2018. № 4 (24). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2018.4325

Issue 4 (24)

Labor Market and Lifelong Learning



Pitukhin Evgeny A
Advanced Doctor in Technical Sciences
Full Professor, the Institute of Mathematics and Information technologies, Head of the Analytical Department of the Center of budget monitoring, PetrSU
(Petrozavodsk, Russia)
Eastern Federal district
vocational education system
labor market
efficiency assessment
performance indicators
Abstract: the article is devoted to the development of tools that could assess the effectiveness of training graduates of secondary vocational and higher education from the most objective positions. The object of the study is the far Eastern Federal district, which is positioned by the government, today, as a priority area of advanced development. The need for monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of training for this macroregion is due to its importance as a strategic territory of Russia. At the same time, there are a number of problems associated with the steady migration outflow of the population from the territories of the far Eastern Federal district and, as a consequence, the growing shortage of personnel for the economy of this macro-region. Therefore, the development of methods for analyzing the effectiveness of training in the territory of the subjects of the far Eastern Federal district is vital for making science-based decisions in the management of education. For example, in mobilizing the limited resources of the vocational education system of the far Eastern Federal district to train the most sought-after personnel. When developing such tools, the task arises of forming a list of indicators that adequately and comprehensively assess the effectiveness of training by the vocational education system, as well as criteria for their comparison with the thresholds. The following indicators were considered: the effectiveness of employment taking into account the level of employment and wages, social obligations to young people to provide education in their native region, orientation to the labor market for training, demanded by the economy of the regions of the far Eastern Federal district and migration flows of graduates. On the basis of these indicators, an integral indicator of efficiency is built, which allows comparing the education systems of the subjects of the far Eastern Federal district with each other, building private and General ratings. The use of the proposed methodology in the management of vocational education system will allow to identify problem areas in training, to take timely management measures to address them and, thereby, to improve the efficiency of training.
Paper submitted on: 11/12/2018; Accepted on: 11/30/2018; Published online on: 11/24/2018.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2018.4325