From the Editors. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 1 (5). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (5)


From the Editors

The first (spring) 2014 issue of the on-line journal "Lifelong Education: the XXI Century" is offered to your attention. We hope that you have noticed the design update, a new home page, and the new possibilities to interact with us. The issue starts with an article which substantiates the concept of lifelong learning culture and analyzes social and pedagogical environment appropriate for this concept. It gives a new methodological perspective on lifelong learning. The term "deep approach in education" is presented on the basis of foreign studies. It is a new concept for the Russian pedagogy, and both the detailed analysis of the content and the directions for the development of the approach are discussed. The aspect related to the translation of the term and its interpretation in the Russian scientific and pedagogical context will be particularly interesting for linguists.

Considerable attention is paid in this issue to the role of universities in the development of a modern system of continuous education. The articles of the Russian and foreign authors provide the information on international inter-university scientific and research projects to exchange and promote innovative technologies and strategies of continuing education; the information on the integration of Russian universities into the European educational environment; and an outline of the different scenarios of OER-based learning recognition by traditional universities. Furthermore, the Russian practices of the cooperation between the school and the university in a regional system of continuing education are discussed. Besides, the content and the prospects of modernization of pedagogical education in the context of a federal university are considered. The range of issues connected with the updating of the content and teacher education infrastructure is analyzed within a framework of the CDIO standards, which were implemented in engineering education system.

A set of examples of innovative models in the field of lifelong education is presented in this issue. Among them an author's model of pedagogical component for university education is outlined. Another paper proposes the model of lifelong psychological education system which includes studying psychology in preschool educational institutions, in secondary schools and universities (including the faculties of psychology), as well as studying psychology by adults and senior citizens. Besides, a modern view on the development of lifelong education system for the disabled people is presented.

A number of articles suggest further discussion. One paper raises the problem of changing state of the school as a social institution in the context of the education reform. The author draws attention of scientific and educational community to the organizational deviations in a school system and the risks of losing its identity as an organizational, cultural and historical institution. The ideas of professional teacher's standard and the ways to prepare teachers for lifelong professional self-development are considered in the issue. The problem of upbringing as an educational component is presented in the views of the academician I.P. Ivanov, the author of "the pedagogy of common concern" concept, which can make a contribution to the process of upbringing in the XXI century. Humanitarian creative collaboration between generations is considered as an effective type of modern education relationships.

We express our gratitude to the authors, the reviewers, and active website visitors for kind attention to our journal. We are always looking for new articles.

The Editorial Board


All the materials are open access and published on-line with the financial support of the Strategic Development Program (2012-2016) "The PetrSU complex in science learning environment of the European North: the strategy of innovative development".

ISSN: 2308-7234, RSCI: 473-08/2013.


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