Robotova A. S. On methodology of studying the lifelong learning phenomenon. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 2 (6). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (6)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


On methodology of studying the lifelong learning phenomenon

Robotova A S
D.Sc., professor of the Pedagogy Department at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.
lifelong learning
methodological approach
the biographical method
Abstract: the paper attempts to examine certain methodological issues associated with the study of the lifelong learning phenomenon. Lifelong learning, or learning throughout the life, has become a topical social and educational issue; it can be proved by an increasing number of publications and studies of this topic in different areas of science knowledge. The author analyzes current tendencies in the study of lifelong learning by referring to the titles of research papers and notes that the different professions and occupations have become the subject of various research studies. The author attributes methodological uncertainty and vagueness to many studies of lifelong learning, which is reflected in the choice of major research approaches. The author states that methodological basis of research is often limited to a mere listing of different approaches without substantiation and justification. Thus, studies are inconsistent as they involve discrete and unconnected approaches, theories, concepts, categories, and references. Methodological vagueness leads to the conceptual gaps in a study of the lifelong learning phenomenon and misunderstanding of its complicated and holistic matter, which can be determined as the unity of opposites. The author draws attention to the fact that researchers tend to be more interested in the social content of lifelong learning and underrate its personal value. However, lifelong learning is the phenomenon which is naturally related to one’s life, destiny, and life events. The modern studies are carried out over a long period of time, involve large data, and set aside the specifics of lifelong learning and its relation to an individual. Therefore, the specific details of individuals’ lifelong learning and typological generational tendencies are ignored. Moreover, if the subject of research is limited to school, college, university, or any institution, the process of lifelong education becomes interrupted, which leads to relative conclusions. This is partly due to insufficient attention to the humanities research methods, and the biographical method in particular. The observations and conclusions made in the article aim to improve the methodology of the lifelong learning research.
Paper submitted on: 05/05/2014; Accepted on: 06/16/2014; Published online on: 06/25/2014.


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