2018. № 3 (23). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2018.4068

Issue 3 (23)

Innovative approaches to lifelong learning



Voloshina Tatyana A.
Ph.D in Pedagogy
Associate Professor of Education, Department of Technology, Fine Arts, and Design, Chair, Petrozavodsk State University,
entrepreneurship training
teacher's competences
practice-oriented training
business project.
Abstract: article examines the issues of training entrepreneurship for future teachers, the relevance of this knowledge to current socio-economic conditions. The main state programs and documents that de-termine the requirements of the state to the quality of training of pedagogical personnel are consid-ered. The work summarizes the experience of Russian and foreign scientists in developing the meth-odological content of knowledge about entrepreneurship in education, the importance of the teach-er's entrepreneurial competencies. The article summarizes the experience of teaching the discipline «Entrepreneurship in Education», reveals the main goals and objectives, identifies the main forming competencies directly related to the market of educational services, the ability to organize entrepre-neurial activities in education, to develop educational products in accordance with the needs of so-ciety and the legal norms of legislation of the Russian Federation. The organization of the educa-tional process is based on the practical approach to teaching, immanently combining theoretical knowledge, practical skills and independent study. An important element of the program is stu-dents’ business projects as a model of entrepreneurial activity in education, taking into account new-ly acquired knowledge and skills. The complex instrumental possibilities of this course considered above increase its demand in the system of modern higher education and the preparation of would be teachers.
Paper submitted on: 08/16/2018; Accepted on: 09/15/2018; Published online on: 09/25/2018.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2018.4068