Ispenkov A. N. Research- and project-based activity in the field of computer science as a means of modern school students' personal fulfillment and creative development. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 4 (8). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4 (8)

Innovative approaches to lifelong learning


Research- and project-based activity in the field of computer science as a means of modern school students' personal fulfillment and creative development

Ispenkov A N
Teacher of computer skills at the secondary school #46
(Vitebsk, Belarus)
computer science
project-based activity
research activity
creative development
personal fulfillment of school students
Abstract: the paper discusses the organization of research- and project-based school activity in the field of computer science. The article considers conducting research projects with the use of computer and other technical resources as a modern way of learners’ personal fulfillment. The author of the article teaches computer science at school in Vitebsk (Belarus) and has a long experience in organizing project-based activities to prepare children and teenagers to socialize the results of their creative works.

The article states that computer science as a subject has ample opportunities for students' personal fulfillment through learners' involvement in research- and project-based activity. The emphasis is placed on students' individual willingness and desire to implement their expertise, knowledge and skills in independent work on a project: at home, in elective courses, stimulating classes and associations of interest. The teacher's (project manager's) task is to identify an interest in the subject area and transform it in order to apply for public interest activity. Participation in research and project activities teaches students discipline, corrects low self-esteem, helps them earn reputation among class- and schoolmates. It holds promise for bringing together students of different ages as well as for interdisciplinary interaction among teachers and inclusion of parents in the educational process.

The paper reveals the theoretical foundation, technical requirements and step-by-step organization of computer science projects. The author gradually describes the project work of students of different ages (grades 4 - 11), as well as gives their brief characteristics, which outlines students' personal development in the course of project implementation. The article contains many references to online sources where the readers can find the outcomes of students' project-based activity.
Paper submitted on: 11/15/2014; Accepted on: 12/20/2014; Published online on: 12/24/2014.

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