Lebedeva S. S., Bezukh S., Kulikova Y. The implementation of education social functions in the context of the former Soviet union modernization (through the example of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan). LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 3 (7). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2014.2445

Issue 3 (7)

Education Management in an open global society


The implementation of education social functions in the context of the former Soviet union modernization (through the example of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan)

Lebedeva S S
D.Sc., professor of the Department of Social Work Theory and Technology at St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work
Bezukh S
D.Sc., professor of the Department of Social Work Theory and Technology at St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work.
Kulikova Y
PhD, associate professor, deputy director of the Center for Medical and Social Rehabilitation of Sight-Impaired People.
lifelong education
social functions
the former Soviet Union
the Republic of Azerbaijan
the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Abstract: the article discusses the education system changes in the former Soviet Union countries through the example of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The theoretical analysis and pedagogical reflection are based on the publications of participants of international conferences and events dedicated to the specific features of lifelong education development in the context of its modernization from 2012 to 2014. In line with the ideas of the Bologna process, the changes in education content and organization in both countries require the development of a free, independent, responsible person involved in new, civil society relations. Due to the emergence of new social groups and new social challenges associated with the transition from a traditional educational model to a modern one, certain measures should be taken. The author defines strengthening of the social function of education as an essential characteristic of education modernization in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. It is related to the intention to support problematic social groups and ensure the development of a new type of sociality through education. There has been an increase in the activity of health and social as well as psychological and pedagogical student support services in education system of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in recent years. The idea of lifelong learning contributes to the emergence of new areas and forms of non-formal and information education focused on various social, cultural and demographic groups. The article emphasizes that all initiatives to renovate education in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, as in the countries with ancient heritage, are inextricably linked with the issue of preserving cultural identity, with the study of national traditions, and the search for new ways of patriotic and moral education. The underdevelopment of new didactic foundations of education is a problem that has not been resolved in the modernization process. The paper discusses social and pedagogical trends in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, however, they may become the baseline for more detailed studies of education modernization processes in other former Soviet Union countries.
Paper submitted on: 08/29/2014; Accepted on: 09/20/2014; Published online on: 09/22/2014.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2014.2445