Nechaeva L. A. E-learning opportunities for intercultural competence building: the practices of the university of the arctic (Norway, Tromsø). LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2014. № 2 (6). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (6)

Innovative approaches to lifelong learning


E-learning opportunities for intercultural competence building: the practices of the university of the arctic (Norway, Tromsø)

Nechaeva L A
Instructor of the Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities at Petrozavodsk State University.
the University of the Arctic
linguistic competence
intercultural communicative competence
intercultural interaction
Abstract: the article examines the feasibility of using e-learning in the educational process and the need for its development in a new information and educational environment in Russia. Moreover, the paper defines the legal basis for the implementation of e-learning and distance learning technologies and the requirements for a university involved in the development of online courses. The author describes the history and evolution of e-learning in Russia, and outlines the practices of the leading world universities. Particular attention is paid to the following aspects: state-of-the-art equipment, skilled professionals and teachers, technical staff, the development of a special educational environment for e-learning including digital educational resources, information and telecommunication technologies and equipment, the system of modern pedagogical technologies, high-speed telecommunications, counseling services, methodological and organizational support. The article analyzes the advantages of e-learning such as free access to educational resources, flexible learning process, a variety of education formats, quality and effectiveness of education, opportunities for self-learning and continuing professional development. Through the example of the University of the Arctic, the author reveals the possibilities of using online courses to build linguistic and intercultural communicative competence. The curriculum of the course "Introduction to the Circumpolar World" is described to discuss the details of e-learning organization, applied materials, and technologies.
Furthermore, the author examines the opportunities for network cooperation within the "Thematic Networks" program of the University of the Arctic. The program includes goal setting for e-learning in the Arctic region, experience exchange between the partners of the University, promotion of interaction between students and professors, support of joint research projects, conferences, and publications on e-learning.
Paper submitted on: 05/04/2014; Accepted on: 06/18/2014; Published online on: 06/25/2014.


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