Vikulina O. V. Assessing language for specific purposes at the faculty of law from the perspective of lifelong learning. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 2 (6). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (6)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education


Assessing language for specific purposes at the faculty of law from the perspective of lifelong learning

Vikulina O V
Assistant professor of the Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities at Petrozavodsk State University.
lifelong learning
communicative competence
professional communication
foreign language for specific purposes
Abstract: the article examines the various interpretations of the lifelong learning concept in Russia and abroad and compares the forms of lifelong education in different countries. The author considers lifelong learning as the continuity of educational levels within the state education system in Russia. It is focused on the balanced personal development, motivation to learn throughout the life, willingness to communicate, openness to the world, and aspiration to improve the level of individual culture. In relation to this concept, the author analyzes the potential for use the existing forms of language assessment in the practice of foreign language teaching to the students of law faculties at Russian universities. The paper attempts to describe the way the assessment of foreign language communicative competence should be set in the context of lifelong learning.
The article presents an example of the English language assessment procedures at the faculty of law (Petrozavodsk State University) in 2012-2013. The author emphasizes that the requirements for the assessment procedures of foreign language communicative competence among law students are conditioned upon the changing needs of society and the needs of the modern lifelong learning.
Keywords: assessment, lifelong learning, communicative competence, professional communication, lawyer, university, foreign language for specific purposes.
Paper submitted on: 12/18/2013; Accepted on: 06/16/2014; Published online on: 06/25/2014.


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