2017. № 3 (19). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (19)

Discussion platform



Serikov Vladislav
the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Deputy Director of the Institute for the Development of Education Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education
pedagogical theory and practice
pedagogical texts
thinking of the teacher-practitioner
interaction between the theory and practice of education.
Abstract: the article considers the nature of pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical activity on the basis of the humanitarian paradigm and the analysis of the experience of pedagogical research, also the complex collisions and paradoxes that arise in the process of their interaction. The author reveals the reasons for the low relevance of pedagogical science in the practice of education. This is due, on the one hand, to the poor quality of pedagogical research itself, on the other hand, to the peculiarity of the thinking of practical workers in the sphere of education, the logic of which does not coincide with the conceptual structure of scientific texts. The article points out the shortcomings of pedagogical studies and the forms of presentation of their results, which cause a negative attitude towards them of teachers and students − future teachers. It is emphasized that both the problems and the forms of the presentation of the results of scientific research are often not aimed at their use in the practice of education. The author proposes a set of key concepts that should be used to ensure the feasibility of the conclusions of pedagogical research. These are: the goals of pedagogical activity (or process) as a project of changes in the personality of pupils, the content − a pedagogically revised type of cultural experience, the conditions (psychological mechanism) of its assimilation, the pedagogical technologies as the way of actualizing these conditions, the criteria for results evaluation. The article gives a critical analysis of outdated methodological approaches to understanding the integrity and self-movement of pedagogical systems, the subject-activity nature of pedagogical reality is considered. As a result, it is concluded that the integration of pedagogical theory and practice is possible with their «oncoming» movement, which implies an improvement in the quality of scientific and pedagogical products and ensuring «science intensity», the orientation toward the science of the practice of education itself.
Paper submitted on: 08/11/2017; Accepted on: 08/31/2017; Published online on: 09/22/2017.


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