Kolesnikova I. Meaning and logic of training the theacher for upbringing (as a reaction to the emergence of a professional standard of specialist in education). LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2017. № 1 (17). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2017.3404

Issue 1 (17)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


Meaning and logic of training the theacher for upbringing (as a reaction to the emergence of a professional standard of specialist in education)

Kolesnikova Irina
D. Sc., full professor
Full member of the International Academy of Humanization of Education
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
professional standard
educational competence
Abstract: The reason for writing the article was the appearance in Russia of a professional standard regulating the activity of a specialist in the field of education. The author, basing on half a century of experience in theoretical and practical work in the field of education (1967-2017), sets out his understanding of the meaning and mission of modern education, as well as the logic of training a competent teacher-educator. Against the backdrop of the crisis of the educational potential of society, education is treated as a work to preserve and develop the human quality in its philosophical understanding. The article reveals the specificity of the socio-psychological context that determines the professional position of the teacher as a tutor, provides a list of methodologically significant components of the content of university training and considers the logic of its organization. Particular attention is paid to the need for the formation of methodological and praxeological bases of educational activity at all stages of continuous professional education of the teacher. The proposed author's approach to teacher training has passed a long successful testing at various levels of continuous education (school, university, teacher training college, institution of advanced training), and can be used in designing programs, taking into account the new standard requirements.
Paper submitted on: 03/05/2017; Accepted on: 03/11/2017; Published online on: 03/22/2017.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2017.3404