Glebova G. Succession of pre-school, primary and secondary general education: problems and experience of instructional design. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 3 (15). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (15)

Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia


Succession of pre-school, primary and secondary general education: problems and experience of instructional design

Glebova Galina
Associate Professor at the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Smolensk State University
(Smolensk, Russia)
lifelong learning
preschool education
secondary general education
educational complex
educational interaction
Abstract: the subject matter of the article reveals the problem of pre-school, primary, and secondary general school education succession. The successfulness of education and socialization of a child at the early development stages depends on content-richness and succession of the process of psychological-pedagogical monitoring. The succession of education declared in conceptual and normative documents often is not practically carried out in the activities of educational institutions. The educational environment and educational practice of the pre-school, primary, and secondary school general educational institutions, as a rule, do not coincide with widely known theoretical theses of succession and continuity of educational process. It is necessary to undertake the integrated efforts of the professionals at the higher educational institutions, secondary schools, and pre-schools in order to organize the monitoring of the process development. The author focuses on the essence of the concept «succession» in the context of lifelong learning for the children of pre-school and primary school age. The foundations, components, and means of monitoring succession for pre-school and primary school education are presented. The necessity of scientific-pedagogical monitoring for the activities of pedagogical staff of educational institutions in order to create the common education space of secondary school and pre-school institutions is proved. The content of the problem is revealed, and the directions of the joint activities of all professionals including higher institutions and secondary schools within the frames of the temporary scientific-research team in order to solve the problems under discussion are outlined. As an example of such an activity the author refers to the instructional design of the succession continuing educational process in a poly-functional multi-profile complex «Pre-school − Secondary School».
Paper submitted on: 08/23/2016; Accepted on: 09/03/2016; Published online on: 09/23/2016.


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