Nemirovskaya L. A. New returnees in the system of lifelong education in Israel. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 2 (6). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (6)

Education Management in an open global society


New returnees in the system of lifelong education in Israel

Nemirovskaya L A
PhD, associate professor, lecturer at the educational center for adults.
lifelong learning
adult education
Abstract: the idea of "learning throughout the life" (hinuh leoreh haim) had been implemented in Israel even before the introduction of the term "lifelong learning" into the academic vocabulary as a special concept. The Jewish people are called "People of the Book", as children begin to study the Torah at the age of three, and for many of them it becomes a lifelong process. Thus, the practice of lifelong learning is inherent in Israel and based on cultural traditions. This idea becomes particularly relevant for Israel as a country of returnees.
In the present article, the author defines the functions of lifelong learning as well as its formal, non-formal, and informal aspects specific to Israel and analyzes the role of each of these aspects.
As the author emphasizes, the main purpose of lifelong education is the holistic personal development. Furthermore, the paper reveals the subtasks that arise at certain stages of life, depending on the issues and challenges specific to a certain life period, and in particular to the period of repatriation. The article examines the practice of incorporating returning immigrants into the system of lifelong education in Israel, which promotes their integration into a new social environment. The targets, the content, and the process of adult returnees' education in Israel are analyzed in the article.
The suggested conclusions are based on the analysis of the empirical data (interviews, questionnaires) and the author's personal experience of involvement in the adult education system as a participant of the Hebrew language courses (ulpan) upon arrival in Israel, psychology courses to prepare for the group work with adults, as well as further experience of lectureship for adult returnees and coordinating the adolescent club for those whose families immigrated from the former Soviet Union. The article presents the author's observations of the period from the mid-1990s to the present. They can be considered in the process of international cooperation on the lifelong adult education issues and can be applied to improve the government policy on the successful integration of new returnees.
Paper submitted on: 05/10/2014; Accepted on: 06/18/2014; Published online on: 06/25/2014.


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