ISSN 2308-7234
editorial policy
editorial board
for authors
Issue № 3 (15). 2016.
Editorial Board
From the Editors
Displays: 3266; Downloads: 685;
Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology
Pevsner M., Petryakov P.
From diversity of pedagogical concepts to pedagogy and management of diversity: formation of meta-theory of diversity in russian educational science
Displays: 45582; Downloads: 1056;
Ignatovich E.
Lingua-pedagogical approach as a research method of lifelong learning and continuing education issues
Displays: 6911; Downloads: 1401;
Learning throughout the life
Ignatovich S., Ignatovich V., Galushko I.
Educational independence of modern senior pupils: experience of empirical research
Displays: 5673; Downloads: 883;
Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia
Glebova G.
Succession of pre-school, primary and secondary general education: problems and experience of instructional design
Displays: 16535; Downloads: 1018;
Rayevskaya E.
Special aspects of the adaptation process dynamics for the first year students at the university: first examination session
Displays: 9679; Downloads: 917;
Human and teaching resources of continuing education
Brühlmann О., Hildebrandt E., Marty A.
Team teaching: review of international empirical research II
Displays: 7568; Downloads: 995;
Krivonozhenko A.
Workers' faculties in the conext of the paradigm of liflong learning
Displays: 7462; Downloads: 802;
Discussion platform
Graumann O.
DIversity of educational space: a threat or a chance for us?
Displays: 8227; Downloads: 776;
Innovative approaches to lifelong learning
Ruliene L.
Development and retention of cognitive skills for the people of the best age as a goal of lifelong learning
Displays: 8214; Downloads: 1038;
Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning
Kolesnikova I.
Oncept sphere of lifelong learning: logic and methodology of the study
Displays: 6312; Downloads: 869;