ISSN 2308-7234
editorial policy
editorial board
for authors
Issue № 4 . 2013.
Editorial Board
From the Editors
Displays: 4079; Downloads: 893;
"In memoriam..."
Group self-reflection: the contribution of a research supervisor to life and educational development of research students (in honour of Zinaida I. Vasilyeva, the member of the Russian Academy of Education)
Displays: 11357; Downloads: 1453;
Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology
Khodyakova N. V.
Designing environments for personal continuing education
Displays: 8544; Downloads: 1110;
Vituhnovskaya A. A.
Development of teacher's professional competence in the context of building ICT skills at primary school
Displays: 12816; Downloads: 1544;
Learning throughout the life
Kuts V. A.
Lifelong education: the experience of self-reflection
Displays: 6803; Downloads: 1735;
Dmitrieva N. K.
Academic mobility as a personal quality inherent to the subjects of educational process
Displays: 12447; Downloads: 1438;
Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia
Tebenkova E. A.
Noosphere synergy as a continuity principle of spiritual ecological upbringing and development
Displays: 6839; Downloads: 1012;
Education Management in an open global society
Bermous A. G.
Professional and educational standard in the context of strategic development management of a federal university
Displays: 8876; Downloads: 1151;
Human and teaching resources of continuing education
Vildt B.
Coaching as a form of junior university teachers consulting
Displays: 8482; Downloads: 1217;
Innovative approaches to lifelong learning
Derbeneva O. Y.
The concept of «innovative conveyor» in the innovation-oriented development of Petrozavodsk State University
Displays: 9748; Downloads: 1078;
Discussion platform
Stroeva G. V.
Self-reabilitation of prisoners as part of educational process in correctional inctitutions
Displays: 12661; Downloads: 1161;
Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning
Sokolova E. I.
The analysis of terminological row «coach, mentor, tutor, facilitator, advisor» within the frame of lifelong learning
Displays: 75696; Downloads: 2481;