Keywords: controlled positive social adjustment social competence socio-cultural situation community-minded educational institution network association |
Abstract: the article is dedicated to the issue of positive social adjustment in the framework of lifelong education. Positive social adjustment of the younger generation of Russians is a strategic objective of modern educational system. In this regard, the development of new effective forms and technologies to help this process is a topical issue. The authors discuss the development and implementation of an open system for controlled lifelong positive social adjustment in the Kurgan region. Considering the requirements of the Federal State Education Standards, as well as the results of scientific research and expert view, the authors present the concept and the matrix of learners' social competence through social roles (student, friend, son / daughter, husband / wife, citizen, professional). According to the authors, building students’ social competence is focused not only on the transfer of social and cultural experience from one generation to another, but also on the development of an active and action-oriented person, capable of self-realization, positive social change, and creativity. The touchstone is the harmony between the achievement of social well-being and sense of personal happiness as the elements of a balanced value system. The authors analyze a current socio-cultural situation in the region and conclude that a large number of schools are in a «cultural desert». The paper discusses an effective practice of overcoming social and cultural constraints by establishing network associations (e.g. cultural and educational centers) in the Kurgan region to address urgent educational challenges. Educational institutions and associations were assessed regarding their social activity. It led to the development of the content of social adjustment programs «My Vmeste» («We are Together»), «Stanovlenie» («Formation»); the establishment of community-minded educational institutions; and the foundation of the Academy for Developmental Teaching. The authors describe the technology of the Academy establishment, management, and performance at the regional, municipal, and institutional levels. The authors consider the regional network of the younger generation's positive social adjustment as an attribute of their continuous social development. This conclusion is based on the diagnostic studies, public evaluation, and positive attitude expressed by the principals of schools and further education institutions.
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