Alexeev S. V. EDUCATION AND ENLIGHTENMENT AS THE TWO SIDES OF A SINGLE PROCESS (via the example of ecological culture formation). LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2018. № 2 (22).
DOI: 10.15393/
Issue 2 (22) |
Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology |
EDUCATION AND ENLIGHTENMENT AS THE TWO SIDES OF A SINGLE PROCESS (via the example of ecological culture formation)
| | Alexeev Sergey V Advance Doctorate Degree, professor head of the Department of Pedagogy for the environment, safety and well-being of St. Petersburg Academy of Post-Pedagogical Education (St.Petersburg, Russia) |
Keywords: ecological education ecological enlightenment ecological culture information propaganda upbringing the St. Petersburg experience. |
Abstract: the search for the single foundation and specificity for the two very important processes – education and enlightenment, based on formation for the different components of the general culture of a person (ecological, rhetoric, legal, natural sciences, humanitarian, etc.) is attempted in the article. In foreign literature the concepts «education» and «enlightenment» are treated as synonyms whereas in the Russian publications the above-mentioned concepts are used together as a rule in a phrase «ecological education and enlightenment», without underlining the specificity of each concept. The contribution of each of the processes under consideration into the goal achievement is obviously different and the forms of realization of the contribution would be different, too. The article prefaces the realization of the regional project for working out the Concept of ecological enlightenment in the interest of sustainable development in St. Petersburg.
Paper submitted on: 05/05/2018; Accepted on: 05/20/2018; Published online on: 06/25/2018.
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