Solomatin A. M. Management of an educational institution in the context of system changes. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 4 (8). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4 (8)

Education Management in an open global society


Management of an educational institution in the context of system changes

Solomatin A M
PhD, deputy director, head of methodical office at the publishing house "Akademkniga / Uchebnik"
development program
educational program
project development.
Abstract: the paper presents the author's observations on management of an educational institution made during a series of seminars led by the publishing house "Akademkniga / Uchebnik." The seminars aimed at the discussion of current management and methodological issues associated with the Federal State Standard of general education. The new Russian Federation Education Act determines educational and development programs, which are to increase the efficiency of educational institutions. The author states that an informal approach to drafting the documents initiates and maintains the management processes of performance and development in the context of system changes in the Russian education system. The paper analyzes structure, effective period and time for mastering each of the discussed documents. It also examines the correlation between mandatory and additional parts of the documents.

In 2013, in the course of the Russian National Project Seminar, the researches defined strategic educational tasks. Joint work on certain sections of the federal documents could result in the solution of these tasks. The interconnection between the functioning and development processes is possible only in the context of continuing education, advanced professional competence development of the developers of educational programs and other pedagogical workers. The suggested conclusions may be used in the system of continuing professional education.
Paper submitted on: 11/16/2014; Accepted on: 12/15/2014; Published online on: 12/24/2014.

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