Ignatovich S., Ignatovich V., Galushko I. Educational independence of modern senior pupils: experience of empirical research. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 3 (15). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2016.3186

Issue 3 (15)

Learning throughout the life


Educational independence of modern senior pupils: experience of empirical research

Ignatovich Svetlana
Lecturer, the Kubansky State University
(Krasnodar, Russia)
Ignatovich Vladlen
Assistant Professor at the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Kubansky State University
(Krasnodar, Russia)
Galushko Irina
lecturer at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Kubansky State University
(Krasnodar, Russia)
educational independence
information sources
Abstract: the article is focused on the analysis of modern practice of formation of educational independence of seniors. The general characteristics of various research positions in definition of essence of this phenomenon are given. The leading tendency of the development of scientific ideas of educational independence consisting in its integration into the general problem field of processes of socialization and personal self-determination is designated. The data of the analysis of the sources of information used by modern pupils of the middle and senior classes in the course of their educational activity and the solution of vital tasks are provided in article. The obtained data are compared by results of the similar researches conducted in the 80 – the 90th years of the previous century. The distinctions between the preferred information sources are revealed and described, the generalized image of the senior pupil characterizing features of his/her educational independence is presented. The ideas of teachers on the main components of educational independence of the studying senior classes are analyzed. The conclusions characterizing the situation of educational independence formation of modern senior pupils are drawn, the directions of further researches on this problem are outlined.
Paper submitted on: 07/08/2016; Accepted on: 08/31/2016; Published online on: 09/23/2016.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2016.3186