List of abstracts, 2018 all issues
issue 1 (21)
Kharisova L. A. Key words: educational complex, continuity, development, quality of activities, evaluation criteria of quality. | THE STUDY OF THE PROBLEM OF CONTINUITY IN EDUCATIONAL COMPLEXES
Restructuring of educational institutions and creating educational complexes aimed at improving the quality of general education are discussed in the article. However, the integration of educational organizations in a complex actualizes the problem of continuity between the levels of general education and horizontal correlations of educational system. To increase the level of continuity, we should first analyze and identify the problems of integration. The solution to this problem is based on the methodology of development of educational systems and theories of organizational development. Based on this methodology, the secondary complex is regarded as an innovative educational organization engaged in the development, dissemination and implementation of innovations. The study identifies the subjects of the analysis and the algorithm of actions. The developed criteria of quality of activity of educational systems in the implementation of the succession and the methods of its evaluation are presented. |
Yanyushkina G. M., Perevedentseva L. A. Key words: lifelong learning, continuity principle, natural science education for high school students, federal governmental educational standard of general education, content-didactic lines | DIDACTIC ASPECTS OF CONTINUITY OF NATURAL SCIENCE EDUCATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS
The article deals with didactic aspects of continuity of natural science education for high school students. The continuity embraces the spacial and temporal connections of general education stages, content and structural-logical links of natural science high school education, vertical and horizontal continuity. The natural sciences have nature as a common study object, and are integrated through common natural sciences methods of obtaining knowledge, and these factors orient teachers to look for common approaches of teaching natural sciences subjects, including close interdisciplinary links between them. The curricular practices of interaction among teachers within the subject area «Natural Sciences Subjects» in general school is revealed. These practices prove that personal and meta-disciplinary educational results could be successfully achieved only by combined efforts of natural science teachers teaching to chemistry, physics, biology within the subject area «Natural Sciences Subjects». |
Volkov P. B. Key words: integrated education, physical education, high school, inclusive education References | THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED EDUCATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OF DIFFERENT NOSOLOGICAL GROUPS
The article deals with the problem of integrated education for high school students of different nosological groups (on the example of physical training). On the basis of the analysis of literature sources and practical training for students with disabilities the following conclusions were made: а) physical training in inclusive education of senior students should include encouragement and motivation, correction of motor disorders, exercising of physical qualities; b) the integrated education for senior high school students of various nosological groups faces the methodological, psychological, pedagogical, and social challenges. The challenges are caused by the necessity to use special approach for each nosological group of students, special methods of teaching, connected with particular disabilities as well as with unpreparedness for this type of education both students and teachers. To solve these problems the integrated training of teenagers based on the interdisciplinary nature of education .use the training is used. In the article methods and results of empirical study of strengths and weaknesses of integrated research for senior students of various nosological groups such as "brain storming", SWOT-analysis; expert assessment are presented. The educators in the area of physical training (160 instructors) participated in the research, and as a result the matrix of the strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities of integrated teaching in the context of inclusive education, was formed. On the basis of the received data, the author puts forward the suggestions for improving the integrated education of physical training. It should be started from the educator's training based on the humanistic principles in teaching students with disabilities as well as psycho-pedagogical support for the formation and development of personal qualities, to help students with disabilities successfully adapt in society. |
Teryushkova J. Y. Key words: adjustment of the first-year students, the ways of guiding in the period of adjustment, psychological counseling, system art-therapy, positive psyco-therapy, effectiveness of individual psychological guiding | INDIVIDUAL CONSULTING AS A FORM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL GUIDING FOR THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS
The methods of guiding for first-year students in the period of adjustment to higher institution education are considered in the article. The results of the pilot research of the effectiveness on individual psychological counseling for students as a form of guiding in the process of adjustment are presented. The central place takes the characteristics of special features of psychological counseling aimed at overcoming the dis-adaptation of the first-year students. The received results are presented as recommendations for organization the system of adaptation measures at the university. |
Rayevskaya E. A. Key words: tutor, first-year students' adjustment, functional levels of a tutor activities, tutor types, metadisciplinary, lifelong learning | METADISCIPLINARY ASPECTS OF TUTOR ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF LIFELONG LEARNING
The attempt to describe the functional levels of a tutor is made in the article. The comparative analysis of five functional activity levels and types of practicing tutors is presented. On the basis of the analysis the three effective models "parent", "educator", and "teacher" which carry out the main functions of a tutor are emphasized. The results of social-psychological monitoring conducted in PetrSU on a sampling of 1052 respondents in December, 2017 are presented. The successes and failures of the first-year students adjustment are stated. The priority funneling of students' support during the adjustment period at the university are shown. The content of tutor activities based on the analysis of literature sources in the context of lifelong learning as metadisciplinary universal activity is considered. |
Yashina M. N., Vlasova A. A., Belousov K. Y. Key words: school type, educational route, family social status | FAMILY SOCIAL RESOURCES IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF DIFFERENT TYPES
The article presents the analysis of the family social resources, involved in the education of children in school organizations of various types. The foreign literature sources on a topic are analyzed, and the application of rational models of educational choice is discussed. The importance of age factor in choosing the educational route is mentioned; the influence of the social context on educational success is noted. Based on the methodological approach described by D.L.Konstantinovsky, the Russian context of the influence of the family social status on education in various educational institutions is discussed. The data obtained from the results of the monitoring study "The Graduate of the St. Petersburg School" are analyzed to prove the connection between the family social status and the child's study placement. The collected data show that the socio-economic family status determines the educational level of their children and, consequently their plans for the future. Finally, the ways parents convert social, cultural, and economic family backgrounds and values to provide their children with a decent future are described as well as the impact of the role of the teacher on the quality of education. |
Dobrynina O. L. Key words: technology, life-long linguistic education,grammar and lexical interference, polysemy, English as a foreign language,academic writing, errors and mistakes, error correction. | TECHNOLOGY OF LIFELONG LINGUISTIC EDUCATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO RECOGINIZE AND CORRECT ERRORS IN ENGLISH ACADEMIC WRITING
The article presents the analysis of the family social resources, involved in the education of children in school organizations of various types. The foreign literature sources on a topic are analyzed, and the application of rational models of educational choice is discussed. The importance of age factor in choosing the educational route is mentioned; the influence of the social context on educational success is noted. Based on the methodological approach described by D.L.Konstantinovsky, the Russian context of the influence of the family social status on education in various educational institutions is discussed. The data obtained from the results of the monitoring study "The Graduate of the St. Petersburg School" are analyzed to prove the connection between the family social status and the child's study placement. The collected data show that the socio-economic family status determines the educational level of their children and, consequently their plans for the future. Finally, the ways parents convert social, cultural, and economic family backgrounds and values to provide their children with a decent future are described as well as the impact of the role of the teacher on the quality of education. |
Sokolova E. I. Key words: technology, life-long linguistic education,grammar and lexical interference, polysemy, English as a foreign language,academic writing, errors and mistakes, error correction. | TECHNOLOGY OF LIFELONG LINGUISTIC EDUCATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO RECOGINIZE AND CORRECT ERRORS IN ENGLISH ACADEMIC WRITING
Lifelong language learning means learning foreign languages during person’s life both within an education system and outside it. The article focuses on the effect of interference and polysemy on academic English of students from some countries. Students’ native language (Finnish, Swedish, German, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian) is given a brief characteristic in comparison with English as a foreign language. The author considers the influence of students’ native language on their errors in academic writing. Teachers of academic English from the mentioned countries show that students face problems when dealing with the structure of the English sentence and its word order, with tense system and active and passive voices, with articles and prepositions usage. Examples of such errors are presented and some suggestions for their correction are given. Polysemy of the native and English languages presents a lot of difficulties for learners while choosing the proper word meaning. Students should learn to analyze the context meaning of words in their native language and to find its relevant equivalent in English. Teachers could explain such problem situations to students, use interlanguage contrasting exercises and train students to recode their ideas from their native language into English. |
issue 2 (22)
Alexeev S. V. Key words: ecological education, ecological enlightenment, ecological culture, information, propaganda, upbringing, the St. Petersburg experience. | EDUCATION AND ENLIGHTENMENT AS THE TWO SIDES OF A SINGLE PROCESS (via the example of ecological culture formation)
The search for the single foundation and specificity for the two very important processes – education and enlightenment, based on formation for the different components of the general culture of a person (ecological, rhetoric, legal, natural sciences, humanitarian, etc.) is attempted in the article. In foreign literature the concepts «education» and «enlightenment» are treated as synonyms whereas in the Russian publications the above-mentioned concepts are used together as a rule in a phrase «ecological education and enlightenment», without underlining the specificity of each concept. The contribution of each of the processes under consideration into the goal achievement is obviously different and the forms of realization of the contribution would be different, too. The article prefaces the realization of the regional project for working out the Concept of ecological enlightenment in the interest of sustainable development in St. Petersburg. |
Stepus I. S., Gurtov V. A., Simakova A. V. Key words: early professional orientation, students, the Internet-resources, professional orientation lesson. | EFFECTIVE INSTRUMENTS FOR PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION OF SCHOOLSTUDENTS (based on the experience of the Republic of Karelia)
The article deals with the analysis of the results of the II Republican professional orientation lesson «Live, learn, work in Karelia!» with the use of the Internet-portal «My Career». The Internet-portal provides for interactive professional testing, by the results of which the user may learn about the recommended activities and professions, suitable for their abilities and much-on-demand on the labor market of the Republic of Karelia. The portal presents professional diagrams, containing key characteristics for professions, and the site navigation helps to find out where to recieve relevant education and get a job in line with the selected profession. The efficiency of a lesson is reached through a tight lesson time schedule, consolidations of professional effort and resources of schools, employment service, and governmental structures in the educational sphere. More than 5 000 school students of 8−10 grades took part in the II Republican professional orientation lesson held in March, 2018. The students represented all municipal regions of Karelia. At the beginning of a lesson the school students who have already chosen their professions made just 46 %, and after the lesson the number of the school students who made their professional choice increased up to 86 %. |
Vinokurova N. F., Demidova N. N. Key words: continuous geo-ecological education, holistic geo-ecological educational space, the Nizhny Novgorod scientific school of geo-ecological education. | CONTINUOUS GEO-ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION: REGIONAL CONCEPT
The article deals with the theoretical-methodological and practical-methodological aspects of the formation of geo-ecological education in Russia and the Nizhny Novgorod region in particular. On the basis of retrospective analysis, the successive stages of development of geo-ecological education are identified. Each stage has its own specifics, cognitive models, strategies. The transition to the model of continuous geo-ecological education as a future-oriented education, ensuring the transition to sustainable, safe development is proved. The Nizhny Novgorod scientific school of geo-ecological education lead by N. F. Vinokourov is characterized. The main scientific and applied studies of the scientific school are presented. These studies give the methodological basis for the development of continuous geo-ecological education in accordance with the ideas of sustainable development, taking into account the regional specifics of the ecological and educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region. |
Babakova T. A. Key words: school environmental regional studies; environmental regional approach; environmental education for sustainable development; national regional component of education; pedagogical technology; project method. | ENVIRONMENTAL REGIONAL APPROACH TO GENERAL EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
The article focuses on the ideas of education for sustainable development and substantiates the necessity of environmental regional studies at school as the way to implement the national regional component of education for sustainable development. The author has analyzed the historical background and present trends indicated in pedagogical investigations of school environmental education and acknowledges the lack of researchers’ interest to the problems of the national and regional studies aspects of education for sustainable development. The essence of the concepts «school environmental regional studies» and «environmental regional approach» and of some other related concepts is refined in the article. The author proposes a project method as the basic technology to implement environmental regional approach in education for sustainable development, considers some theoretically based and tested characteristics of environmental regional projects realized in general school. |
Barinov E. F. Key words: advanced education, fundamental knowledge of medicine, management of students’ professional competencies formation. | FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES OF THE DOCTOR: THE TECHNOLOGY POSSIBILITIES OF ADVANCED EDUCATION ON THEORETICAL DEPARTMENTS
The purpose of the article is to substantiate and analyze the possibility of practical implementation of advanced educational technology on theoretical departments of medical university for improving formation of the doctors’ professional competencies. The methods of research were as follows: analysis of practice of advanced education organization at the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology. The algorithm for selecting content of advanced educationist proposed which allows identification of the demand for fundamental knowledge among teaching doctors which form the basis of doctors’ professional competencies; to form a necessary knowledge pool from different theoretical disciplines and establish clinically relevant causal relationships between knowledge which is based on an understanding of causes and mechanisms of alteration of cells, tissue and organ functions in patient's disease; to create a correct indicative basis of professional activity; to earn skills of differential diagnostics of diseases and development of tactics of patients’ therapy based on using of specific knowledge by students (clusters of fundamental knowledge). Scientific novelty: the clusters’ formation of fundamental knowledge that are the basis of advanced educational technology of students in theoretical departments as well as interdisciplinary integration and formation of professional competencies of students are provided. As a result of research we may conclude that the possibility of advanced education of students in theoretical departments will allow to increase the effectiveness of professional competencies formation. |
Voloshina T. A. Key words: creative industries, basic high school, practical-oriented educational program, design, design model. | THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRACTICE-ORIENTED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IN THE AREA OF DESIGN
The article presents a model for developing an educational program in the area of «Design». The rel-evance of this program is determined by the opportunities for the development of creative industries in the Republic of Karelia. The design process includes several stages: labor market analysis, analysis of legal normative documents, the formation of a cooperation system with partners, the develop-ment of an updated educational program, the filling of the program and the marketing strategy. The implementation of the developed model creates an educational program aimed at the labor market, which meets the requirements of employers, focuses on the development of the region, and pro-motes academic mobility of students and teachers. |
Dochkin S. A. Key words: competitiveness of the university, additional professional education, competitive advantages, factors, e-learning, professional standards. | COMPETITIVENESS OF THE UNIVERSITY AS A RESULT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION
The possibility and directions of using the formed system of additional vocational education as a tool for increasing the university's competitiveness are considered. The key approaches to the disclosure of the terms «competition», «competitiveness», and «university competitiveness» are defined. A number of specific features characteristic for Additional Professional Education (APE) have been identified: multilevel in the provision for content services, the openness of the proposed educational services in the field of APE, the correlation of the time frame for educational services, increased number of faculty for APE services, the time frequency of educational services in APE system, the importance of the results of the educational process for consumers, the active consumer role in the process of planning services in the field of additional vocational education and assessing its quality. The problems of functioning of the market of educational services in the sphere of additional vocational education affecting the competitiveness of a modern university are formulated. The results and a number of priority directions for further development of the APE at the Technical University are presented in the framework of the developed medium-term program. |
Lebedeva K. A., Dercatch A. M. Key words: school mediation service, educational technology, conflictological competence. | SCHOOL MEDIATION SERVICE AS AN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY: THE RESULTS OF THE APPROBATION
The activity of the school mediation service is considered for the first time as an educational technology. The elements of this educational technology are revealed from the positions of the system-activity approach. The education technology is understood by the authors in two aspects: as the implementation of the projected learning process and as real teacher-child interactions. The principles and conditions of technology implementation are formulated. The areas of work of the mediation service are specified. The novelty of the technology is the focus of the mediation process not only on the successful conflict resolution, but also on the training of mediation participants. The article suggests criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the mediation service. In accordance with these criteria, the results of the approbation of the proposed technology in the state educational institution School (Gymnasium) № 505 of St. Petersburg in 2016/17 and 2017/18 academic year are analyzed. Based on the results of the approbation the problems and challenges were identified. The approbation showed that the proposed technology require further theoretical and methodological development, including the problem of the mediation training for adolescent mediators and consideration of gender aspects during the mediation procedure. |
Kolesnikov V. N., Melnik Y. I., Teplova L. I. Key words: problematic use of mobile phone, addiction, addictive behavior, youth age, Internet-addiction, tech-nological addiction, Internet services, Social networks, education effectiveness, training activities. | MOBILE PHONE AS AN EDUCATIONAL INSTRUMENT
The information technologies development has reached the stage when nearly every school student owes a smartphone. Permanently upgraded functionality of modern smartphones, numerous applica-tions attract both teachers and learners by their possibilities for forming educational competencies. At the same time, one can see threats, evident but not enough studied yet, which calls for anxiety and concern. Possessing great potential for using in educational environment, the phone sometimes gives a reason for conflicts in class. The contradiction and lack of data for phone influence on learner achievements, psychological well-being and intra-personal relationship call for further studies. In the research, performed on a representative group made of 150 high school students and undergraduate university students, the problems of productive and problematic use of mobile phones were considered. To get the data of the use of mobile phones the survey method was applied. We also used the Russian adapted version of the questionnaire PUMP (Problematic use of mobile phone). One of the manifestation of the construct «problematic use of mobile phone» are the problems in different spheres of life activity including the problems connected with education. The result of investigation helps to reveal both positive and negative impact of mobile phones on educational process |
Koshkarov V. L. Key words: stereotype, originality, communication, learn, speech activity, language as a system. | STEREOTYPE VS ORIGINALITY IN COMMUNICATION AND LEARNING
The attempt is made to define the «spheres of influence» of stereotype and stereopization as a dominant tendency in the approach for «speech skills development» of school and university students. We also tried to find the ways to create conditions for manifestation of learners’ independence in productive speech activities. We oriented it not on the outside patterns but on the self-expression of a linguistic persona. We consider that sooner or later it will promote to develop value-based attitude to their speech and the language, which is shown in the first place in striving to make the speech less stereotypical, different from others, original. Stereotypic base (language as a system) serves as an instrument for expressing intellectual-emotional personality content («by default» − unique), − this combination may serve as the source of pedagogical objective to make speech cliché-free. |
issue 3 (23)
The Editorial | |
Ignatovich E. V. Key words: supplementary education, supplementary adult education, continuing professional education, training, out-of-school education, semantic-pedagogical method. | FROM 'OUT-OF-SCHOOL EDUCATION' TO 'SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION' IN RUSSIA: A COMPARATIVE HISTORICAL-LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPTS (THE 18TH - 21ST CENTURIES)
The article examines the historical-semantic interrelations between the concepts of out-of-school education in Tsar Russia, out-of-school vospitanie (education+) in the Soviet Union, and supplementary education in post-1991 Russian. The study employs the semantic-pedagogical approach (Kolesnikova et al., 2016) and a complex of historical and linguistic methods to explore the usage of the terms supplementary education, supplementary adult education, continuing professional education, training, out-of-school education in historical contexts. The data was retrieved from Ngram Viewer, state documents, scholarly publications. The historical and semantic analysis of the concepts related to different forms of non-mainstream education showed that since the 18th century both the sector of primary comprehensive and professional school and various out-of-school forms of education have been actively developing in Russia. The first forms of out-of-school education were addressed to socially and economically unprivileged classes of people and aimed to form their basic literacy skills and general culture. Out-of-school education was developed as an alternative to school education, was run and funded by individuals and non-government organisations. During the Soviet period, out-of-school education of adults was transformed into night schools, schools by correspondence, schools at fabrics and plants that became part of the formal state education system. The concept of out-of-school education marked the beginning of out-of-school vospitanie (education+) of children and adolescents, which was aimed at the development of the Soviet identity. Out-of-school vospitanie (education+) employed a lot of forms of public pedagogy. In 1992, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the term 'supplementary education' replaced 'out-of-school vospitanie (education+) of children and adolescents' and almost all the forms of adult education including 'continuing professional education'. By 2013, "supplementary education" became an umbrella term describing all forms of lifelong education excluding compulsory school and degree programs. The state recognised supplementary education as an essential component of the educational system. Nevertheless, the transition from the Soviet terminology to the post-1991 concept narrowed the field of learning that is considered education to a limited number of avenues. The concept of supplementary education introduced a utilitarian economic and standards-based approach to education. |
Schegoleva L. V., Svetova N. Y., Tatiana S. G. Key words: Unified State Exam (final school exam), quality of education, academic performance, first-year stu-dents, applicants. | FINAL STATE EXAMINATION OF PUPILS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KARELIA
In recent years, professors of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of Petro-zavodsk State University have noted the following tendency: many students are becoming increas-ingly unable to cope with the traditional courses in science and mathematics due to insufficient knowledge and skills in Mathematics at a school level even though the students might have high scores in the final exam in Mathematics. A research was carried out targeting PetrSU applicants re-siding in the Republic of Karelia from the point of view of exam scores, the academic performance of first and second-year students, the correlation between the school exam score and academic per-formance of the university students. The database of the research was formed by the exam scores in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and the Russian Language in the Republic of Karelia within the period of 2014−2017, as well as data on the academic performance of PetrSU students during the first year of study in Mathematics. As a result of the research, we detected a weak link-age between an applicant’s exam score in Mathematics and a university student’s average score in Mathematics. One of the crucial reasons for this may be the following factor: the school exam scores do not reflect the actual level of knowledge of students in Mathematics whereas it is a requirement for effective performance at the university level. As a result, the university is forced to spend its re-sources to fill in the gaps in students’ basic school knowledge. |
Eflova Z. B., Kosolapova E. S. Key words: continuity of preschool and primary general education, conditions for ensuring continuity in education, content analysis. | THE CONDITIONS OF CONTINUITY OF PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY GENERAL EDUCATION IN STANDARDS OF EDUCATION AND IN PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE
Results of the analysis of the Concept of Continuing Education (2003) and federal state educational standards of preschool (2013) and primary general education (2009) in the context of ensuring the continuity of these levels of education are presented. The current educational standards reflect and develop the main idea of the concept. The basic conditions, directions and forms of ensuring continuity in accordance with the standards of education in educational practice are identified. The results of studying the experience of ensuring the continuity of preschool and primary general education of teachers from 23 regions of the Russian Federation are presented in the current research. The method of content analysis was used to study pedagogical experience. Criteria of content analysis are as follows: 1) presentation of the teacher on the relevance of the problem of continuity; 2) goals and objectives of continuity as understood by the teacher; 3) special work / direction of pedagogical nature to ensure continuity in the teacher’s practice; 4) the teacher's work in ensuring continuity being in accord with the educational standards; 5) directions of work on the practical implementation of continuity; 6) reasons for violation of continuity; 7) the teacher's opinion about a child's preparation for school life. Some problems of realization of continuity in education are noted, in particular, the problem of «schooling» of preschool education. Areas that are potential for continuing the study are indicated. |
Sakhanski N. B. Key words: Suvorovsky Military College, Nakhimov naval School, selection system criteria, training and education of students, teaching and officer staff, school graduates, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Russian Federation. | THE INITIAL STAGE OF CONTINUOUS MILITARY EDUCATION
Article regards the history of the creation of Suvorov Military and Nakhimov naval schools as the initial stage of continuous military education. Due to the dedicated work of the teaching staff, the use of advanced techniques in training and education of musicians, many graduates of the VCA have achieved significant results in both military and civil walks of life, were awarded with high military ranks, academic degrees, titles, and awards; received recognition both at home and abroad. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Russian Federation, the 75th anniversary of which is celebrated this year, made a significant contribution to the above accomplishments. |
Moshkina E. V., Nazarov A. I., Sergeeva O. V. Key words: independent testing, expert evaluation in Physics, distant e-learning technologies, Blackboard platform. | E-LEARNING PLATFORM AS A TOOL IN INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT OF LEARNERS’ OF PHYSICS ACHIEVEMENT
The paper provides an insight into a complex of tools aimed at enhancing higher education effectiveness, more specifically, precision of learning outcomes. One of assessment methods is independent audit carried out by external experts as part of midterm assessment. The article throws light upon the possibilities of e-learning and distant educational technologies as related to assessment procedures. The project sets out the requirements for electronic educational resources in independent assessment of learning results. It also offers a new methodology of organization and independent assessment of knowledge and practical skills in Physics in higher educational institutions. The e-learning module «Evaluation Tools in Physics» available on the Blackboard platform was designed by the authors. This module facilitates independent expert assessment in Physics. The database of questions and tests of evaluation tools has been analyzed. The key module features have been described, retained knowledge evaluation in Physics engineers has been developed. The research contains the probation results of evaluating retained knowledge in Physics with the help of an e-learning module designed for bachelor’s degrees in Engineering within the field of forestry, engineering, mining and construction in PetrSU. The presented methodology of evaluation may be utilized to verify competence development for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. |
Ignatieva E. Y. Key words: assessment, evaluation, mark, learning outcomes, learning strategy, self- assessment. | ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES AS A LEARNING STRATEGY
Change in evaluation methodology is defined by changes of social, cultural and educational situations. The significance of this problem solution is due to the need for practical application of new assessment requirements. Based on the analysis of fictional texts the main concepts have been elaborated and clarified: assessment, learning strategy, formative assessment, criteria assessment, meaningful evaluation. The concept «learning outcome assessment as an educational strategy» has been defined within this research as providing information to achieve academic goals, coordinating learning process and evaluation with the values, age and students’ idiosyncrasies. This data enables effective teacher control over learning processes, as well as student autonomy. Practicing teachers worked out conditions for the realization of learning outcomes as learning strategy, namely, implied choices and criteria frame in assessment, teacher’s trust, etc. Among the factors preventing this realization are parents’ fixation on the grade, ambiguous teachers’ requirements, labour intensity of changing the assessment system, the five-point system. Special attention is given to students’ self-assessment based on options in the process of assessment. Analysis of educational practice revealed teachers’ positive attitude to the idea of learning outcomes assessment as a learning strategy, as well as some problem areas in the realization of this project. |
Voloshina T. A. Key words: entrepreneurship training, teacher's competences, practice-oriented training, business project. | TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP TO STUDENTS IN EDUCATION STUDIES
Article examines the issues of training entrepreneurship for future teachers, the relevance of this knowledge to current socio-economic conditions. The main state programs and documents that de-termine the requirements of the state to the quality of training of pedagogical personnel are consid-ered. The work summarizes the experience of Russian and foreign scientists in developing the meth-odological content of knowledge about entrepreneurship in education, the importance of the teach-er's entrepreneurial competencies. The article summarizes the experience of teaching the discipline «Entrepreneurship in Education», reveals the main goals and objectives, identifies the main forming competencies directly related to the market of educational services, the ability to organize entrepre-neurial activities in education, to develop educational products in accordance with the needs of so-ciety and the legal norms of legislation of the Russian Federation. The organization of the educa-tional process is based on the practical approach to teaching, immanently combining theoretical knowledge, practical skills and independent study. An important element of the program is stu-dents’ business projects as a model of entrepreneurial activity in education, taking into account new-ly acquired knowledge and skills. The complex instrumental possibilities of this course considered above increase its demand in the system of modern higher education and the preparation of would be teachers. |
Turkina V. M. Key words: abstraction, abstract thinking, substantive action, image, word, ideal and real forms of knowledge. | STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IDEAL AND REAL KNOWLEDGE IN THE LEARNING PROCESS (BASED ON TEACHING MATHEMATICS)
The article highlights the importance of quality of learning outcomes in teaching Natural Sciences, more specifically, Mathematics. The material reveals the discrepancy between a high level of abstraction in Natural Sciences and Mathematics and insufficient level of abstract thinking of primary and secondary school students. Based on the analysis of literary resources as well as teaching practice, the author suggests an idea how to overcome the above-mentioned conflict through interconnection between ideal and real forms of knowledge in learning. Practical and sensual experiences underlie the development of abstract thinking which contributes to the improvement of visual, kinetic, and metaphoric thinking. The author puts forward the following scheme of idea realization: thing – action − word; and image − action – thing. Fraction addition was used as a valid illustration of effectiveness of the method. |
Makazhanova Z. M. Key words: society, culture, multiculturalism, polyculturality, polyculturality of modern education, tolerance. | POLYCULTURALITY IN MODERN EDUCATION, OR WHY POLYCULTURALITY IS DIFFERENT FROM MULTICULTURISM
The article examines the problems of implementing the principle of polyculturality in modern education, while studying the genesis of this concept in the following categories: «poly», «culture», «polyculturality» and «polyculturality in education». Comparative analysis of the similarly in the concepts of «polyculturality» and «multiculturalism» has been carried out as part of this research: the former concept is aimed at creating a unified society by representatives of different cultures (national and religious affiliations), the latter concept does not project situations in which all members of society must adhere to the principles of polyculturality, so that in such a society representatives of any culture, living in the same society, live in their «world». For both the concepts the common component is the category of tolerance. In general, the article is devoted to the analysis of the polycultural educational environment of the educational institution. |
issue 4 (24)
Tatyana Sergeevna Butorina, Advanced Doctor in Pedagogy, full professor of Northern (Arctic) Federal University has passed away. T.S. Butorina is known in the world of academia first and foremost for her fundamental monographies devoted to M.V. Lomonosov and his studies and pedagogical regional research. Tatyana Sergeevna made significant contribution to the study of innovation character of Russian historical-pedagogical knowledge; to creation of new theories, technologies, research methods in the area of theory and history of pedagogy, Lomonosov's inheritance study, traditions of Pomorsky folk education. She is the author of more than 700 scientific works. Tatyana Sergeevna Butorina was awarded with the Friendship Order, the medal "Veteran of Labour", the lapel badge “Honorary Worker of General Education", the badge "For Merit to the city of Archangelsk", and the K.D. Ushinsky medal. For many years T.S. Butorna had worked closely with Karelian State Pedagogical Academy, being the Deputy Head of Interregional Dissertational Council on defending dissertations for doctoral and advanced doctoral degrees. We will remember and keep warm memories about professional and personal interaction with Tatyana Sergeevna Butorina. |
Bermous A. G. Key words: system-phenomenological approach in the humanities, representation of scientific approaches in pedagogical research, holistic approach in education. | SYSTEM AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION OF METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES IN EDUCATION: COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH
This article attempts to present the methodological approaches used in modern educational sciences from the standpoint of a system-phenomenological approach. In particular, the sources, stages of formation and the essence of a holistic approach to the educational process in the context of a system-phenomenological representation of the phenomena of pedagogical reality are analyzed. The problems of conceptualization and contextualization of methodological knowledge are described in the context of a multiplicity of scientific paradigms and current tendencies to increase the diversity and heterogeneity of methodological knowledge. The potential of the system-phenomenological methodology is assessed as a conceptual tool for research in the field of educational sciences. The system-forming principles and basic categories of a holistic approach are highlighted, the potential possibilities of applying this methodological approach to the social and educational situation of the 21st century are considered, the significance of the holistic approach is assessed in the context of the implementation of continuing education strategies. The phenomenon of integrity as applied to the analysis of pedagogical phenomena, processes and systems is presented from different points of view: as the essential unity of logical parts in scientific and pedagogical research; as an opportunity to build new forms of implementation of a holistic pedagogical process in the logic of self-generation; as a form of reconstruction of pedagogical traditions in the new conditions of the development of society, in particular, analyzes the specificity of the representation of a holistic approach as a tool for the implementation of innovative projects and a means of systematic promotion of the methodology of scientific and educational activities in the information environment. |
Chigisheva O. P. Key words: literacy, functional literacy, academic literacy, digital literacy, career literacy, researcher, continuing education, professional qualification. | RESEARCHER FUNCTIONAL LITERACY DEVELOPMENT AS AN ACUTE TASK OF LIFELONG LEARNING
Formation and development of theoretical concept of literacy both in foreign education and in Russian pedagogical discourse are discussed in the article. Special attention is paid to the content transformation of the literacy category in the new realities of the XXIst century, when the trends towards globalization are increasing, the requirements for professional qualifications and the level of functionality of specialists, especially in the research field, are changing dramatically. It actualizes the possibilities of adaptation and use of «human literate» universal model formation proposed by B. S. Gershunskiy in regard to a modern researcher. In our opinion, each stage of the chain «literacy − education − professionalism − culture − mentality» implicitly or explicitly contains a functional component being transformed under the influence of various socio-humanitarian practices, but invariably associated with the researcher`s development in the system of continuing education. Similar changes are fixed in the professional culture and professional mentality of a researcher. On the basis of the idea offered by E. V. Balatskiy who singled out changing science technologies (semantic, information, personnel, industrial, instrumental) we were able to identify and present the cluster of problems that the changes cause in scientific activities of a modern researcher, and also to correlate them with the relevant types of literacy/functional literacy requiring continuous improvement considering the new challenges in the global research area. |
Stepanov S. Key words: distance learning, continuous and digital education, stages and risks of development. | DISTANCE LEARNING AS A RESOURCE OF LIFELONG LEARNING DEVELOPMENT: RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES
The article suggests that in connection with the digitalization of the entire life of modern society in the education system and primarily in its most dynamically developing part – distance learning – serious not only quantitative but also qualitative progress will begin to occur, which can cause both new opportunities in the system of continuous education and new serious risks. The article is devoted to the analysis of the main stages and trends in the development of distance learning as a resource of continuous education; it identifies the main features, advantages and risks of electronic, network, digital and technotron education in the near and distant future. In conclusion, the author emphasizes the need for fundamental study, deep understanding and critical assessment of these risks and opportunities not only in psychological and pedagogical, but also in other contexts. |
Shevchenko N. N. Key words: continuing education, professional and pedagogical training, motives, values, meaning, motivation, value-motivational attitude, pedagogical ideal, professional self-determination. | FORMATION OF VALUE-MOTIVATIONAL ATTITUDE OF A FUTURE TEACHER TO PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF LIFELONG LEARNING
The value-motivational attitude to the profession is an important and integral component in the structure of teacher training. The problem of forming a system of values and motives in the professional development of the personality of a future teacher is significantly actualized in the context of lifelong education as an institution for raising the level of professionalism throughout life. The article discusses the categorical apparatus associated with the problem of value-motivational attitude of the teacher to the professional activity; presents the results of a diagnostic study to identify priority motives for the choice of a teacher's profession, pedagogical values that are important for university students in their future professional activities. In the experimental study, the following problems were solved: 1) determining the characteristics of the choice of the teacher's profession in modern conditions; 2) identification of the stability and dynamics of their motivation for professional pedagogical activity from course to course; 3) analysis of the relationship of value-motivational attitudes of students to educational activities with the quality of their training. One of the objectives of the experimental study was to identify the necessary personal qualities and abilities of the teacher in the structure of the pedagogical ideal of senior students as a forecast for their further professional self-determination, readiness to carry out educational activities in accordance with modern requirements for the profession. |
Nikitina T. V. Key words: competence, professional communicative competence, the employee of penal system, algorithm, interactive communicative methods of training, general professional disciplines, professional disciplines, special disciplines. | TECHNOLOGY OF CONTINUOUS COMMUNICATIVE PREPARATION OF PENAL HIGHER INSTITUTION CADETS IN RUSSIA
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of professional communicative competence of cadets of universities of the Federal penal service. The author offers professional communicative competence of cadets in the departmental University to form both in astep-by-step and complex way, using specially developed interactive communicative means of training, reflecting the specifics of the future profession and modeling the situation of professional communication. Significant attention is paid to the peculiarities of formation of professional communicative competence of cadets in the process of theoretical training, implemented in the Perm Institute of the Federal penal service. The algorithm of integration of various blocks of communicative orientation in the content of training courses is defined and proved. Invariant, variable and specific exercises are offered in order to correlate the content of humanitarian, socio-economic, professional and special disciplines with the components of professional communicative competence (basic, professionally-oriented and professionally-specialized communicative competence). |
Glebova G. F. Key words: the basis of communicative education, pedagogical communication, communicative development, сommunicative competence, rhetoric, rhetorization, speech event. | OPTIMIZATION OF EDUCATION ON THE BASIS OF RHETORIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL COMMUNICATION
Subject of the article is the potential rhetoric as a part of modern speech theory aimed at improving pedagogical communication, the important component of a school model optimization. On the basis of modern approaches to the pedagogical communication and the results of the experiment of a personality-oriented model creation the conclusion of the efficiency of the concept of rhetorization for pedagogical communication as an instrument of optimization of educational process has been made. The theoretic-methodological bases of rhetorization and new approaches to communicative basis of training approbated at schools of the central region of Russia are outlined. The conceptual idea of experimental and research program «Personality oriented education under the conditions of lyceum is an optimal model» is revealed. One of the methodological bases of the model is modern rhetorical theory practiced as the authorial technology for teaching rhetoric. The elements of the lessons and variants of carrying out extracurricular activities at schools of the Smolensk region according to the original technology and empirical material viewed as speech events are described in the article. The original technology is shown as one of the instruments of rhethorization of pedagogical communication. |
Ostroverkhaya I. V., Andreeva N. V., Yegorova I. R. Key words: lifelong learning, Master’s Program, entrance examination (test), grammar-translation method, grammar-test method, English-language competence. | GRAMMAR-TEST METHOD IN PREPARING STUDENTS FOR THE ENTRANCE TEST IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES FOR NON-LINGUISTIC MASTER’S PROGRAMMES
The problem of a student language acquisition at the entrance examination in English for non-linguistic Master’s Programs proves to be a challenge for adult learners in lifelong learning, therefore the choice of the most effective method of individual English-language competence acquisition appears particularly urgent. The current study is aimed at considering the effectiveness of the grammar-test method used for development the Preparation Course in English for non-linguistic Master’s Programs; the course has been successfully implemented for two years (2017 and 2018) at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (the IKBFU). Being an adapted version of the classical grammar-translation method, the grammar-test method successfully alleviates the problem of preparing learners for enrollment in the non-linguistic Master’s Program by restoring and improving English-language skills. The assessment of grammar-test method was based on statistical processing of the entrance examination results shown by applicants who had taken the Preparation English Course curriculum in full, as well as on the questionnaire results offered to the Course participants. Being based on the principles of straight-line material studying (from the rule to its consolidation), instructional bilingualism, learning material system-related presentation, knowledge systematization, training tasks monolingualism and intensive training, the grammar-test method proved to be the best to meet the needs of the present educational context, characterized on the one hand by adult learners’ high motivation to be enrolled in the non-linguistic Master’s Program, and on the other hand a low level of their English-language competence, therefore the necessity of mastering vast amount of the language material within a short period of time is necessary. |
Vanhemping E., Oksala R., Kaarniemi P. Key words: indicators of success, Finnish educational innovations, reform, equality, Finnish school structure, classification of research practices, teacher culture, perspectives of school reforms in Finland. | REFORM SOCIAL ASPECTS AND PROSPECTS IN FINNISH SECONDARY SCHOOL EDUCATION
This article reveals the initial social, socio-psychological, socio-anthropological aspects of the Finnish secondary school. The authors pay great attention to the cornerstone idea of equality, which is the leading component of the Finnish school and society as a whole. The article analyzes the polemical discourse that has developed around the phenomenon of the success of Finnish education. The authors offer a classification approach to the analysis of the research space of educational practices in modern Finland. Special attention is paid to the justification of the role and place of learner and teacher culture in the innovative transformations in connection with modern school reforms in Finland. The strategic directions for the development of practice-oriented and project-based educational technologies in the Finnish school community during the reform period are also constructively disclosed in this article. |
Karatayeva N. A., Krzhevskikh O. V. Key words: the basic educational program of preschool education, the designer of the regional educational program of preschool education, preschool education. | REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL DESIGN FOR PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION PROGRAM
The article deals with the problem of designing regional educational program for pre-school education. This problem is actualized in connection with the need for continuous formation considering the following individual characteristics: patriotism in relation to the homeland, cultural identity, cognitive attitude to the region. At the same time, the procedure for designing regional educational program for pre-school education causes significant problems for educators. Based on the analysis of these problems, the authors developed the design of the regional educational program for pre-school education, aimed at facilitating the design procedure of educational regional-oriented content by teachers of pre-school educational institutions. This design provide insights into presenting the design procedure of the regional educational program in the form of the following stages: preliminary, diagnostic, technological, complex examination. The peculiarity of this designer lies in flexibility, considering the fact that the program design is a creative process, depending on the specifics of the pre-school educational organization. The designer takes into account the requirements of the Federal state educational standard for preschool education with the necessary continuation at subsequent levels of education. |
Kuznetsova I. Y. Key words: basic chair, practical training of students, features of the educational process at the basic department, organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the activity of the basic department. | PECULIARITIES OF STUDENT PRACTICAL TRAINING AT THE BASIC DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY
The article deals with the features of practical training of students at the Basic Department of the University. The concepts of «practical training», the goals and functions of the Basic Department of the University are specified, the distinctive features of professional practical training at the basic Department are given. The author conditionally allocates two types of student practical training at the Basic Department, they are: professional practical training and professional-directed practical training, on the basis of features of the types of activity performed by students. Identified and theoretically justified organizational and pedagogical conditions, include: network interaction; social partnership; application in the practical training of students of modern pedagogical technologies, distance learning technologies; student-centered approach. All the above-mentioned factors provide for effective practical student training of the Basic Department. The article presents the indicators in order to evaluate the educational activities of the Basic Department, taking into account the selected organizational and pedagogical conditions and the initial results of experimental work. The results do confirm that the basic Department in modern conditions is one of the relevant organizational forms to improve the practical student training and to reduce the gap between the educational process and the professional activities of future specialists. |
Pitukhin E. A. Key words: Eastern Federal district, vocational education system, training, labor market, efficiency assessment, performance indicators, ratings. | EVALUATION METHODS OF TRAINING SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS FOR PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN THE REGIONS OF THE FAR EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT
The article is devoted to the development of tools that could assess the effectiveness of training graduates of secondary vocational and higher education from the most objective positions. The object of the study is the far Eastern Federal district, which is positioned by the government, today, as a priority area of advanced development. The need for monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of training for this macroregion is due to its importance as a strategic territory of Russia. At the same time, there are a number of problems associated with the steady migration outflow of the population from the territories of the far Eastern Federal district and, as a consequence, the growing shortage of personnel for the economy of this macro-region. Therefore, the development of methods for analyzing the effectiveness of training in the territory of the subjects of the far Eastern Federal district is vital for making science-based decisions in the management of education. For example, in mobilizing the limited resources of the vocational education system of the far Eastern Federal district to train the most sought-after personnel. When developing such tools, the task arises of forming a list of indicators that adequately and comprehensively assess the effectiveness of training by the vocational education system, as well as criteria for their comparison with the thresholds. The following indicators were considered: the effectiveness of employment taking into account the level of employment and wages, social obligations to young people to provide education in their native region, orientation to the labor market for training, demanded by the economy of the regions of the far Eastern Federal district and migration flows of graduates. On the basis of these indicators, an integral indicator of efficiency is built, which allows comparing the education systems of the subjects of the far Eastern Federal district with each other, building private and General ratings. The use of the proposed methodology in the management of vocational education system will allow to identify problem areas in training, to take timely management measures to address them and, thereby, to improve the efficiency of training. |
Kekkonen A. L., Shabayeva S. V. Key words: lifelong learning, strategic development of regional universities, economic development of the region. | INTERRELATION OF THE LIFELONG LEARNING SYSTEM OF THE REGION ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE RUSSIA FAR EAST DEVELOPMENT AND THE ECONOMY
The article discusses the interrelation of the development of the lifelong learning system and the region's economy on the example of the Russian Far East. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the role of universities in the conditions of the «digital economy» and the possibility of practical implementation of these provisions in modern conditions. A point of view is presented, supported by evidence, that universities, as training centers, play a key role in regional economic development. The analysis of the state of the education system in the Far East revealed problems that are holding back the development dynamic of the lifelong learning system in the macroregion. Considerable attention is paid to the characterization of the problems faced by the Far East as a region of strategic importance for the development of the country. Based on the results of the analysis, recommendations for the development of lifelong learning system in the Far East were developed, taking into account the successful experience of the Republic of Karelia. In addition, the mechanism of actualization of existing educational programs is proposed. This mechanism is an important element in the implementation of education continuity and obtaining of in-demand skills by employers. |
Kuzmenkov A. A., Fedorova A. V. Key words: additional professional education, additional professional program, e-learning, conditions and environment for additional education in the university, estimated programs, budget business. | ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AS MEANS OF UNIVERSITY GRADUATES COMPETITIVENESS AT LABOR MARKET
Article covers the introduction of extra professional programs into the educational process in order to use additional professional education to increase the competitiveness of university graduates in the labor market. The paper examines the experience of implementing additional professional programs on estimated pricing in the construction and development of estimate documentation using specialized software. To assess the effectiveness of the implementation of additional professional programs and to study the educational needs of students, questionnaire methods were used, and then a comparative analysis of the empirical material obtained was carried out. The authors raised the issue of organizing students' independent work (IWS) and described the experience of IWS organization through the use of e-learning elements. As a further area of research, the problem of expanding the list of software products used for educational purposes, as well as the possibility of using open access educational specialized free of charge software in the educational process, is highlighted. The data and conclusions given in the article are of both pedagogical and methodical interest and can be used by university professors of technical training directions. |
Eflova Z. B. Key words: pedagogical community, scientific-practical forum, social-pedagogical technologies, educational innovations. | ON THE RESULTS OF THE RUSSIAN SCIENTIFIC PRACTICAL FORUM «SOCIAL AND PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION: ACTUALITY, PERSPECTIVES AND TRENDS» HELD IN THE REPUBLIC OF KARELIA
The general information on the Russian Scientific Practical Forum «Social Pedagogical Technologies in Education: Actuality, Perspectives, and Trends» held in October, 18−20, 2018 in the Republic of Karelia is presented. Conceptual and organizational specifics of the event are shown. They include diversity, multidimensionality, and multi-levelness of presented scientific practical information; priority of active and interactive forms, basic methods; new format of interaction between higher institutions and general education institutions. |