Ruess A., Hildebrandt E. Professionalisation in co-teaching by reflection and co-construction - importance for internships in tandem. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2017. № 1 (17). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (17)

Education Management in an open global society


Professionalisation in co-teaching by reflection and co-construction - importance for internships in tandem

Ruess A
Master of Education,
researcher and teacher of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Development of the Pedagogical University of the North-West of Switzerland
(Brug-Windisch, Switzerland)
Hildebrandt E
Master of Education,
Head of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Development of the Pedagogical University of the North-West of Switzerland, full member of the International Academy of Humanization of Education
(Brug-Windisch, Switzerland)
Abstract: based on international research and a qualitative study concerning joint planning sessions with experienced teachers working in Switzerland, ways of improving the use of teacher training tandem internships to generate increased professionalization are discussed. The focus is on opportunities to use new forms of collaborative planning, reflection and implementation during internships. In particular, reflection and co-construction will be considered. The aim is to present the results of the experimental work on the organization of joint teaching on the basis of the concept of professional practice developed at the Institute of Primary Education of the Pedagogical University of the Northwest of Switzerland. Particular attention is paid to collective reflection and co-design as a source of professionalization when working in a team. The advantages and disadvantages of joint teaching are shown. In real practice, co-construction is reflected in the detailed planning of activities in the classroom in relation to goals, content, methods, materials, mechanisms. As a subject of reflection, the education or behavior of students dominates. At the same time there is almost no reflection of the process of joint teaching, self-reflection. Reflection by both students and experi-enced teachers is carried out mainly on a descriptive level, rather than on a comparative or critical one. The authors emphasize that the professionalization of students in tandem practice requires that teachers in schools and universities are competent in group reflection and co-design.
Paper submitted on: 02/19/2017; Accepted on: 03/02/2017; Published online on: 03/22/2017.

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