Dmitrieva N. K. Academic mobility as a personal quality inherent to the subjects of educational process. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2013. № 4. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4

Learning throughout the life


Academic mobility as a personal quality inherent to the subjects of educational process

Dmitrieva N K
PhD, assistant professor of the Department of Foreign Languages for Technical Faculties at Petrozavodsk State University
academic mobility
personal quality
essence of academic mobility
components of integral structure
Abstract: The article is concerned with the problem of academic mobility development in the subjects of educational process. Two approaches to understanding this phenomenon are studied. Interpretation of academic mobility as a social phenomenon, expressed in the transfer of human capital across international borders to academic centers of knowledge and research, and understanding of academic mobility as an integral human quality inherent to dynamic subjects of expanding educational area are studied. Prerequisites and conditions for academic mobility development are revealed. The content essence of academic mobility as a personal quality is presented in a matrix, which demonstrates interdependent and interrelated components of the studied quality. Academic mobility is viewed as one of the goals of the university education and foreign language teaching in particular. Characteristic features of the academically mobile person are revealed, and based on them a definition of academic mobility as a personal quality is given. A component structure of academic mobility is substantiated and described. The studied quality is presented by the following components: motivation and value based component, cognitive-communicative component, task-oriented component, and reflexive assessment component.

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