ISSN 2308-7234
editorial policy
editorial board
for authors
Issue № 3 (11). 2015.
Editorial Board
From the Editors
Displays: 3409; Downloads: 838;
Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology
Sulima I.
Anthropological dialectics of education and tradition
Displays: 5375; Downloads: 1052;
Terentyev K.
Educational strategies of university applicants: the development of classifications
Displays: 6685; Downloads: 956;
Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia
Smirnova S.
Successive relations between the Federal State Higher Education Standard ("Teacher Education") and Teacher Professional Standard
Displays: 13721; Downloads: 1044;
Babakova T.
Implementation of the principle of additionality through highlighting an ecological component within a regional component of school education
Displays: 9271; Downloads: 1620;
Kuzmenkova L.
The dynamics of voluntary motives among the individuals of the helping professions
Displays: 6258; Downloads: 1184;
Education Management in an open global society
Borovskih Y., Smirnova E.
University brand in the views of prospective students of Moscow universities
Displays: 7781; Downloads: 882;
Lebedinsky I., Lebedinskaya T.
International scientific seminar "St. Petersburg - Ukraine" in the framework of imagology as a practice of intercultural understanding
Displays: 6602; Downloads: 968;
Human and teaching resources of continuing education
Gavrilova L.
Methodological approaches and principles of using multimedia technologies for professional development of music teachers
Displays: 11808; Downloads: 1174;
Barinov E., Nikolenko O., Balykina A., Tverdokhleb T.
Use of e-learning platforms for the management of self-studying at medical universities
Displays: 8339; Downloads: 1118;
Innovative approaches to lifelong learning
Korsakova N., Chistyakova M.
Public-private partnership in the school system oriented for future scientists
Displays: 16040; Downloads: 1224;