Severin S. N. Continuous scientific and methodological education in the era of post-nonclassical science. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 3 (7). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (7)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


Continuous scientific and methodological education in the era of post-nonclassical science

Severin S N
PhD, associate professor
full member of International Academy for the Humanization of Education, dean of the Foreign Languages Faculty of A.S. Pushkin Brest State University
(Brest, Belarus)
teaching postgraduate and doctoral students
continuous scientific and methodological education
methodological culture
post-nonclassical science
quality of research.
Abstract: the article aims to justify the importance of continuous scientific and methodological education for professors and researchers. The paper considers the issue in the context of social and cultural transformations, globalization and internationalization of education and science, paradigm changes in a post-nonclassical period, open and dynamic scientific paradigms, and a tendency towards interdisciplinary research.
The author's conclusions are based on methodological quality assessment of dissertations on educational sciences, content analysis of analytical and instructional regulations of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, and reflection on teaching postgraduate and doctoral students in the Republic of Belarus. The author considers the quality of scientific and methodological education and the effectiveness of research quality management system as the dominant factors of modern research quality assurance.
Modern educational, cultural and scientific context may be described as follows: open, dynamic, culturally diverse, multiconceptual, multiparadigmatic, interdisciplinar. The author emphasizes the need to strengthen the implementation of "human dimension" into educational studies. According to the author, methodological culture of a professor and a researcher is a component of a professional culture which integrates: value consciousness; systematic knowledge of scientific methodology; pedagogical, logic and argumentation methodology; methodological skills; metaskills (heuristic, methodological, reflective thinking and personal intellectual style); research and scientific inquiry experience. The article concludes that recognizing the importance of continuous scientific and methodological education and identifying priority areas for academic staff training define the changes in educational content and pedagogical tools.
In this regard, the author proposes the content model of scientific and methodological education based on the principles of its fundamental nature, interdisciplinarity, methodological and functional integration, and continuity. The paper emphasizes the need to motivate a researcher to permanent scientific and methodological self-education and self-development.
The conclusions and key points of the article may be used as methodological landmarks to improve the system of teaching postgraduate and doctoral students.
Paper submitted on: 06/12/2014; Accepted on: 09/16/2014; Published online on: 09/22/2014.

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