2017. № 4 (20). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2017.3769

Issue 4 (20)

Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning



Ignatovich Elena V.
Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages of natural and technical areas and specialties, the Institute of Foreign Languages, Petrozavodsk State University, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia
(Vancouver, Canada)
lifelong learning
lifelong education
linguistic-pedagogical analysis
historical-semantic analysis
permanent education
recurrent education
extended learning/ education.
Abstract: The article presents the research outcomes of the interdisciplinary study of lifelong learning/ education (LLL/E) that are based on the analysis of terminological units that are associated with the concept: lifelong education/ learning, permanent education, recurrent education, continuing education, extended learning/education. The author proposes to distinguish three representations of LLL/E 1) ideas, concepts, notions, theory; 2) regional, institutional, state educational policy in this area; 3) the actual practice. The research data includes academic texts on LLL/E in the English and Russian languages; documents of the UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; the Google Books digital data from 1800 to 2008 in the English and Russian languages. The research methods: analysis of documents, contextual, historical, semantic analysis, analysis of statistical data. Based on the historical-semantic analysis, the author comes to a conclusion that the sphere of concepts presenting the ideas of LLL/E is heterogeneous and started to take shape in the nineteenth century. To date, there are differences in the interpretation and use of the basic terms (lifelong learning, lifelong education, continuing education) in North America and Europe. In Russia, the concept of lifelong learning is adapted only partially, there is no equivalent system of Continuing Education. The author highlights and briefly describes the contexts, in which the concept of lifelong learning is taking its shape: economic, social, cultural, civilizational, environmental, educational, institutional, and individual.
Paper submitted on: 11/24/2017; Accepted on: 12/04/2017; Published online on: 12/22/2017.




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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2017.3769