Georgiadi A., Georgiadi A. On the choice of educational web resource. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2017. № 1 (17). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (17)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education


On the choice of educational web resource

Georgiadi Alexandra
assistant of the Department of English Philology of Foreign Languages Institute of the Tavrida National V.I. Vernadsky University
(Simferopol, Russia)
Georgiadi Alexander
senior lecturer of the Department of the theory of language, literature, and sociolinguistics of Foreign Languages Institute of the Tavrida National V.I. Vernadsky University
(Simferopol, Russia)
web resources
educational platforms
cloud computing
Abstract: The paper analyses the issue of choice of educational web-resources from the standpoint of university lecturer. It focuses on the need to organize educational activities with consideration of the basic characteristics of web resource as an information system that provides access to content by using a certain set of technical means and technologies. The authors discuss possibilities and limitations of popular platforms used in distance and blended learning; evaluate the effectiveness of their use from the standpoint of higher school lecturer; outline a range of issues affecting selection criteria of electronic educational resource at organization level and personally by lecturer. Cloud technologies are viewed as an alternative type of web resource with great potential for education whose use is fraught with risks caused by lack of adequate international legal framework. The combined use of different type web resources with regard to learning objectives and specifics of a particular audience is considered as a perspective direction. The article is debatable, its conclusions may be of interest to educators carrying out research in the field of education informatization, teachers integrating traditional and new teaching methods in their practice, and professionals engaged in the organization and control of information technologies implementation at the institution level.
Paper submitted on: 02/16/2017; Accepted on: 02/28/2017; Published online on: 03/22/2017.

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