Kolesnikova I. A. The culture of lifelong learning: rationale of the concept. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 1 (5). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2014.2261

Issue 1 (5)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


The culture of lifelong learning: rationale of the concept

Kolesnikova I A
D.Sc., full professor, head of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization «COMENIUS Agency».
(St. Petersburg)
lifelong learning
culture of lifelong learning
continuity of education
behavior in the educational setting
management of lifelong education.
Abstract: This paper aims to propose and substantiate the concept of lifelong learning culture pertaining to modern learning society and characterize social and pedagogical environment appropriate for this concept. The following methods were used: a) theoretical analysis of terminological phrases integrating cultural and educational meanings; analysis of publications and statements freely available on the Internet which reflect a range of lifelong learning issues; b) the author's reflection on the experience of working in the system of lifelong learning; c) local polls.
The culture of lifelong learning is evolving in society along with the accumulation and spreading of ways of free continuing education. Relating to an individual, the culture of lifelong learning is an integrative characteristic of capacity for personal development through continuing education. It reflects the extent and quality of competencies in this field. An opportunity of lifelong learning sets new tasks in front of people of different ages. They need to have specific competencies and be constantly able to continue their education, whilst the educational forms should be in line with a cultural level of society. The author adheres to the logic of considering lifelong education to be comprised of formal (basic and professional), non-formal, and informal (spontaneous) and outlines typical educational situations. These situations require certain «culture» which defines the prospects of lifelong education and a strategy of one's behavior in the educational setting. The culture of lifelong learning is also connected in the article with the control of multilevel education.
As a result of the study, new theoretical ideas on individual culture of lifelong learning and its components are offered. The typical tasks which require the building of competencies to define a culture of lifelong learning from the perspective of a learner are outlined. Modern educational management is related in the article to the continuity of education, while each stage of education is considered as a part of the whole. Actions and social conditions essential for building the culture of lifelong learning are determined.
Paper submitted on: 02/18/2014; Accepted on: 03/04/2014; Published online on: 03/25/2014.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2014.2261