Issue № 3 (7). 2014.

Editorial Board

 From the Editors
Displays: 3889; Downloads: 836;

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology

Severin S. N.Continuous scientific and methodological education in the era of post-nonclassical science
Displays: 8760; Downloads: 1002;
Pichugina V.The origin and the development of the care of lifelong learning
Displays: 8452; Downloads: 1178;

Learning throughout the life

Graumann O.The study of chidren's giftedness in germany
Displays: 8203; Downloads: 1124;

Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia

Nazarov A. I., Sergeeva O. V.The effectiveness of the distance learning technology usage for undergraduate students
Displays: 14577; Downloads: 1168;

Education Management in an open global society

Lebedeva S. S., Bezukh S., Kulikova Y.The implementation of education social functions in the context of the former Soviet union modernization (through the example of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan)
Displays: 8011; Downloads: 955;

Human and teaching resources of continuing education

Kuzmina T.Neuropedagogical approach to teaching at primary school through teacher's research activity
Displays: 11649; Downloads: 1217;
Malanin V. S.Current state and prospects of professional competence development at the training center of the federal service for execution and punishment (FSEP)
Displays: 7002; Downloads: 987;

Innovative approaches to lifelong learning

Ershova N., Ekimova T.The methods of designing an innovative program of continuing professional education for the nanotech industry
Displays: 6717; Downloads: 1174;

Discussion platform

Adamskiy S. M.Creative convergence as a pedagogical phenomenon
Displays: 6650; Downloads: 1089;

Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning

Dobrynina O.Teaching academic writing to university staff as a part of continuing education
Displays: 8668; Downloads: 1157;