research itself, on the other hand, to the peculiarity of the thinking of practical workers in the sphere of education, the logic of which does not coincide with the conceptual structure of scientific texts. The article points out the shortcomings of pedagogical studies and the forms of presentation of their results, which cause a negative attitude towards them of teachers and students − future teachers. It is emphasized that both the problems and the forms of the presentation of the results of scientific research are often not aimed at their use in the practice of education. The author proposes a set of key concepts that should be used to ensure the feasibility of the conclusions of pedagogical research. These are: the goals of pedagogical activity (or process) as a project of changes in the personality of pupils, the content − a pedagogically revised type of cultural experience, the conditions (psychological mechanism) of its assimilation, the pedagogical technologies as the way of actualizing these conditions, the criteria for results evaluation. The article gives a critical analysis of outdated methodological approaches to understanding the integrity and self-movement of pedagogical systems, the subject-activity nature of pedagogical reality is considered. As a result, it is concluded that the integration of pedagogical theory and practice is possible with their «oncoming» movement, which implies an improvement in the quality of scientific and pedagogical products and ensuring «science intensity», the orientation toward the science of the practice of education itself.

issue 4 (20)

Kupriyanov B. V.

Key words: childish prank, transactional analysis, carnival culture, the history of education in the USSR, the pioneer camp.


The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of the childish prank as a natural attribute of a child's life. Based on the social and pedagogical concept of A. Mudrik, the ideas of the carnival culture of M. Bakhtin, E. Bern's theory of transactional analysis, the author defines the specific features of the childish prank as a special social and pedagogical phenomenon. The author highlights various traits of childish pranks such as an action aimed at deceiving the expectations of an adult; obtaining material benefits; the existence of a code of honor, publicity - as a challenge and provocation, fear of punishment. The author used methods of analyzing fiction texts, interpreting narrative interviews, ethnographic reconstruction of cultural practices of Soviet teenagers in pioneer camps. The problem formulated in the article is a stimulus to further social and pedagogical study of the phenomenon of childish prank, including modern forms of its manifestation. The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 16-06-00648.
Volkov P. B., Nagovicyn R. S.

Key words: modular training, core competencies, duties


The article presents options for diagnostics of key competences of students of the Pedagogical University in the Unit study to assess its results. It is anticipated that the introduction of diagnostic options will make the transition from traditional assessment tools for quantitative indicators to adapt modern means of assessment of learning outcomes, qualitative indicators. Subject to assessment levels forming the core competencies; traced the transition from competence to work functions on the basis of knowledge, skills and competences and match action through knowledge, skills and employment action. Diagnostic options are aimed at establishing a balance between competence on discipline and work function of a professional standard; planning and predicting the outcomes of learning. Testing of diagnostic options takes the form of face-to-face and distance learning through the individual and collective work with different age groups of students. The structure of the discipline consists of 3 modules. Mastering the content of educational material for each module of discipline contributes to competence. Analysis of results level of competency formed graduates confirms the efficacy of use in educational process of Pedagogical University unit training, improved the quality of graduates and form competence. The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project №16-16-18003.
Kolesnikova I. A.

Key words: continuous education, individual educational route, retrospective reflection.


The article presents a variant of studying of the individual educational path in the system of continuous education. The subject of reflection was the experience and results of the author's learning throughout life (the period from the mid-1950s to the present). Retrospective reflection is used as a research method. Attention is given to: a) a line of advancement in the system of formal education with the reasons and motives for choosing further route and forms of learning; b) the specificity of the life contexts of learning at its different stages; c) personal characteristics of teachers, which determined the value orientations in advancing along the professional pedagogical path. Among the conditions that stimulate the continuation of education are: the continuous expansion of the range of professional functions and activities; openness to intergenerational, interdisciplinary, inter-paradigm communication. Specific examples show the possibility for integrating any results of learning into the context of professional-pedagogical activities. The proposed logic of considering an individual educational path can find an expanded application both for research purposes and within the framework of self-knowledge.
Tarasov M. I.

Key words: rhetoric, narrative, story and the show, narrative transformation, narrative distribution, algorithm for learning the story.


In the article in ontological and methodological terms is considered the phenomenon of rhetoric as narrative text. The article substantiates the necessity of changing the educational paradigm in the teaching of the Russian language, taking into account the important role of rhetoric in the process. There are three components of the narrative text as a rhetorical phenomenon: 1) narrative as a sequence of predicates, 2) a set of rules and models of the narrative transformation, 3) a set of rules and models of narrative distribution. Are analyzed in detail two modes of narration: the story and the show. Provides specific examples illustrating the steps involved in constructing a rhetorical narrative. As illustrative material used in the article as an original literary texts and texts from manuals in the style of the XIX century. The article provides a learning algorithm to create a rhetorical narrative. There are the following stages of this process: oral and written retelling of narrative texts, transformed retelling, an expanded paraphrase, compilation of texts for this model. The article also contains the author's reflections about the place of rhetoric in the modern educational process.
Oreshkin V. G.

Key words: artistic text, lyrical work, pedagogical workshop, effective analysis method, linguistic-rhetorical analysis.


The article deals with pedagogical approaches to reading and understanding the lyrics. The author aims to identify the reasons for the difficulties and negative attitudes towards lyrical poetry that arise among modern students of different ages. He also offers some options for technological solutions to this problem within the various levels and forms of education. The author fixes the contradiction between the emotional basis of the lyrical work and the methods of teaching artistic reading adopted in the system of modern education. The author shows the potential of the technology "pedagogical workshop", as well as the effective analysis method and linguistic-rhetorical analysis. On an example of the poetic collection of Russian contemporary poet E. Raevsky the prospects of rhetorical analysis in the course of acquaintance of the reader with the rhetorical ideal and logosphere of a particular author is shown. The article is of interest for teachers of literature, methodologists, and workers in the sphere of additional education. The article is of interest for teachers of literature, methodologists, and workers in the sphere of additional education.
Oksina I. Y.

Key words: competence, job analysis, socio-personal competences, the graduate College.


The article tells about the study, organized on the basis of Petrozavodsk technical school of municipal economy, which prepares specialists in the field of construction. It was attended by the graduates of the Department "Construction and operation of buildings and constructions". Formation of competence of future specialists is an urgent problem of modern professional education. Competence-based approach involves the construction of educational process taking into account the results of education: in the curriculum or course laid the parameters of what the student will know and be able to "output". Job analysis of the specialty "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" also contains a set of competencies that graduates should have. The focus of our research has been highlighted in Sartakova E. M. social-personal competence of graduates: personal, communicative, information. Sartakova E. M., socio-personal competence is a set of competencies, which refer to the person as an individual and to the interaction of the individual with other people, group and society. On this basis, it is important to examine these personal characteristics of College graduates, as communicative abilities, the level of trust to himself and to others, as well as important professional and personal qualities such as purposefulness, ability to plan, stress tolerance, risk tolerance and other.
Kuzmina D. Y.

Key words: quiz, intercultural world outlook, intercultural pedagogic competence.


The author of the article shares experience of using such an interactive form of work as a quiz at the English lesson. The quiz, aimed at forming the intercultural competence of Bachelors of Pedagogy (junior students), was focused on the following topics: “Character and Appearance”, “Education in Great Britain”, “London. Attractions”. The purpose of the article is to distinguish the peculiarities of the quiz, the usage of which enables to form the intercultural world outlook of students. The quiz includes 3 stages. It may be considered of great importance while evaluating students’ attainment levels. There are traditional quizzes in the form of alternative, multiple choice questions and questions with a free answer. Assessment of students’ intercultural abilities can be conducted in the form of attitudinal tests, culture assimilator tests, cultural awareness tests. The ascertaining and educational experiments allow us to assume that the implemented form of work has had a positive effect on developing background knowledge of students and contributed to forming the intercultural competence. Some suggestions given in the article may make teachers and students of pedagogical faculties interested in them.
Zhurinskaya E. E.

Key words: regional system of continuous vocational education, risk management, measures to overcome risks, personnel policy.


The article deals with the risks that arise in the development process in a branch of the regional university in the pedagogical and in the staffing aspect. The problem of risk management in the development of the regional system of lifelong education is analyzed on the basis of the experience of Vyborg Institute (branch) of Pushkin Leningrad State University, which implements programs of secondary vocational education, higher education and additional professional education in the social and humanitarian sphere. The author describes the groups of risks, including: excess institutions offering similar educational services, program mismatch, unreasonable funding, a decrease in the quality of training entrants, inability to find employment, etc. The measures to overcome each of these risks are proposed. The tendencies that contribute to the successful implementation of the personnel policy, as well as scenarios of the own and regional development of the branch of the University located on the border territory are considered. The materials of the article can be used by the leaders of regional education.
Averyanova M. N., Kirt N. L.

Key words: innovative educational structures, continuing education (life-long learning education), continuity of education, pre-university, profile of training, networking.


The article considers the problem of continuity of school and university education, creation of a new educational environment "School - University" in Russia. This review was prepared within the framework of the project for developing the model and concept of the innovative educational complex "University School of the Future 5.0" in Petrozavodsk State University. The aim of the work is to identify the forms, conditions, peculiarities and problems of implementing the work of the university with schoolchildren, aimed at preparing students for continuing education at a new educational level. Based on the analysis of history and the current state of interaction between universities and schools, the main models for creating innovative educational structures in higher education are highlighted: preparatory courses, olympiads, summer schools and Internet schools, full-fledged schools at universities or pre-university, profile classes in basic schools. The authors present specific characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each model. Particular attention in the article is given to the analysis of the process of implementing projects for the creation of university schools. The generalization of the existing experience in Russia makes it possible to determine common features and approaches in the field of profiling the education in conditions of continuing education in the integrative system "school-university".
Bashmanova E. L.

Key words: technological innovations, precariat, regional educational policy, family, professional choice, professional self-determination.


The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the social and pedagogical consequences of the spread of technological innovations which lead to dramatic changes in the structure of employment. Using the metaphor of the "snowball" by W. Buffett and the concept of "tragedy of status frustration" by H. Standing, the author emphasizes the special vulnerability of young people from the Russian regions in terms of the prospect of replenishing the precariat ranks. The article shows that in the situation of professional choosing the family is able to perform the function of a facilitator, but often does not have the intellectual, material and financial resources. This is evidenced by the data of a poll of senior pupils and their parents "Professional self-determination of high school students: problems and prospects", held in different districts of Kursk city of in order to determine the potential of the family in supporting their children. As the results of the research showed, parents are included in the process of life and professional self-determination of schoolchildren, they are eager to help them, but realize the limitations of resources. The author proposed to develop: 1. a model of parental competence in supporting children; 2. an education system to adapt parents to new social relations; 3 methods of diagnosis parent readiness to support children, 4. monitoring the resource provision of the family with the aim of providing it with comprehensive assistance.
Ignatovich E. V.

Key words: lifelong learning, lifelong education, linguistic-pedagogical analysis, historical-semantic analysis, permanent education, recurrent education, extended learning/ education.


The article presents the research outcomes of the interdisciplinary study of lifelong learning/ education (LLL/E) that are based on the analysis of terminological units that are associated with the concept: lifelong education/ learning, permanent education, recurrent education, continuing education, extended learning/education. The author proposes to distinguish three representations of LLL/E 1) ideas, concepts, notions, theory; 2) regional, institutional, state educational policy in this area; 3) the actual practice. The research data includes academic texts on LLL/E in the English and Russian languages; documents of the UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; the Google Books digital data from 1800 to 2008 in the English and Russian languages. The research methods: analysis of documents, contextual, historical, semantic analysis, analysis of statistical data. Based on the historical-semantic analysis, the author comes to a conclusion that the sphere of concepts presenting the ideas of LLL/E is heterogeneous and started to take shape in the nineteenth century. To date, there are differences in the interpretation and use of the basic terms (lifelong learning, lifelong education, continuing education) in North America and Europe. In Russia, the concept of lifelong learning is adapted only partially, there is no equivalent system of Continuing Education. The author highlights and briefly describes the contexts, in which the concept of lifelong learning is taking its shape: economic, social, cultural, civilizational, environmental, educational, institutional, and individual.