Bermus A. G. Pedagogical component of the multy-level profession-oriented university education. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 1 (5). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (5)

Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia


Pedagogical component of the multy-level profession-oriented university education

Bermus A G
D.Sc., professor of the Pedagogy Department at the Faculty of Technology, Visual Arts, and Professional Training (Southern Federal University).
development and modernization of teacher education
competence-based approach
pedagogical component of university education
regional education infrastructure.
Abstract: this paper focuses on the content and the prospects of modernization of pedagogical education at a federal university. The range of issues connected with updating the content and teacher education infrastructure is considered within a framework of the CDIO standards. A pedagogical component of university education is outlined as a result of the conducted research. It is based on the general pedagogical component aimed to build three basic competences – self-education, social and pedagogical, and teaching. The key element of building a self-education competence is a mandatory course «Introduction to a Professional Practice» which consists of several modules and provides comprehensive psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students. In addition to that, it gives a preliminary overview of both professional practice and an individual educational pathway. Social and educational practices vary due to a student's field of interest. Building the social and pedagogical competence is provided by the range of these practices. Finally, students are introduced to the course «Fundamentals of Teaching Professional Practice» which contributes to bachelors' mobility in the job market after graduation. Besides, it allows those who want to continue their education, pursue Master's degree in teaching.
Along with a pedagogical module for all university faculties, the bachelor programs of academic (general) and applied teaching are available. An academic field refers to pursuing a Master's degree and future career as a researcher, an expert in education, and an education official. An applied field is focused both on building a subject-matter, social and educational, psychological and pedagogical competences and pursuing a professional career in educational institutions of a region. The Master's programs are developed in a similar way. Institutional infrastructure plays an essential role in the process of modernization. It consists of a regional center for monitoring the recruitment and professional educational needs, the system of regional learning and teaching associations which are responsible for the development of educational standards and programs, and a regional center for tutoring and consulting to guide an individual educational pathway.
Paper submitted on: 02/03/2014; Accepted on: 03/04/2014; Published online on: 03/25/2014.


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