Ruliene L. Development and retention of cognitive skills for the people of the best age as a goal of lifelong learning. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 3 (15). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (15)

Innovative approaches to lifelong learning


Development and retention of cognitive skills for the people of the best age as a goal of lifelong learning

Ruliene Lubov
Doctor of Pedagogical Sc.
Associate Professor at the Chair of General Pedagogy, Pedagogical Institute of Buryatsky State University, Honorable Worker of Higher Pedagogical Education of the Russian Federation, Foreign Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan
lifelong learning
elderly people
cognitive skills
interactive technology
Abstract: in the publication the problem of retention of cognitive skills as a sign of qualitative life of elderly people is discussed. The author considers that this social problem needs to be solved in a complex way, by means of humanitarian medical and pedagogical technologies under the conditions of the mixed training. The project on creation of the Center of Informal Lifelong Learning for People of the Best Age as means of improvement of the quality of life of elderly people through the development of their cognitive skills on the basis of introduction of technologies of interactive and electronic training is presented in the article. The project is aimed at the development of the syllabus and methods for self-education, organization of the teaching process, and creation of the School of Memory. The web-portal is a modern tool of the project accomplishment in which the ideas of a control panel, the interactive guide, tuning and maintaining a profile of the user, the game field, the world map, community building, and the teleport are embodied. The project will allow us to create the modern comfortable environment for communication and learning for elderly people, introduce innovative forms of social service of the population, and they are: technique of the understanding communication, mobile applications, mobile technologies, therapeutic technologies, interactive technologies, information and communication technologies. The training of special professionals ready to work in the School of Memory with their peers, deprived of the cognitive abilities is being planned. The article might be of interest for professionals working in the area of andragogy, gerontogogy, and social workers.
Paper submitted on: 06/09/2016; Accepted on: 08/31/2016; Published online on: 09/23/2016.

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