2018. № 3 (23). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2018.4024

Issue 3 (23)

Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning



Ignatovich Elena V.
Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages of Natural and Technical Areas and Specialties, the Institute of Foreign Languages, Petrozavodsk State University, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia
(Vancouver, Canada)
supplementary education
supplementary adult education
continuing professional education
out-of-school education
semantic-pedagogical method.
Abstract: the article examines the historical-semantic interrelations between the concepts of out-of-school education in Tsar Russia, out-of-school vospitanie (education+) in the Soviet Union, and supplementary education in post-1991 Russian. The study employs the semantic-pedagogical approach (Kolesnikova et al., 2016) and a complex of historical and linguistic methods to explore the usage of the terms supplementary education, supplementary adult education, continuing professional education, training, out-of-school education in historical contexts. The data was retrieved from Ngram Viewer, state documents, scholarly publications.
The historical and semantic analysis of the concepts related to different forms of non-mainstream education showed that since the 18th century both the sector of primary comprehensive and professional school and various out-of-school forms of education have been actively developing in Russia. The first forms of out-of-school education were addressed to socially and economically unprivileged classes of people and aimed to form their basic literacy skills and general culture. Out-of-school education was developed as an alternative to school education, was run and funded by individuals and non-government organisations. During the Soviet period, out-of-school education of adults was transformed into night schools, schools by correspondence, schools at fabrics and plants that became part of the formal state education system. The concept of out-of-school education marked the beginning of out-of-school vospitanie (education+) of children and adolescents, which was aimed at the development of the Soviet identity. Out-of-school vospitanie (education+) employed a lot of forms of public pedagogy. In 1992, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the term 'supplementary education' replaced 'out-of-school vospitanie (education+) of children and adolescents' and almost all the forms of adult education including 'continuing professional education'. By 2013, "supplementary education" became an umbrella term describing all forms of lifelong education excluding compulsory school and degree programs. The state recognised supplementary education as an essential component of the educational system. Nevertheless, the transition from the Soviet terminology to the post-1991 concept narrowed the field of learning that is considered education to a limited number of avenues. The concept of supplementary education introduced a utilitarian economic and standards-based approach to education.
Paper submitted on: 08/15/2018; Accepted on: 09/22/2018; Published online on: 09/25/2018.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2018.4024