Kolesnikova I. A. Transdisciplinary strategy of lifelong education research. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 4 (8). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2014.2642

Issue 4 (8)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


Transdisciplinary strategy of lifelong education research

Kolesnikova I A
D.Sc., full professor, head of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization «COMENIUS Agency»
(St. Petersburg)
research strategy
lifelong education
pedagogical science
ontological paradigm approach
high humanitarian technology
Abstract: the article substantiates the feasibility of using a transdisciplinary strategy for the study of lifelong education phenomenon. It also outlines the promising areas of education research and development based on a transdisciplinary approach. Theoretical analysis and conclusions are based on the materials from the official websites of main world research and educational institutions. The author selects the materials containing «transdisciplinarity» in the title. The research is also based on the foreign studies on a transdisciplinary approach in the cross-reference system.
The author draws attention to the value and semantic gap between a new scientific worldview and primitive, distorted and obsolete forms, in which nature, society and humans appear in the setting of a declared continuity of education. The paper considers a transdisciplinary strategy as one of the possible ways to overcome the methodological contradiction between the existential basis of complex modern pedagogical problems and grassroots ways to solve them, which dominate in a common educational practice.
The article provides a brief historical outline of a transdisciplinary approach development and its implications on scientific knowledge and education system as a whole. It shows the flexibility of an international practice of applying this approach to learning. Educational experience does not fit in a strict disciplinary framework by its nature, as a person can use various forms to comprehend the being. There is non-formal and informal education apart from formal. The author identifies the interdisciplinary categories and concepts, pedagogical essence of which should be studied on a transdisciplinary basis. Among them are: a human being, consciousness, cognition, information, communication and educational technology. The article presents ontological paradigm approach as one of the resources for developing transdisciplinary strategy of pedagogical research. The author concludes that the transdisciplinary discourse is a necessary basis for a modern lifelong education theory. Transdisciplinary theory of lifelong education may become a methodological basis for its innovative development.
Paper submitted on: 12/01/2014; Accepted on: 12/20/2014; Published online on: 12/24/2014.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2014.2642