Editorial Board |
| From the Editors Displays: 3889; Downloads: 836; |
Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology |
Severin S. N. | Continuous scientific and methodological education in the era of post-nonclassical science Displays: 8760; Downloads: 1002; |
Pichugina V. | The origin and the development of the care of lifelong learning Displays: 8452; Downloads: 1178; |
Learning throughout the life |
Graumann O. | The study of chidren's giftedness in germany Displays: 8203; Downloads: 1124; |
Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia |
Nazarov A. I., Sergeeva O. V. | The effectiveness of the distance learning technology usage for undergraduate students Displays: 14577; Downloads: 1168; |
Education Management in an open global society |
Lebedeva S. S., Bezukh S., Kulikova Y. | The implementation of education social functions in the context of the former Soviet union modernization (through the example of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan) Displays: 8011; Downloads: 955; |
Human and teaching resources of continuing education |
Kuzmina T. | Neuropedagogical approach to teaching at primary school through teacher's research activity Displays: 11649; Downloads: 1217; |
Malanin V. S. | Current state and prospects of professional competence development at the training center of the federal service for execution and punishment (FSEP) Displays: 7002; Downloads: 987; |
Innovative approaches to lifelong learning |
Ershova N., Ekimova T. | The methods of designing an innovative program of continuing professional education for the nanotech industry Displays: 6717; Downloads: 1174; |
Discussion platform |
Adamskiy S. M. | Creative convergence as a pedagogical phenomenon Displays: 6650; Downloads: 1089; |
Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning |
Dobrynina O. | Teaching academic writing to university staff as a part of continuing education Displays: 8668; Downloads: 1157; |