Graumann O. DIversity of educational space: a threat or a chance for us?. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 3 (15). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (15)

Discussion platform


DIversity of educational space: a threat or a chance for us?

Graumann Olga
Full professor D.Sc.,
President of International Academy for the Humanization of Education, Fund University of Hildesheim
(Hildesheim, Germany)
educational space
intercultural education.
Abstract: the article is of the philosophic-pedagogical character. The author reveals the following key issues: Do we have to view the growing diversity in the sphere of education and science as a threat or benefit encouraging development of people and society in general? Is it possible to teach people to be tolerant? Is education able to help solve the problems connected with the conflicts and social tension, born by the cultural diversity, religions, and social values? The migration out of war zones to the western countries is named as one of the reasons of the educational space diversity. This phenomenon is suggested to be contemplated simultaneously from the point of view of politics, educational policy, and pedagogy. The author reviews different approaches to the problem of education/upbringing of tolerance as a personal quality, necessary for life in diverse society and for successful interaction in the modern educational space. The author reviews different scientific opinions on the levels of personal development, social skills, and personal qualities enabling people to acquire intercultural competency, enumerates different types of tolerance, underlines the significance of reflection concerning conflict situations. The pros and cons of new directions in pedagogy and education, aimed at upbringing of tolerance are analyzed. In particular, the author refers to intercultural education, education of «recognition», multi-perspective and political education. The attention is focused on the specificity and limitations, which are inherent to these types of education and upbringing. The problem of training and professional development of pedagogues of different qualification levels to undertake correct professional actions in multinational educational environment. «Correct» and «incorrect» teachers' behavior in the situations of inter-ethnic communication with the students is shown. The article is interesting as a motive for social-pedagogical and methodological discussions.
Paper submitted on: 07/29/2016; Accepted on: 09/04/2016; Published online on: 09/23/2016.



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