Ignatovich Y. V. Readiness of 5th and 9th graders to continue education: a diagnostic study. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 2 (6). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2014.2365

Issue 2 (6)

Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia


Readiness of 5th and 9th graders to continue education: a diagnostic study

Ignatovich Y V
PhD, associate professor, chief researcher, deputy director of the Institute of Continuing Education at Petrozavodsk State University.
lifelong education
readiness for lifelong education
a survey of school students
Abstract: the paper considers the readiness of 5th and 9th graders to continue education as a factor of the lifelong education development. A questionnaire-based pilot survey was conducted among 282 fifth-grades and 206 ninth-graders of five Petrozavodsk schools (the Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation). The initial results and preliminary analysis are presented in the article. The author discusses the problem and the concept of “readiness for lifelong education”, reveals certain aspects of this issue on the basis of the questionnaire results, highlights the risks occurring in the system of education.
The preliminary survey results showed that a significant percentage of 5th- and 9th graders do not experience pleasure and satisfaction from the educational process and learning outcomes, defying the results of studying they are focused on the formal requirements and not interested in continuing their education after the 9th or 11th grades.
The analysis revealed a number of contradictions between students' vision of their own learning outcomes and the requirements of the new federal state education standards, between global trends in economic development, expansion of knowledge-intensive high technology industries and students' major interest in humanities. The study indicates the problem of accumulation of negative feelings associated with the educational experience, which prevents conscious continuation of education. The perspectives for advanced research are proposed
Paper submitted on: 06/07/2014; Accepted on: 06/23/2014; Published online on: 06/25/2014.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2014.2365