List of abstracts, 2014 all issues
issue 1 (5)
From the Editors | |
Kolesnikova I. A. Key words: lifelong learning, culture, culture of lifelong learning, continuity of education, behavior in the educational setting, management of lifelong education. | The culture of lifelong learning: rationale of the concept
This paper aims to propose and substantiate the concept of lifelong learning culture pertaining to modern learning society and characterize social and pedagogical environment appropriate for this concept. The following methods were used: a) theoretical analysis of terminological phrases integrating cultural and educational meanings; analysis of publications and statements freely available on the Internet which reflect a range of lifelong learning issues; b) the author's reflection on the experience of working in the system of lifelong learning; c) local polls. The culture of lifelong learning is evolving in society along with the accumulation and spreading of ways of free continuing education. Relating to an individual, the culture of lifelong learning is an integrative characteristic of capacity for personal development through continuing education. It reflects the extent and quality of competencies in this field. An opportunity of lifelong learning sets new tasks in front of people of different ages. They need to have specific competencies and be constantly able to continue their education, whilst the educational forms should be in line with a cultural level of society. The author adheres to the logic of considering lifelong education to be comprised of formal (basic and professional), non-formal, and informal (spontaneous) and outlines typical educational situations. These situations require certain «culture» which defines the prospects of lifelong education and a strategy of one's behavior in the educational setting. The culture of lifelong learning is also connected in the article with the control of multilevel education. As a result of the study, new theoretical ideas on individual culture of lifelong learning and its components are offered. The typical tasks which require the building of competencies to define a culture of lifelong learning from the perspective of a learner are outlined. Modern educational management is related in the article to the continuity of education, while each stage of education is considered as a part of the whole. Actions and social conditions essential for building the culture of lifelong learning are determined. |
Selivanov V. V., Selivanova L. N. Key words: psychological education, continuity of education, «from abstract to concrete» principle in teaching, system of lifelong education, subjective psychological approach, virtual reality, education software in virtual environment. | The model of lifelong psychological education system
The presented paper aims to summarize the experience in the development of lifelong psychological education system in Smolensk and draw the attention of psychologists, teachers, and education workers to the issues of lifelong learning (including psychological education). The system of lifelong psychological education exists in Smolensk since 1996. It has been carried out in accordance with a subjective psychological approach, which addresses the issues of a learner's self-regulation, personal identity, self-determination, and self-education (lifelong education) at all ages – for meaningful participation in life. The authors emphasize the feasibility of introducing a unified system of lifelong psychological education in Russia available for everyone: from 5-7 year-old children to senior citizens. The system includes studying psychology in preschool educational institutions, in secondary schools and universities (including the faculties of psychology), as well as studying psychology by adults and senior citizens. According to the authors’ model, studying the mental world at preschool age is performed with the help of an experimental textbook. The following methods are used: summary of teaching experience, a laboratory experiment, a formative experiment. The research is based on the experience of work with the graduates of the Smolensk preschool gymnasium for talented children and of other preschool institutions (over 300 people), school students from Smolensk and Moscow, and 26 elderly people. Long-term experimental studies have shown that the early study of the basic psychology has a positive effect on cognitive development of 5-7 year-old children. It increases their creativity, develops self-regulation, brings inner harmony, helps to prepare for school, raises subjectivity and self-confidence. Educational programs for elderly people give them an opportunity of better integration in modern society, help them manage their emotional experiences, stay positive, and rethink their life, do not let them lose the meaning of life. The authors come to the conclusion that teaching basic psychology for all above listed groups of people makes both a psychological training system and a lifelong educational cycle complete. |
Lebedeva S. S. Key words: lifelong education, people with disabilities, the disabled, social group, integration into society, inclusive education. | Lifelong education of the disabled as a social group
The article aims to show the prospects for the development of lifelong education system for the disabled people. The information base for the analysis consists of the material of 19 scientific conferences on education of people with disabilities which were held from 1994 to 2013 at the Institute of Adult Education of the Russian Academy of Education, St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work, and St. Petersburg vocational rehabilitation center. A number of people with disabilities (including experts) from Leningrad region, St. Petersburg, and other Russian cities, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Finland, and Germany took part in these conferences. The author considers three modern methodological approaches to the study of education for the disabled – systemic and structural, personal and humanitarian, cultural and historical – and their heuristic potential. In addition to that, the author discusses the existing components of the educational system for disabled people of all ages and argues that the continuity of the components should be provided by the government, society, and science. The outlook for further research based upon author's long-term hands-on experience of social and educational work is presented. The specific measures to improve a holistic system of lifelong education for disabled people as a social group are proposed. |
Avanesian I. D. Key words: upbringing, the process of upbringing, the pedagogy of common care, partner- ship between generations, collective creative activity | The pedagogy of common care as an educational resource of the XXI century
The article examines the views of the academician I. P. Ivanov (1923–1992) on a pedagogical system from a modern perspective. I. P. Ivanov was the Makarenko award holder and the author of a theory of collective creative education with its main principles of humanism, part- nership between generations, democracy, common care. The paper aims to justify the importance of the pedagogy of common care as a developing system and to reveal the opportunities of collective creative education in the modern educational practice. The subject matter is an educational partner- ship between generations in social life and teaching practice. The method of reflection is used to discuss the universal nature of it in the personal experience of a growing person. Humanitarian creative collaboration is considered as an effective type of modern education relationships. The key Ivanov's idea of collaboration and care has a social meaning and makes a contribution to the process of upbringing. The author also acknowledges its intrinsic value for the process of education. It means the evolution of personal attitude to different sides of life, to other people and themselves and overcoming of one's own negative traits and negative aspects of life. The process of upbringing is presented as a multilevel process of common care. Common care is the foundation of cooperation between children and adults. It aims to improve the lives of everyone, the present and future life. These ideas are essential for a contradictory situation in modern education. The results of a survey among St. Petersburg school teachers and students of educational programs at the Institute of Humanities at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University are presented. They expressed their opinion on the ideas of collective creative education in the modern world. The out- comes of the survey illustrate the power of the pedagogy of common care at modern scientific and practical level. |
Bermus A. G. Key words: development and modernization of teacher education, competence-based approach, pedagogical component of university education, regional education infrastructure. | Pedagogical component of the multy-level profession-oriented university education
This paper focuses on the content and the prospects of modernization of pedagogical education at a federal university. The range of issues connected with updating the content and teacher education infrastructure is considered within a framework of the CDIO standards. A pedagogical component of university education is outlined as a result of the conducted research. It is based on the general pedagogical component aimed to build three basic competences – self-education, social and pedagogical, and teaching. The key element of building a self-education competence is a mandatory course «Introduction to a Professional Practice» which consists of several modules and provides comprehensive psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students. In addition to that, it gives a preliminary overview of both professional practice and an individual educational pathway. Social and educational practices vary due to a student's field of interest. Building the social and pedagogical competence is provided by the range of these practices. Finally, students are introduced to the course «Fundamentals of Teaching Professional Practice» which contributes to bachelors' mobility in the job market after graduation. Besides, it allows those who want to continue their education, pursue Master's degree in teaching. Along with a pedagogical module for all university faculties, the bachelor programs of academic (general) and applied teaching are available. An academic field refers to pursuing a Master's degree and future career as a researcher, an expert in education, and an education official. An applied field is focused both on building a subject-matter, social and educational, psychological and pedagogical competences and pursuing a professional career in educational institutions of a region. The Master's programs are developed in a similar way. Institutional infrastructure plays an essential role in the process of modernization. It consists of a regional center for monitoring the recruitment and professional educational needs, the system of regional learning and teaching associations which are responsible for the development of educational standards and programs, and a regional center for tutoring and consulting to guide an individual educational pathway. |
Miroshnikova O. K. Key words: inter-university cooperation, strategies of continuing education, European Universities' Charter on Lifelong Learning, inter-university scientific and research projects | Global inter-university cooperation as a factor of the lifelong learning paradigm development
The university is carrying out an educational integration policy in the context of transition to the knowledge economy, which involves the implementation of the concept of lifelong learning. Cooperation between universities is critical for lifelong education; it is performed as part of educational and research projects and programs of the European Union, the Council of Europe, UNESCO, OECD, the European University Association, the European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN), and other international institutions and organizations. The article aims to evaluate the involvement of Russian universities in the development of the European continuing education environment based on theoretical and comparative analysis. The author analyzed the quantitative representation of Russian universities in international organizations, which promote continuing education in Europe, and compared it with other European universities. In addition to that, the general information on inter-university educational and research projects which help to test, assess, exchange, and spread innovative technologies and strategies of continuing education is presented in the article. A comparative analysis of the information available on the websites of the largest European organizations of continuing education was conducted. Among them are the European University Association, the European University Continuing Education Network, the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education. The analysis revealed that the participation of most of the European universities in the above mentioned organizations is much higher than the participation of Russian universities. In general, Russian universities are still out of the main European professional networks for the development of continuing education. Participation in them will allow Russian universities to transfer to fundamentally new educational models tested through the implementation of international projects and programs. The presented data may be useful to study current trends in inter-university cooperation in the field of continuing education and support the integration of Russian universities into the European educational environment |
Soldado R. M., Megías M. G., Haywood J. Key words: open educational resources (OER), open educational programmes, open educational online courses, certification, learning recognition. | Open learning recognition in traditional universities
The paper explores the implementation of open learning in the European university system. The concept of open learning is based on the use of open educational resources (OER), such as open educational programs and open online courses. The authors demonstrate the following advantages of open educational resources: education cost savings, an ability to continuously improve the educational content, accessibility and efficiency of education, changes in traditional educational practice. The examples of international cooperation on the development and promotion of OER are provided. Specifically, the results of the project "OERtest - Testing an Open Education Resource Framework for Europe" coordinated by the University of Granada are presented in the article. The emphasis is placed on the development of tools for the assessment and certification of learning outcomes achieved through the use of open educational resources. Particularly, eight different scenarios of OER-based learning recognition by traditional universities are considered. They were created by the project group and are feasible to be implemented in institutions of higher education. The paper covers all the possible situations in which the certification will be completed by a university or a consortium of universities. They are discussed from the viewpoint of a university which is being asked by a student to process the accreditation of OER-based learning. The authors analyze the following scenarios: both regular studying and studying of an OER module at the same university; student exchange programmes similar to Erasmus which are based on trust relationship between different European universities in the Bologna Process and on the use of ECTS credit system; studying of an OER module at a university with no trust relationship with home university of a student. The situation when a learner is not a university student, but wants to get specific academic credits is also discussed in the article. Besides, open educational resources can be also accessed from home, without attending a university. The authors aim to make the process of OER-based learning easier to understand for traditional universities. The set of scenarios allows a university to evaluate the range of possibilities for providing open educational resources. Most of the scenarios provide an increased flexibility of educational programmes for students in their home universities. If universities become the certification centers of non-formal learning outcomes, a massive open online course model (MOOC) will be able to provide higher education under certain conditions to those wishing to pursue it online. The original article is freely available. Montes R., Gea M., Haywood J. Reconocimiento del aprendizaje abierto en las universidades tradicionales // Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers. 2013. Vol. 4 (2). P. 82–94. URL: The material is obtained within the project partly funded by the European project OERtest EACEA Lifelong Learning Program OERtest: Testing an Open Education Resource Framework for Europe (agreement 510718-LLP-2010-ES-ERASMUS-EVC). The presented article reflects only the authors' point of view, the European Commission is not re-sponsible for the content or opinions expressed therein. |
Serikov V. V. Key words: teaching activity, self-development ability, educational task, the image of educational reality, professional performance level, unique educational framework of a teacher. | Teachers' preparation to lifelong self-development
The article discusses the ways to overcome the crisis in teacher education and to prepare teachers for lifelong professional self-development. The analysis of the social research results, the practice of pedagogical universities, and the official information from the Ministry of Education and Science leads to the conclusion that it is impossible to train a qualified teacher at the current content and technologies of teacher education. The problem is in the discrepancy between teacher education and teachers' professional activities. Traditionally, future teachers learn academic subjects which cannot give a holistic understanding of their profession. The paper proposes to organize the study material within the framework of key teacher's professional tasks and situations. Future teachers are supposed to study the modules instead of traditional academic disciplines. In these modules theory will be integrated with case-studies and real teaching practice. Consequently, students acquire not only the knowledge, but also the values, the model of profession, and practical experience. The most important indicator of teacher's professional competence is self-development ability. The educational reality requires continuous updating of technology, a successful technique should not be repeated. It is determined by rapid expansion of information, the development of the content and standards of education, changes in children's and parents' psychology. The author proposes the technologies to prepare a teacher to professional and personal self-development as well as the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the process. The result of successful professional self-development is a unique educational framework adapted to a teacher's personality and ensuring possibilities for personal fulfillment. The author's conclusions are based on observations and experiments; the research participants were teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges in southern Russia. The study was sponsored by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science under the assignment №2014/411 (in the field of scientific activity), project code 911. |
Glebova G. F. Key words: regional lifelong education system, social partnership, corporate professional development, innovative educational environment, innovative educational school management, attractive center for lifelong education. | The topical issues of classic university and school cooperation in the regional system of lifelong learning
The article is dedicated to the topical issues of social partnership in education. The author considers the cooperation between secondary and higher education institutions as a promising direction for the development of regional lifelong education system and educational management and demonstrates the effectiveness of the suggested approaches. The content and the ways of social partnership between the school and the university are discussed as an academic teaching support of the development of an innovative educational environment in a region. One of the effective steps to this collaboration is establishing an «attractive center» for lifelong education at university. The article discusses the participation of Smolensk State University in the organization of the Center of Educators’ Advanced Training and Development of Educational Systems. Its major activities and areas of focus are outlined. The Center aims to contribute to the development of a regional lifelong education system by the collaboration between the school and the university, and to create an innovative educational environment for the professional retraining and development of teachers and school principals. The result of the Center's practice is demonstrated by two model systems. The first one is based on the school-university cooperation in order to increase the effectiveness of the information and communication technologies in the educational process. The second one is the model of creating school specializations at rural schools. Both models have been approved at interregional research conferences and tested at schools of the Smolensk Region. The author discusses the content and peculiarities of the cooperation between the university and other regional educational institutions in the framework of the international project TEMPUS IV «Networking among the partner universities in the implementation of a multilevel system of training and advanced training in educational management». Particular emphasis is placed on the corporate professional development courses invented by university and school professionals. Additionally, the author suggests the way to organize the preparation of school students, teachers, and principals for the final academic assessment – the Unified State Exam. |
Voropaev M. V. Key words: school, school's identity, innovation, organizational deviation, variofication | School's identity and organizational deviations of school as a cultural and historical form
The article examines the changing state of the school as a social institution in the context of the education reform. The school is considered as the unity of ideal predetermined structure and real structure due to working and personal relationship. The essential primary and secondary features of the school are determined in the article. The primary features are location, integration to the local educational system, the implementation of educational technology; the secondary features are time frame of activity, focus on children, adolescents, and young adults, use of classroom group learning. The article uses the concept of «organizational deviation» in order to define the situation in a modern Russian school system when the qualitative and quantitative goals, which are to be achieved according to the Federal State Education Standards, are constantly falling short. Among the factors which determine the functions of the school as a social institution are educational technologies, human recourses (students and teachers), financial, economic, material and technical resources, institutional and regulatory structures, controlling). The reasons of the most serious organizational deviations are connected with a critical imbalance of these factors. In addition to that, current education regulations have been analyzed, and the author comes to the conclusion that these regulations are the sources of organizational deviations as well. The examples of innovations which become deviations (so called «variofications») are considered in the article. The author also presents and explains two extreme types of school organizational deviations: «school-cloud» and «school-inferno». The author states that the above-mentioned problems of the school system are caused by unsystematic and even destructive actions of education authorities. The school is viewed as a cultural and historical institution, and any radical reforms or substitution of the school by other institution will result in a radical change in the society. |
Vasileva Y. Y., Ignatovich Y. V. Key words: approaches to education and learning, deep approach, surface approach, deep education, transdisciplinarity. | Deep approach to education in foreign studies: subject matter, features, the problem of translation
The article is dedicated to the deep approach, which has spread in the foreign theory and practice starting from the mid-1970s. The presented interdisciplinary research is based on more than 50 English-language sources freely available on the Internet. The following methods were used: the analysis of publications and foreign websites, generalization, content-analysis, modeling, lexical and semantic analysis, mathematical and statistical methods of data processing, etc. The concept of deep approach has broad and narrow meanings. In the narrow sense, student who takes it, aims to gain an insight into a subject, create inter- and metadisciplinary connections, take a broad and deep view of the studied material, relate new material to previous knowledge, etc. The deep approach is opposed to the surface approach. The latter implies learning to repeat what have been learnt and memorizing only the information needed for tests and exams. Both approaches and their characteristics are discussed in the article, as well as the factors influencing the choice of an approach and the role of teachers who also can take deep and surface approaches. The broad meaning of the deep approach is presented in the research of F. V. Tochon. The following significant features of this phenomenon are highlighted: transdisciplinary, transformative, integrative, meaningful, holistic, global, process-oriented, and responsible. The prerequisites for the emergence of a new philosophical interpretation of the approach are examined in the article. In addition to that, the authors determine deep ecology, deep democracy, deep economics, deep culture, and deep linguistics as transdisciplinary concepts and give the possible translations of the terms «deep approach», «deep education», «deep university» to the Russian language. At the end of the article a short glossary of the key terms used to describe the deep approach to education is presented. The authors also outline the directions for the development of the ideas of deep approach in the theory and practice of education and relate the research perspectives of lifelong education with the deep approach. |
issue 2 (6)
From the Editors | |
Robotova A. S. Key words: lifelong learning, methodology, methodological approach, the biographical method | On methodology of studying the lifelong learning phenomenon
The paper attempts to examine certain methodological issues associated with the study of the lifelong learning phenomenon. Lifelong learning, or learning throughout the life, has become a topical social and educational issue; it can be proved by an increasing number of publications and studies of this topic in different areas of science knowledge. The author analyzes current tendencies in the study of lifelong learning by referring to the titles of research papers and notes that the different professions and occupations have become the subject of various research studies. The author attributes methodological uncertainty and vagueness to many studies of lifelong learning, which is reflected in the choice of major research approaches. The author states that methodological basis of research is often limited to a mere listing of different approaches without substantiation and justification. Thus, studies are inconsistent as they involve discrete and unconnected approaches, theories, concepts, categories, and references. Methodological vagueness leads to the conceptual gaps in a study of the lifelong learning phenomenon and misunderstanding of its complicated and holistic matter, which can be determined as the unity of opposites. The author draws attention to the fact that researchers tend to be more interested in the social content of lifelong learning and underrate its personal value. However, lifelong learning is the phenomenon which is naturally related to one’s life, destiny, and life events. The modern studies are carried out over a long period of time, involve large data, and set aside the specifics of lifelong learning and its relation to an individual. Therefore, the specific details of individuals’ lifelong learning and typological generational tendencies are ignored. Moreover, if the subject of research is limited to school, college, university, or any institution, the process of lifelong education becomes interrupted, which leads to relative conclusions. This is partly due to insufficient attention to the humanities research methods, and the biographical method in particular. The observations and conclusions made in the article aim to improve the methodology of the lifelong learning research. |
Sergeeva N. Y. Key words: art, art pedagogy, art pedagogical support, art teaching activity, lifelong learning | Art pedagogy as a way to integrate lifelong education into humanities context
The article is dedicated to the substantiation of art pedagogy potential as a current way of introducing lifelong education into humanities context. It aims to outline the concept of art pedagogy – a new research area studying nature, regularities, principles, and tools of using art to address the diverse educational issues. The author specifies the subject field of art pedagogy, which is different from vocational profession-oriented art education, aesthetic education, and art therapy. The article briefly explains the relevance of turning to the art and art work at the present stage of society development and in the context of lifelong learning. It also describes the real-world examples provided by those whose job involves interpersonal interaction and who apply art pedagogy tools in their work. A conceptual field of art pedagogy as a scientific knowledge area is specified in the article. The author defines main concepts such as “art teaching activity”, “interaction in art pedagogy”, “art educational process”, “art pedagogical support”, “the principles of art pedagogy”, “art pedagogical class”, “art pedagogical case”. The analysis of the nature of art, its effects on people, historical and modern pedagogical practice allows to identify and elaborate the main target areas of art pedagogy: a) to create the conditions for a different, conceptually new perception, representation, and understanding of the education content; b) to optimize the conditions of pedagogical interaction; c) to run an implicit diagnostics. The author identifies and substantiates the following principles of art pedagogical support of lifelong learning: integration of pedagogical and art prospects in the educational process; artistic and imaginative presentation of the education content; spontaneity of self-expression through art; creative co-being of the participants of the educational process; the unity of conscious and unconscious, rational and irrational in the art pedagogy interaction; freedom of artwork interpretation; harmony between actions of a teacher and art pedagogy discourse. |
Terentyev K. Y. Key words: the youth, educational strategy, educational status, higher education, educational and professional pathway, professional identity, motivation for the choice | Higher education within the educational strategies of young people
The article presents the author's understanding of the educational strategies implemented by modern youth through the system of higher professional education. This understanding is based on a theoretical analysis and the conclusions supported by empirical research data. The paper attempts to identify motivation of young people to pursue higher education: what specifically motivates them to enter university for the first time – the desire to acquire knowledge or obtain a diploma. The theoretical basis of the study includes structural and functional sociological framework which reveals explicit and implicit functions of social institutions and structures; as well as the theory of educational and professional pathways by G.A. Cherednychenko which explains the implementation of young people's life plans through the continuity of educational institutions and further job search. The empirical analysis is based on the information derived from a survey conducted by the laboratory of social studies of Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU). The survey was carried out among Karelian high school students and students of PetrSU in 2012-2013 in the form of a questionnaire. It aimed to find out professional education aspirations of students. The two main functions of universities are transfer of knowledge and competencies and educational status recognition (diploma issuing). They form the basis for two educational strategies: professional- and status-oriented. Through the frequency estimation and factor analysis the results of the questionnaires were analyzed and compared to the revealed strategies. Factor analysis of the reasons for choosing basic components of educational strategy, such as a particular educational pathway, a level of professional education, and a school, has provided a better understanding of the deep motivation and the reasons behind those choices. As the result, the author identifies two lines for the development of educational strategies: orientation line (professional-oriented or education status-oriented) and implementation line (active or indifferent attitude). The findings can become the basis for the classification of educational strategies. |
Gorchakova-Sibirskaya M. P. Key words: informal education, sea cruise, competencies, training for tourism managers | Informal education on sea cruises: self-reflection
The paper attempts to classify the stages and the content of informal education obtained by the author during sea cruises. Based on the author's experience and subjective impressions of visiting 102 different countries and territories of all continents except Antarctica and their in-depth study, the paper analyzes the augmentation of knowledge, skills, competencies, and experience. The author draws attention to the fact that traveling is usually considered as a leisure activity with no educational purpose, and educational tourism is considered as a stagnant industry entirely focused on the study of foreign languages. However, tourists in the post-industrial society tend to need tours that combine leisure and education. The recognition of educational tourism as an effective educational technology does not solve the issue, as methodological guidelines for lifelong education of tourists do not exist. The article shows that cruise is a form of travel distinguished from any other forms by its information richness, variety of experience and its accumulation, integrated knowledge acquisition along with the development of the knowledge of foreign languages, countries, and the world's population. Informal education on cruises can be implemented by careful itinerary planning, travel immersion, the analysis and synthesis of cruise materials, self-reflection, and scientific substantiation of conclusions. Moreover, the author discusses the prospects and content of informal education on cruises and states that it can be considered as a professional education sector providing the basis for the training of tourism managers and teachers. The author concludes that it is reasonable to continue collaboration between teachers and representatives of travel agencies to develop the guidelines to meet the educational needs of modern tourists. Keywords: informal education, sea cruise, competencies, training for tourism managers. |
Ignatovich Y. V. Key words: lifelong education, readiness for lifelong education, a survey of school students | Readiness of 5th and 9th graders to continue education: a diagnostic study
The paper considers the readiness of 5th and 9th graders to continue education as a factor of the lifelong education development. A questionnaire-based pilot survey was conducted among 282 fifth-grades and 206 ninth-graders of five Petrozavodsk schools (the Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation). The initial results and preliminary analysis are presented in the article. The author discusses the problem and the concept of “readiness for lifelong education”, reveals certain aspects of this issue on the basis of the questionnaire results, highlights the risks occurring in the system of education. The preliminary survey results showed that a significant percentage of 5th- and 9th graders do not experience pleasure and satisfaction from the educational process and learning outcomes, defying the results of studying they are focused on the formal requirements and not interested in continuing their education after the 9th or 11th grades. The analysis revealed a number of contradictions between students' vision of their own learning outcomes and the requirements of the new federal state education standards, between global trends in economic development, expansion of knowledge-intensive high technology industries and students' major interest in humanities. The study indicates the problem of accumulation of negative feelings associated with the educational experience, which prevents conscious continuation of education. The perspectives for advanced research are proposed |
Kugan B. A., Krivolapova N. A., Tebenkova E. A. Key words: controlled positive social adjustment, social competence, socio-cultural situation, community-minded educational institution, network association | Modeling the regional network of lifelong positive social adjustment
The article is dedicated to the issue of positive social adjustment in the framework of lifelong education. Positive social adjustment of the younger generation of Russians is a strategic objective of modern educational system. In this regard, the development of new effective forms and technologies to help this process is a topical issue. The authors discuss the development and implementation of an open system for controlled lifelong positive social adjustment in the Kurgan region. Considering the requirements of the Federal State Education Standards, as well as the results of scientific research and expert view, the authors present the concept and the matrix of learners' social competence through social roles (student, friend, son / daughter, husband / wife, citizen, professional). According to the authors, building students’ social competence is focused not only on the transfer of social and cultural experience from one generation to another, but also on the development of an active and action-oriented person, capable of self-realization, positive social change, and creativity. The touchstone is the harmony between the achievement of social well-being and sense of personal happiness as the elements of a balanced value system. The authors analyze a current socio-cultural situation in the region and conclude that a large number of schools are in a «cultural desert». The paper discusses an effective practice of overcoming social and cultural constraints by establishing network associations (e.g. cultural and educational centers) in the Kurgan region to address urgent educational challenges. Educational institutions and associations were assessed regarding their social activity. It led to the development of the content of social adjustment programs «My Vmeste» («We are Together»), «Stanovlenie» («Formation»); the establishment of community-minded educational institutions; and the foundation of the Academy for Developmental Teaching. The authors describe the technology of the Academy establishment, management, and performance at the regional, municipal, and institutional levels. The authors consider the regional network of the younger generation's positive social adjustment as an attribute of their continuous social development. This conclusion is based on the diagnostic studies, public evaluation, and positive attitude expressed by the principals of schools and further education institutions. |
Nemirovskaya L. A. Key words: lifelong learning, adult education, returnees | New returnees in the system of lifelong education in Israel
The idea of "learning throughout the life" (hinuh leoreh haim) had been implemented in Israel even before the introduction of the term "lifelong learning" into the academic vocabulary as a special concept. The Jewish people are called "People of the Book", as children begin to study the Torah at the age of three, and for many of them it becomes a lifelong process. Thus, the practice of lifelong learning is inherent in Israel and based on cultural traditions. This idea becomes particularly relevant for Israel as a country of returnees. In the present article, the author defines the functions of lifelong learning as well as its formal, non-formal, and informal aspects specific to Israel and analyzes the role of each of these aspects. As the author emphasizes, the main purpose of lifelong education is the holistic personal development. Furthermore, the paper reveals the subtasks that arise at certain stages of life, depending on the issues and challenges specific to a certain life period, and in particular to the period of repatriation. The article examines the practice of incorporating returning immigrants into the system of lifelong education in Israel, which promotes their integration into a new social environment. The targets, the content, and the process of adult returnees' education in Israel are analyzed in the article. The suggested conclusions are based on the analysis of the empirical data (interviews, questionnaires) and the author's personal experience of involvement in the adult education system as a participant of the Hebrew language courses (ulpan) upon arrival in Israel, psychology courses to prepare for the group work with adults, as well as further experience of lectureship for adult returnees and coordinating the adolescent club for those whose families immigrated from the former Soviet Union. The article presents the author's observations of the period from the mid-1990s to the present. They can be considered in the process of international cooperation on the lifelong adult education issues and can be applied to improve the government policy on the successful integration of new returnees. |
Vikulina O. V. Key words: assessment, lifelong learning, communicative competence, professional communication, lawyer, university, foreign language for specific purposes | Assessing language for specific purposes at the faculty of law from the perspective of lifelong learning
The article examines the various interpretations of the lifelong learning concept in Russia and abroad and compares the forms of lifelong education in different countries. The author considers lifelong learning as the continuity of educational levels within the state education system in Russia. It is focused on the balanced personal development, motivation to learn throughout the life, willingness to communicate, openness to the world, and aspiration to improve the level of individual culture. In relation to this concept, the author analyzes the potential for use the existing forms of language assessment in the practice of foreign language teaching to the students of law faculties at Russian universities. The paper attempts to describe the way the assessment of foreign language communicative competence should be set in the context of lifelong learning. The article presents an example of the English language assessment procedures at the faculty of law (Petrozavodsk State University) in 2012-2013. The author emphasizes that the requirements for the assessment procedures of foreign language communicative competence among law students are conditioned upon the changing needs of society and the needs of the modern lifelong learning. Keywords: assessment, lifelong learning, communicative competence, professional communication, lawyer, university, foreign language for specific purposes. |
Nechaeva L. A. Key words: e-learning, the University of the Arctic, linguistic competence, intercultural communicative competence, intercultural interaction | E-learning opportunities for intercultural competence building: the practices of the university of the arctic (Norway, Tromsø)
The article examines the feasibility of using e-learning in the educational process and the need for its development in a new information and educational environment in Russia. Moreover, the paper defines the legal basis for the implementation of e-learning and distance learning technologies and the requirements for a university involved in the development of online courses. The author describes the history and evolution of e-learning in Russia, and outlines the practices of the leading world universities. Particular attention is paid to the following aspects: state-of-the-art equipment, skilled professionals and teachers, technical staff, the development of a special educational environment for e-learning including digital educational resources, information and telecommunication technologies and equipment, the system of modern pedagogical technologies, high-speed telecommunications, counseling services, methodological and organizational support. The article analyzes the advantages of e-learning such as free access to educational resources, flexible learning process, a variety of education formats, quality and effectiveness of education, opportunities for self-learning and continuing professional development. Through the example of the University of the Arctic, the author reveals the possibilities of using online courses to build linguistic and intercultural communicative competence. The curriculum of the course "Introduction to the Circumpolar World" is described to discuss the details of e-learning organization, applied materials, and technologies. Furthermore, the author examines the opportunities for network cooperation within the "Thematic Networks" program of the University of the Arctic. The program includes goal setting for e-learning in the Arctic region, experience exchange between the partners of the University, promotion of interaction between students and professors, support of joint research projects, conferences, and publications on e-learning. |
Kolesnikova I. A. Key words: information literacy divide, digital divide, heterogeneity, academic community, e-competence. | The problems of information heterogeneity within the academic community
The article discusses the problem of informational heterogeneity of modern academic community and the ways to overcome it. The concept “informational heterogeneity” suggests that the involvement of scientific and teaching staff in using modern information and communication technologies (ICT) is different. The paper draws attention to a constant digital divide among professors and education researchers. The author analyzes the studies on the use of ICT in the system of continuous education and concludes that the main obstacle for the introduction of ICT in education is psychological and functional unpreparedness of academic staff to use ICT. The article provides numerous facts indicating that the information literacy divide implies the lack of motivation among many Russian teachers to use ICT and improve the methodology. As a result, a digital divide creates a professional divide. The changes in the activity of academic staff associated with the acquirement of a wide range of e-competencies should be focused on the following areas: teaching and research activity, teaching and scientific communication, professional image creation. The most common reasons for the reluctance to use ICT are mentioned in the article. The author suggests the way to lessen the digital divide through practice-oriented, personalized, module forms of advanced training, followed by a mandatory stage-by-stage evaluation of each type of work. The idea is based on the study of modern advanced ICT training and the author’s personal experience. This training should enhance teacher’s emotional experience by providing the practical benefits of the inclusion into the modern ICT world. Besides, the paper emphasizes the effectiveness of heterogeneous creative groups (considering different age, position in the educational process, teaching specialization, e-competence level), working on specific projects (research, methodological, etc.) based on the use of various multimedia and electronic resources. The conclusions presented in the article are debatable and may give an impulse to further professional discussion. |
Sokolova E. I. Key words: cluster, education cluster, innovation education cluster, cluster approach | The term “innovation education cluster” in the conceptual field of modern pedagogy
The article focuses on the pedagogical meaning of the term “education cluster”, the history of its introduction into conceptual field of pedagogical science, content comparison of Russian and foreign term; and also attempts to conduct a metaphorical analysis of it. The study is based on more than 50 Russian and more than 20 foreign Internet sources available in the open access. The main study methods are analysis of the Internet sources, content-analysis, and the description of a metaphorical model of the term. Moreover, the results of the questionnaire on understanding the term held among students and professors of Petrozavodsk State University are rendered. The term “cluster” is known since the end of the previous century. M. Porter introduced it in his book “The Competitive Advantage of Nations” in 1990; and in the Russian science the term was first mentioned in 1993. Since the beginning of the XXI century, it has become popular in a foreign scientific context relating to the conceptual field “education”. The paper analyzes the definitions of education cluster in Russia and abroad and reveals the connotative difference between them. The author provides the examples of education clusters functioning in Great Britain, France, and the USA. Furthermore, the article reveals the opponents’ opinion on the use of the term. The author defines the term “innovation education cluster” and analyzes its metaphorical model. This term significantly differs from the words “segment, sector, unit, group, concern”, etc. It implies not a mere combination of research and pedagogical institutions, but emphasizes their close interaction and interdependence, which leads to the qualitative transformations of the institutions involved and the cluster in total. The outcome of the cluster is a whole new product. Finally, the author discusses the practice of creating an innovation education cluster in the Republic of Karelia. |
issue 3 (7)
From the Editors | |
Severin S. N. Key words: teaching postgraduate and doctoral students, continuous scientific and methodological education, methodological culture, post-nonclassical science, quality of research. | Continuous scientific and methodological education in the era of post-nonclassical science
The article aims to justify the importance of continuous scientific and methodological education for professors and researchers. The paper considers the issue in the context of social and cultural transformations, globalization and internationalization of education and science, paradigm changes in a post-nonclassical period, open and dynamic scientific paradigms, and a tendency towards interdisciplinary research. The author's conclusions are based on methodological quality assessment of dissertations on educational sciences, content analysis of analytical and instructional regulations of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, and reflection on teaching postgraduate and doctoral students in the Republic of Belarus. The author considers the quality of scientific and methodological education and the effectiveness of research quality management system as the dominant factors of modern research quality assurance. Modern educational, cultural and scientific context may be described as follows: open, dynamic, culturally diverse, multiconceptual, multiparadigmatic, interdisciplinar. The author emphasizes the need to strengthen the implementation of "human dimension" into educational studies. According to the author, methodological culture of a professor and a researcher is a component of a professional culture which integrates: value consciousness; systematic knowledge of scientific methodology; pedagogical, logic and argumentation methodology; methodological skills; metaskills (heuristic, methodological, reflective thinking and personal intellectual style); research and scientific inquiry experience. The article concludes that recognizing the importance of continuous scientific and methodological education and identifying priority areas for academic staff training define the changes in educational content and pedagogical tools. In this regard, the author proposes the content model of scientific and methodological education based on the principles of its fundamental nature, interdisciplinarity, methodological and functional integration, and continuity. The paper emphasizes the need to motivate a researcher to permanent scientific and methodological self-education and self-development. The conclusions and key points of the article may be used as methodological landmarks to improve the system of teaching postgraduate and doctoral students. |
Pichugina V. Key words: ancient pedagogy, the care of the self, lifelong education, self-education, self-upbringing | The origin and the development of the care of lifelong learning
The article is dedicated to the formation and development of pedagogical concepts of education throughout the life which substantially affects one's self-understanding. A historical role of education is to create the willingness and the need for taking care of oneself, and the author examines the origins of this idea. Furthermore, the author identifies a deep continuity between antique philosophical and pedagogical ideas and modern concepts of self-regulation, self-upbringing and self-education. The study is based on the theoretical, historical and pedagogical analysis and interpretation of authentic and contemporary texts dedicated to the ancient phenomenon of «the care of the self» as a special anthropological and pedagogical project of personal culture, which also involved philosophical, cultural, historical, educational, and linguistic knowledge. Such an education was a privilege belonging to a person who knew how to «care of oneself». Ancient Greek and Roman thinkers believed that lifelong learning was impossible without «the care of the self». However, this kind of person is key to modern and postmodern pedagogy as well. At the beginning of the XXIst century, we may interpret «the care of the self» as a basic element of the Greco-Roman pedagogy which significantly influenced the emergence of lifelong education concept. The author presents the origin and development of it on the basis of ancient and modern strategies for continuious educational routes chosen by people of different ages. The paper demonstrates that the heuristic potential of the discussed concept is not exhausted today. The conclusions may be used to ensure the continuity between cultural/historical and historical/pedagogical concepts of lifelong education on an interdisciplinary basis. |
Graumann O. Key words: giftedness, gifted children, giftedness detection and assistance | The study of chidren's giftedness in germany
The article outlooks the studies of chidlren's giftedness issues in Germany. The author examines the main problems associated with this phenomenon in modern education on the basis of historical background and the performance analysis of modern research centers on giftedness, in which German scientists are involved. The paper presents the main points of social and political debates in Germany, which have historically established the specific features of the work with gifted children, specifically detecting, selecting and assisting them. The author discusses the approaches to the detection of gifted children in schools using diagnostics, risk factors associated with this, specific educational models, and special teacher training programs for the work with gifted children in a multilevel education system. From the late 1990s until now, the study and advancement of giftedness in Germany has been concentrated in the research centers of the Universities of Marburg, Hildesheim, Dresden, Münster, Osnabrück (Germany), and Nijmegen (the Netherlands), which are the founders of the "International Centre for the Study of Giftedness" Fund. The Marburg Giftedness Study is a comparative study of highly gifted children's development in terms of non-cognitive aspects (school adaptation, social behaviour, motivation, work attitude, interests, self-management). The researchers from Hildesheim and Dresden focus on the development and testing of didactic concepts which assure the effective advancement of 6-10-year-old highly gifted children surrounded by their "normal" gifted classmates. The Fund's objectives are as follows: to study the conditions for highly gifted children's development; to inspect diagnostic tools and concepts to assist highly gifted children, young people and adults; to directly promote talented people and people with disabilities; and to enhance teachers' professional development. Based on the data obtained by German researchers, the author concludes that it is necessary to employ a differentiated approach to the work with different types of highly gifted children as well as to implement a special teacher training program aimed to improve detection and development of gifted children. The author also emphasizes the prospects of inclusive education models and proposes a three-stage competence-based model. The article may be useful for psychologists, educators and researchers of giftedness. |
Nazarov A. I., Sergeeva O. V. Key words: e-learning, point-rating system, Blackboard, self-study, undergraduate studies, educational module, continuity in learning physics. | The effectiveness of the distance learning technology usage for undergraduate students
The article focuses on the goals and specific features of teaching physics to undergraduate engineering students at a regional university with a particular attention to the solution of the problem of students' adaptation to university and their self-study work. In this regard, the authors suggest the extensive use of distance learning as an innovative educational tool. The article discusses the effectiveness of e-learning and ways to evaluate its outcomes. The authors analyze the implementation of the on-line educational module "Mechanics and Molecular Physics" based on the Blackboard platform. The module is designed to organize and guide on-line learning among students of the Physics Faculty using the distance learning tools and technologies. The paper presents an analysis of learning results and the opportunities of the Blackboard platform for students' independent work. The authors focus on assessing the effectiveness of e-learning with the use of an on-line educational module. The conducted questionnaire survey and certain Blackboard tools allowed to evaluate learning outcomes and to analyze students' motivation to study physics, their attitude toward on-line learning and their independent work efforts. |
Lebedeva S. S., Bezukh S., Kulikova Y. Key words: lifelong education, social functions, the former Soviet Union, modernization, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Kazakhstan. | The implementation of education social functions in the context of the former Soviet union modernization (through the example of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan)
The article discusses the education system changes in the former Soviet Union countries through the example of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The theoretical analysis and pedagogical reflection are based on the publications of participants of international conferences and events dedicated to the specific features of lifelong education development in the context of its modernization from 2012 to 2014. In line with the ideas of the Bologna process, the changes in education content and organization in both countries require the development of a free, independent, responsible person involved in new, civil society relations. Due to the emergence of new social groups and new social challenges associated with the transition from a traditional educational model to a modern one, certain measures should be taken. The author defines strengthening of the social function of education as an essential characteristic of education modernization in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. It is related to the intention to support problematic social groups and ensure the development of a new type of sociality through education. There has been an increase in the activity of health and social as well as psychological and pedagogical student support services in education system of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in recent years. The idea of lifelong learning contributes to the emergence of new areas and forms of non-formal and information education focused on various social, cultural and demographic groups. The article emphasizes that all initiatives to renovate education in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, as in the countries with ancient heritage, are inextricably linked with the issue of preserving cultural identity, with the study of national traditions, and the search for new ways of patriotic and moral education. The underdevelopment of new didactic foundations of education is a problem that has not been resolved in the modernization process. The paper discusses social and pedagogical trends in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, however, they may become the baseline for more detailed studies of education modernization processes in other former Soviet Union countries. |
Kuzmina T. Key words: teaching at primary school, neuropedagogy, mental strategy, functional brain asymmetry (laterality), right hemisphere and left hemisphere thinking, pedagogical system. | Neuropedagogical approach to teaching at primary school through teacher's research activity
The article demonstrates the advantages of neuropedagogical approach in teaching school students. The discussed approach helps teachers adjust teaching methods to capabilities and opportunities of a modern child. Neuropedagogy is an evolving scientific field and its advancement requires additional research. The author emphasizes the importance of teacher’s research activity in the system of continuing education to make right methodological decisions. The article presents the key ideas of the author's research from the perspective of neurosciences related to pedagogy, professional methodological literature, and the author's personal experience of teaching at an Estonian school with Russian as a working language. An experimental group was chosen among the first-graders of the school for neuropsychological diagnosis of brain organization. The author's research is based on the present-day neurophysiology and neuropsychology development in the field of the study of functional hemispheric brain asymmetry. The author used the following techniques: the Annett Hand Preference Questionnaire, the methods of identifying motor and sensory asymmetries proposed by B.Ananyev, A. Luria, N. Bragina and T.Dobrokhotova. The paper presents the data obtained during the author's experiment. In the framework of neuropedagogy the author proposes a pedagogical system of synthesized teaching, taking into account intrinsic mental characteristics. The emphasis is placed on methodological aspects of synthesized teaching of children with different laterality in the same class and during the same lesson. The paper proves consistency of the author's innovative idea on the example of the development of linguistic competence among first-graders. The author comes to the conclusion that educational management with regard to neuropedagogy and other related sciences is feasible for a modern teacher and researcher. The key points of the article may be used to improve methodology of teaching at primary school. |
Malanin V. S. Key words: professional competence, training center, the Federal Service for Execution and Punishment, employees of the penitentiary system, professional development. | Current state and prospects of professional competence development at the training center of the federal service for execution and punishment (FSEP)
The article discusses current state and practices of the FSEP training centers and the issues related to professional competence development of trainees. The author's methodological assumptions and conclusions are based on: the provisions of the regulations which provide the competence requirements for employees of the penitentiary system; pedagogical ideas related to professional competence and understanding the processes of its formation in the present context; research material. The following methods were used: survey (questionnaire, individual interviews), observation, theoretical analysis and synthesis. The paper reveals the motivation of penitentiary system employees for professional development, their attitude toward professional training as a form of continuing professional education, its positive and negative aspects; the degree of teachers' and students' understanding of the professional competence concept. The author outlines the key content and methodological contradictions of the process of professional competence development among trainees and presents the requirements to improve this process and training efficiency. Suggested theoretical principles, conclusions and recommendations aim to improve the efficiency of pedagogical management at the FSEP training centers. |
Ershova N., Ekimova T. Key words: nanotech industry, continuing education of engineers, program of continuing professional education, matrix of competencies. | The methods of designing an innovative program of continuing professional education for the nanotech industry
The article examines the technique for the development of an innovative program of continuing professional education (CPE) in the nanotechnology field. The authors use the methods of social and pedagogical analysis and design. The paper describes the following stages of the CPE program development: preliminary and in-depth analysis of job descriptions, the research of existing qualification deficits, the coordination of a list of professional competencies for each target group with a program customer, the elaboration of an integrated matrix of competencies, the specification of the education structure, content and technology. At the preliminary stage of the program development, the authors use the focus group results as the information base. The focus group consists of the senior representatives of the program customer company. Besides, the authors analyze the job descriptions of certain professionals. Furthermore, the authors relate in-depth analysis of job descriptions and the study of the qualification deficits to the development prospects of the company. They specify short-term and medium-term plans for the development of the company's technological base, determine new and updated job desriptions, identify additional professional competencies allowing employees to perform their duties steady and effectively. At this stage, the authors recommend structural and functional analysis of the types of activities specific to the identified target groups as well as questionnaire surveys involving a wide range of respondents. From then on, it is possible to specify job descriptions and the company requirements by setting professional competencies for the target groups. The next stage (coordination of a list of professional competencies for each target group with a program customer) requires identification of the methods, forms and appropriate markers for the assessment of competencies. After the elaboration of an integrated matrix of competencies, a differentiated array of competencies is to be developed for each of target groups. Then, the authors design the education structure, content and technology. The development technique for an innovative program of continuing professional education described in the presented article may be used in HR-development of the nanotech industry. |
Adamskiy S. M. Key words: creativity, convergence, artistic development, creative interaction between a child and an adult | Creative convergence as a pedagogical phenomenon
The presented article is a scientific and pedagogical reflection on personal creative development; on joint creative work of an adult and a child, a teacher and a student; and on the potential of art as a development medium. The author considers his own personal experience of being an artist and a teacher in situations of creative interaction. This experience engages all forms of lifelong education: formal (school, university), non-formal (extracurricular and club sessions), informal (family education and awareness-building). The following methods are used: a natural experiment, participant observation, an analysis of everyday life, a phenomenological description, self-reflection. The article deals with the phenomenon of creative convergence, called "convergence effect", which means qualitative creative and personal change due to mutual influence of creators. The author provides the examples of "convergence effect" manifestations in the process of his interaction with students and children through creative, teaching, project activities, and the experience of fatherhood. Through the examples of specific situations, the author shows how joint creative work is able to bring a teacher and students or a parent and a child closer together; in which forms this convergence may be expressed; and how it may affect interpersonal relationships. In particular, the paper examines the development of the relationships between the university instructor and his students involving the use of the illustrations to mythological plots created by the author, extracurricular project and club work. The author describes a number of art projects based on the idea of creative convergence. The process of creative convergence between an adult artist and his child with artistic abilities is presented through the example of painting together. The article outlines the organization of the original exhibition of father and daughter's works which is conceptually viewed as an illustration of the process of their emotional convergence and creative development. Along with that, the paper raises a problem of the lack of convergence that occurs when parents reject creativity in their child. Finally, the author articulates a number of issues related to the support of children's creative development. The paper develops classical theoretical positions on joint activity and may be useful for researchers of creative development processes, instructors, and parents. |
Dobrynina O. Key words: continuing education, academic writing in English, scientific discourse, text-centered principle, peer-to-peer review | Teaching academic writing to university staff as a part of continuing education
The paper summarizes the author’s three-year experience of academic writing teaching to the members of Petrozavodsk State University faculty. The developed course of scientific writing is based on the andragogical model of education and the following methodological approaches: linguistic, cognitive, cultural-linguistic and learner-centered. The course includes two PowerPoint presentation lectures accompanied by discussions, and five educational modules. Each module is aimed at studying specific features of each scientific research paper section and an abstract. A text-centered principle is applied in every module. Considering the text at the macro level, the learners analyze it as an entity, they examine its logical structure and cohesion of individual sections, look into a paragraph arrangement and stylistic features. Dealing with the text at the micro level, the students analyze a separate sentence; learn about agreement between the subject and predicate, parallel structures arrangement, multiple meanings (polysemy) of English and Russian words, etc. Some cultural linguistic features of English are of importance for the learners. For instance, the meanings of certain tense forms, different ways of expressing intentions (modality) and a different word order in both languages. The students submit a first draft of their paper section by the end of each module. The drafts are proofread and discussed by the students in a form of peer-to-peer reviewing in the classroom. Each student has an opportunity to consult with an instructor individually, either face-to-face or via e-mail. Almost 60-70% of learners prepare their scientific research paper by the completion of the course |
issue 4 (8)
From the Editors | |
Academic advising as co-existence (in honour of L. Luzina)
Lyudmila Luzina (21 Dec. 1933 – 26 July 2014) – D.Sc., professor of the Education and Social Work Department at Pskov State University, the founder and leader of the educational research school "An Individual in a Topical Field of Education." She is the author of four monographs: "The Development of Teacher's Creative Personality in a Pedagogical University" (Tashkent, 1986), "Lectures on the Theory of Education" (Pskov, 1995), "Understanding as a Spiritual Experience (on Understanding Human Beings)" (Pskov, 1997) "The Theory of Upbringing: Philosophical and Anthropological Approach" (Pskov, 2000). She is a co-author of the following multi-authored monographs: "General Strategy of Upbringing in the Russian Education System" (Moscow, 2001), "Strategy of Upbringing in the Russian Education System" (Moscow, 2004), "Developing Personality" (Moscow, 2005); and the author of the study guides: "Educational Work Methods" (Pskov, 1990), "Entering the Classroom" (Pskov, 2000). L.Luzina is a co-author of the study guide: "On Modern Educational Approaches and Concepts" (Moscow, 2003, 2004, 2005) and the author of more than 70 scientific articles. In 2003 she was awarded the Medal of K.Ushinskiy "For the Educational Merits." | |
Kolesnikova I. A. Key words: transdisciplinarity, research strategy, lifelong education, pedagogical science, ontological paradigm approach, high humanitarian technology | Transdisciplinary strategy of lifelong education research
The article substantiates the feasibility of using a transdisciplinary strategy for the study of lifelong education phenomenon. It also outlines the promising areas of education research and development based on a transdisciplinary approach. Theoretical analysis and conclusions are based on the materials from the official websites of main world research and educational institutions. The author selects the materials containing «transdisciplinarity» in the title. The research is also based on the foreign studies on a transdisciplinary approach in the cross-reference system. The author draws attention to the value and semantic gap between a new scientific worldview and primitive, distorted and obsolete forms, in which nature, society and humans appear in the setting of a declared continuity of education. The paper considers a transdisciplinary strategy as one of the possible ways to overcome the methodological contradiction between the existential basis of complex modern pedagogical problems and grassroots ways to solve them, which dominate in a common educational practice. The article provides a brief historical outline of a transdisciplinary approach development and its implications on scientific knowledge and education system as a whole. It shows the flexibility of an international practice of applying this approach to learning. Educational experience does not fit in a strict disciplinary framework by its nature, as a person can use various forms to comprehend the being. There is non-formal and informal education apart from formal. The author identifies the interdisciplinary categories and concepts, pedagogical essence of which should be studied on a transdisciplinary basis. Among them are: a human being, consciousness, cognition, information, communication and educational technology. The article presents ontological paradigm approach as one of the resources for developing transdisciplinary strategy of pedagogical research. The author concludes that the transdisciplinary discourse is a necessary basis for a modern lifelong education theory. Transdisciplinary theory of lifelong education may become a methodological basis for its innovative development. |
Robotova A. S. Key words: the third age, lifelong education, actors of education. | People of the third age as actors of lifelong education: methodology and research
The article discusses the need for a systematic study of lifelong education phenomenon in relation to people of the third age. The suggested conclusions are based on: the analysis of the topics of doctoral theses on lifelong education written from the beginning of 21st century; the information from the websites of lifelong education research institutions; conversations with colleagues in the age group of 65-80 years; the author's reflection on personal self-education experience. The author draws attention to the fact that most papers dedicated to the third age education place an emphasis on psycho-physiological, social and organizational aspects of teaching seniors. Furthermore, a thorough pedagogical analysis of seniors' education as a consequence of their previous individual educational paths does not exist. Modern pedagogy does not consider cognitive activity of seniors as an intrinsically valuable phenomenon. There is a discrepancy between different practices of teaching older people and the lack of methodology to perform interdisciplinary research of seniors as actors of lifelong education. The article presents a number of promising ideas of studying the subject and teaching how to develop (self-) educational paths in the third age. In particular, the author proposes the idea of identifying older people's positive cognitive potentials in a positive aging context. The author emphasizes that aging process is variable, and the ways to continue education should comply with its variable nature and limited ability to predict its effect. The third age education requires special educational programs, which consider the variety of learners' educational motivation, their gender and cultural characteristics, previous life and educational experience. It is necessary to redefine a teacher's role as a leader who is able to put a learner of any age in an active and independent position. The article poses a number of questions regarding seniors' educational needs and interests. |
Efremova N. N. Key words: higher education internationalization, pedagogical support, academic mobility, foreign languages teaching, international exams, French for academic purposes | Pedagogical support in foreign language learning as a prerequisite for academic mobility (through the example of teaching french for academic purposes)
The article considers certain aspects of a foreign language teaching practice, which forms the basis for pedagogical support of students in the expanding educational environment. The paper examine the following areas of teacher’s practice: development of students' motivation to participate in international projects, information sharing in a timely manner, helping students prepare for international exams, creation of a special course "French Language for Academic Purposes" and advisory support with preparation of the documents necessary to participate in international programs, which helps to increase academic mobility. The author states that teacher’s attention should be focused on all above-mentioned areas. The author discusses “Sophia Antipolis”, a French-Russian program in partnership with the University of Nice, which has been operating at the Faculty of Economics at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (Nizhny Novgorod) since 2010. The program gives students of Higher School of Economics an opportunity for distance learning at the Institute of Management and Economics (University of Nice). The students’ inclusion in an international educational context requires directed and efficiently organized teacher’s support. The functions of a foreign language teacher are expanding: it is essential not only to provide students with sufficient language skills, but also to aim them at the practical use of a foreign language in educational and research environment at a foreign university. Relying on the personal experience of teaching French at university, the author proves that successful students’ participation in international educational programs and an opportunity to continue their studies at foreign universities largely depend on the practice of a foreign language teacher. Proper pedagogical support allows students to expand their educational opportunities and acquire the competencies needed for integration into the European academic environment. The article will be useful for foreign language teachers and managers of international programs. |
Solomatin A. M. Key words: management, functioning, development, development program, educational program, project development. | Management of an educational institution in the context of system changes
The paper presents the author's observations on management of an educational institution made during a series of seminars led by the publishing house "Akademkniga / Uchebnik." The seminars aimed at the discussion of current management and methodological issues associated with the Federal State Standard of general education. The new Russian Federation Education Act determines educational and development programs, which are to increase the efficiency of educational institutions. The author states that an informal approach to drafting the documents initiates and maintains the management processes of performance and development in the context of system changes in the Russian education system. The paper analyzes structure, effective period and time for mastering each of the discussed documents. It also examines the correlation between mandatory and additional parts of the documents. In 2013, in the course of the Russian National Project Seminar, the researches defined strategic educational tasks. Joint work on certain sections of the federal documents could result in the solution of these tasks. The interconnection between the functioning and development processes is possible only in the context of continuing education, advanced professional competence development of the developers of educational programs and other pedagogical workers. The suggested conclusions may be used in the system of continuing professional education. |
Brigmane B. Key words: lifelong education, further education, entrepreneurs, self-experience, knowledge application, self-assessment. | Improvement of new entrepreneurs self-experience in further education
The article presents the model of self-experience improvement through the example of new entrepreneurs’ further education in Latvia. During a lifetime, a person changes physically, psychically and socially. Individual changes in life activity depend on both a person and environment, where a person can or cannot fulfill oneself. Learning is one of the main components in the development of adult self-experience. The management of further education depends on the wishes of participants involved in the process to obtain new self-experience in order to improve the life quality. Research has been carried out in the group of people, who have expressed a wish to learn, in order to improve self-experience and prepare for starting business. 209 young, aspiring entrepreneurs, who volunteered to participate in the pedagogical experiment, became participants of a study course. After comparing the results of the experiment before and after the course, significant changes in the process of self-experience development have been identified. The following main components of meaningful learning were identified: 1) skill to set a goal and achieve it; 2) ability to learn how to use knowledge while obtaining new self-experience; 3) systematic self-assessment of work process and results. During the experiment, indicators of participants’ legal employment status changed. The number of self-employed people increased from 12% to 15%, while the number of employers - from 14% till 38%. The empirical study of the lerning process and the analysis of its results activate a spiral learning cycle through introducing three advanced innovative components. They are: goal awareness, which is fundamental for the whole learning process; forms of knowledge application skills; and self-assessment, which proves the necessity for a new experience, its understanding and application for achieving the goal. Therefore, the learning process of aspiring entrepreneurs acquires a new meaning. |
Nedbailik S., Staton M. Key words: constructivism, interactive methods, group projects, research papers, learning space, interactive technology, interactive assignments. | Interactive approach to teaching English composition/composing research (through the experience of participating in an experimental project)
The article aims to analyze the practice of teaching English Composition / Composing Research to university students in an interactive environment. It is based on the authors' impressions and follow-up discussion of the Interactive Learning Space Initiative (ILS) at Ball State University (Indiana, USA). The authors point out that the concept of interactive learning relies on the constructivist philosophy of education, therefore, an instructor should be familiar with the theory of constructivism in education and with deriving pedagogical concepts. The article also briefly outlines the history of high-tech interactive learning development at American universities. The authors pay special attention to the following aspects of interactive teaching: use of interactive learning space in node chair classrooms; group work and group project organization; creating the assignments aimed at interactive learning; use of interactive classroom technology and increased reliance upon students' use of personal electronic devices in class. The paper shows the flexibility of in-class work methodological improvement in a real educational process. Instructors should consider and mitigate the challenges associated with students’ different perceptions of a new learning environment. The authors emphasize that implementation of interactive technology in educational process lets students manage their own learning. Furthermore, it becomes a prerequisite for the success and effectiveness of education process not only in the American educational system, but also throughout the whole Europe. The authors conclude that teachers should share their experience, present teaching techniques, conduct open lessons (workshops) and publish methodological materials in order to improve the quality of teaching. |
Ispenkov A. N. Key words: computer science, project-based activity, research activity, creative development, personal fulfillment of school students | Research- and project-based activity in the field of computer science as a means of modern school students' personal fulfillment and creative development
The paper discusses the organization of research- and project-based school activity in the field of computer science. The article considers conducting research projects with the use of computer and other technical resources as a modern way of learners’ personal fulfillment. The author of the article teaches computer science at school in Vitebsk (Belarus) and has a long experience in organizing project-based activities to prepare children and teenagers to socialize the results of their creative works. The article states that computer science as a subject has ample opportunities for students' personal fulfillment through learners' involvement in research- and project-based activity. The emphasis is placed on students' individual willingness and desire to implement their expertise, knowledge and skills in independent work on a project: at home, in elective courses, stimulating classes and associations of interest. The teacher's (project manager's) task is to identify an interest in the subject area and transform it in order to apply for public interest activity. Participation in research and project activities teaches students discipline, corrects low self-esteem, helps them earn reputation among class- and schoolmates. It holds promise for bringing together students of different ages as well as for interdisciplinary interaction among teachers and inclusion of parents in the educational process. The paper reveals the theoretical foundation, technical requirements and step-by-step organization of computer science projects. The author gradually describes the project work of students of different ages (grades 4 - 11), as well as gives their brief characteristics, which outlines students' personal development in the course of project implementation. The article contains many references to online sources where the readers can find the outcomes of students' project-based activity. |
Pichugina V. Key words: care of the self, lifelong education, e-learning, quasi education, simulacrum. | Lifelong educational care of the self in the age of metamodern
The article defines contemporary lifelong education as a modern version of "care of the self" and of one’s own identity in a post-postmodern era. The author shows that an ancient idea of a person who takes care of oneself and has a responsible attitude to their own educational path throughout the life is current to the subjects of modern pedagogical lifelong reality as well. The term "lifelong education" refers to the concepts of "care of the self", "simulacrum", "pseudo-education" or "quasi-education”, “e-learning”, “m(obile) learning”, “learning city.” This makes it possible to characterize a modern learner (beyond age and time limits), who acquires the ability to "learn how to learn" at school and does not lose it throughout the life. The article shows the evolution of "care of the self" as a strategy of lifelong (self-)education and how it can be implemented in a meta-modern era. The paper provides the examples of paradoxical nature of modern (self-)educational processes and shows radical changes in a modern educational environment with its fundamentally new forms of care of one's identity. The author concludes that the ancient idea targets modern educational theory and practice at different ranges of “care” for the sake of preserving the identity and finding oneself in culture. Work on the article was supported by the grant from the Russian Foundation for the Humanities 14-06-00315a. |
Gvozdeva M. Key words: pedagogical control (grading), assessment, expected outcomes (educational results), backwash. | Oxymoron and metaphorical nature of modern assessment procedures in Russia
The article discusses the assessment in contemporary Russia within the framework of lifelong learning. The term “oxymoron” is used to describe the eclectic and heterogeneous assessment, the peculiar pedagogical juxtaposition of the contradictory practices. In the reality this juxtaposition is caused by the misapplication of assessment procedures and instruments. The author shows the difference between pedagogical control (grading) and assessment, comparing their educational philosophy, pedagogical paradigm, approach, tasks, educational outcomes and major types. The article describes different types of educational standards (normative, criterion and individual) as bases for expert evaluation. The language of the assessment and of the result interpretation is a key element. The implementation of adopted assessment procedures and tools on the one hand, and the lack of unambiguous terminology, on the other, causes the necessity to resort to metaphors. Metaphors explain the nature and the meaning of the novel practice in education. Many borrowed terms originally contain metaphors. Furthermore, the article seeks to identify the pedagogical definition of the term “backwash/washback” as a characteristic of assessment, to study its development within educational theory terminology, to compare the original term with its Russian equivalent and to analyze the metaphorical meaning of the term. The following methods are used: analysis of theoretical sources as well as Russian and English internet resources, generalization, content-analysis and the description of the metaphorical model of the term. The article describes the role of backwash in lifelong learning context. The conclusions presented in the article are debatable and may give an impulse to further professional discussion. |