Ershova N., Ekimova T. The methods of designing an innovative program of continuing professional education for the nanotech industry. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 3 (7). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (7)

Innovative approaches to lifelong learning


The methods of designing an innovative program of continuing professional education for the nanotech industry

Ershova N
PhD, associate professor at the Department of Information and Measuring Systems and Physical Electronics at Petrozavodsk State University
Ekimova T
PhD, associate professor, Petrozavodsk State University
nanotech industry
continuing education of engineers
program of continuing professional education
matrix of competencies.
Abstract: the article examines the technique for the development of an innovative program of continuing professional education (CPE) in the nanotechnology field. The authors use the methods of social and pedagogical analysis and design. The paper describes the following stages of the CPE program development: preliminary and in-depth analysis of job descriptions, the research of existing qualification deficits, the coordination of a list of professional competencies for each target group with a program customer, the elaboration of an integrated matrix of competencies, the specification of the education structure, content and technology.
At the preliminary stage of the program development, the authors use the focus group results as the information base. The focus group consists of the senior representatives of the program customer company. Besides, the authors analyze the job descriptions of certain professionals.
Furthermore, the authors relate in-depth analysis of job descriptions and the study of the qualification deficits to the development prospects of the company. They specify short-term and medium-term plans for the development of the company's technological base, determine new and updated job desriptions, identify additional professional competencies allowing employees to perform their duties steady and effectively. At this stage, the authors recommend structural and functional analysis of the types of activities specific to the identified target groups as well as questionnaire surveys involving a wide range of respondents. From then on, it is possible to specify job descriptions and the company requirements by setting professional competencies for the target groups.
The next stage (coordination of a list of professional competencies for each target group with a program customer) requires identification of the methods, forms and appropriate markers for the assessment of competencies. After the elaboration of an integrated matrix of competencies, a differentiated array of competencies is to be developed for each of target groups. Then, the authors design the education structure, content and technology. The development technique for an innovative program of continuing professional education described in the presented article may be used in HR-development of the nanotech industry.
Paper submitted on: 07/29/2014; Accepted on: 09/20/2014; Published online on: 09/22/2014.

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