Bermous A. G. Professional and educational standard in the context of strategic development management of a federal university. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2013. № 4. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4

Education Management in an open global society


Professional and educational standard in the context of strategic development management of a federal university

Bermous A G
D.Sc., professor of the Pedagogy Department at the Faculty of Technology, Visual Arts, and Professional Training (Southern Federal University).
professional and educational standard
federal university
regional educational systems
development strategies
Abstract: The article is devoted to the issue of formation and development of federal universities in Russia as regional educational centers in the context of radical transformation of the educational law. One of the means of overcoming the crisis in regional educational systems is the development of professional and educational standards, particularly, in pedagogical education. The professional and educational standard comprises the requirements for professional activity of teachers as well as the standards for professional competencies formation process. The general concept of the professional and educational standard provides consecutive development of each of its five components: theoretical and methodological bases of the standard, teacher professional standard, content standard for pedagogical education, standard of quality assessment and educational processes monitoring, and standard development project. The author comes to the conclusion that development, realization, and improvement processes of the professional and educational standard can become a leading factor for regional educational complexes establishment led by federal universities and for Russian higher school integration into a global context.

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