Malanin V. S. Current state and prospects of professional competence development at the training center of the federal service for execution and punishment (FSEP). LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 3 (7). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (7)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education


Current state and prospects of professional competence development at the training center of the federal service for execution and punishment (FSEP)

Malanin V S
(Ryazan) Post-graduate candidate at the Academy of the Federal Service for Execution of Punishment, senior lieutenant
professional competence
training center
the Federal Service for Execution and Punishment
employees of the penitentiary system
professional development.
Abstract: the article discusses current state and practices of the FSEP training centers and the issues related to professional competence development of trainees. The author's methodological assumptions and conclusions are based on: the provisions of the regulations which provide the competence requirements for employees of the penitentiary system; pedagogical ideas related to professional competence and understanding the processes of its formation in the present context; research material.
The following methods were used: survey (questionnaire, individual interviews), observation, theoretical analysis and synthesis. The paper reveals the motivation of penitentiary system employees for professional development, their attitude toward professional training as a form of continuing professional education, its positive and negative aspects; the degree of teachers' and students' understanding of the professional competence concept.
The author outlines the key content and methodological contradictions of the process of professional competence development among trainees and presents the requirements to improve this process and training efficiency. Suggested theoretical principles, conclusions and recommendations aim to improve the efficiency of pedagogical management at the FSEP training centers.
Paper submitted on: 06/04/2014; Accepted on: 09/20/2014; Published online on: 09/22/2014.

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