2018. № 4 (24). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2018.4324

Issue 4 (24)

Education Management in an open global society



Kuznetsova Irina Yu
Ph.D in Pedagogy
Associate Professor of the Integrated Basic Department for professional-pedagogical education, Russian State professional-pedagogical university
(Kemerovo, Russia)
basic chair
practical training of students
features of the educational process at the basic department
organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the activity of the basic department.
Abstract: the article deals with the features of practical training of students at the Basic Department of the University. The concepts of «practical training», the goals and functions of the Basic Department of the University are specified, the distinctive features of professional practical training at the basic Department are given. The author conditionally allocates two types of student practical training at the Basic Department, they are: professional practical training and professional-directed practical training, on the basis of features of the types of activity performed by students.
Identified and theoretically justified organizational and pedagogical conditions, include: network interaction; social partnership; application in the practical training of students of modern pedagogical technologies, distance learning technologies; student-centered approach. All the above-mentioned factors provide for effective practical student training of the Basic Department. The article presents the indicators in order to evaluate the educational activities of the Basic Department, taking into account the selected organizational and pedagogical conditions and the initial results of experimental work. The results do confirm that the basic Department in modern conditions is one of the relevant organizational forms to improve the practical student training and to reduce the gap between the educational process and the professional activities of future specialists.
Paper submitted on: 09/12/2018; Accepted on: 11/15/2018; Published online on: 11/24/2018.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2018.4324