Список литературы
1. Action plan for the implementation of the key project and reforms (published in English 18 February 2016), Government Publications, Helsinki, 1/2016. 104 p. URL: (дата обращения 28.08.2017).
2. Bourner T., Rospigliosi A., Heath L. The fully-functioning university and its contribution to the advancement of knowledge // Higher Education Review. 2016. Vol. 48. № 2. P. 51−71.
3. Education lies at the Heart of Society − publication series of the Ministry of Education and Culture's of Finland, Helsinki, 2016. URL: (дата обращения 28.08.2017).
4. Finland, a Land of Solutions. Strategic Programme of Prime Minister Juha Sipila’s Government, 29 May, 2015, Government Publications, Helsinki, 12/2015. 80 p. URL: (дата обращения 28.08.2017).
5. Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences on the Verge of a New Era: Value, Viability and Visibility of International Education, publication series of JAMK University of Applied Sciences. 2017.
6. Finnish Education in a Nutshell (in Russian) − publication series of the Ministry of Education and Culture's of Finland, Helsinki – 2017. URL: (дата обращения 28.08.2017).
7. Key projects reform Finnish education − publication series of the Ministry of Education and Culture's of Finland, Helsinki – 2016. URL: (дата обращения 28.08.2017).
8. OPINTOJAKSOKUVAUKSET 2017−2018, Teknillinen tiedekunta, Vaasan yliopisto, 2017. 155 s.
9. См. сайт URL: www. (дата обращения 28.08.2017).