Khodyakova N. V. Designing environments for personal continuing education. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2013. № 4. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


Designing environments for personal continuing education

Khodyakova N V
D.Sc., associate professor, head of the Department of Informatics and Mathematics at Volgograd Academy of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs
personal continuing education
educational environment
educational environment designing
Abstract: The process of continuing education is presented in this paper as the process of personal development in educational environments. The structure of developing continuing education opportunities is discussed, and typological differences between educational environments (as objects of designing) are revealed. Planning of the educational process based on the developments of personal activity levels in an educational setting is proposed. Furthermore, the author describes an interaction between a student and educational environment. It consists of 4 stages: adjustment to a new educational environment, independent activity in the environment, dialogue with the environment and self-reflection, creative changes in the environment. In addition, the developing features of educational environments corresponding to these stages are described. These features are: originality, activity, psychological safety, selectiveness, competitiveness, objectiveness of assessment, problematic character, context, dialogism, openness, individual style. Finally, student's actions at each stage are considered: selective perception of information, freedom to choose the goals and means, identification of the attitude towards educational setting, conscious changes in educational environment.

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