Korsakova N., Chistyakova M. Public-private partnership in the school system oriented for future scientists. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 3 (11). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2015.2929

Issue 3 (11)

Innovative approaches to lifelong learning


Public-private partnership in the school system oriented for future scientists

Korsakova N
Director of the school #564 of St. Petersburg, Honoured Teacher of the Russian Federation
(St. Petersburg)
Chistyakova M
Deputy director of the Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education, teacher of the Russian language and literature at school #564, Honorary Worker of Education
(St. Petersburg)
network cooperation
public-private partnership
educational complexes
innovations in education
integration of education and science
school mathematics education
research of school students.
Abstract: the article describes the development and activities of an innovative scientific and educational complex, which integrates educational programs of different types of institutions: public general education schools, private educational institutions, additional education and scientific centers, research centers and universities. The theoretical generalization is based on the long-term cooperation between school № 564 (St. Petersburg) and the Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education, centered around integration and interconnection of general, additional education and research activities in the field of mathematics and natural sciences. This concept was developed by I. Chistyakov. Through the example of an educational area «Mathematics», the authors describe a model of a public-private partnership focused on the development of individual educational paths of school students motivated for research activities. The article presents a component analysis of this model, shows the specific features of organizational and pedagogical contribution to it and the division of functions between the parties of social partnership represented in the model. The authors exemplify how a network form of cooperation between different educational institutions ensures the continuity of education for future scientists. Social and educational effects of the model implementation as well as potential social and pedagogical risks are defined in the article.
The paper demonstrates the possibility to create entirely new structures within public schools using the elements of the existing educational system in Russia. In particular, educational complexes that make use of selection and training system and unlock scientific potential of motivated students at an early age. The authors conclude that creation of the network of educational platformsoperating on the basis of multilevel integration of general, additional education and research in public and private educational institutions in different regions with different learning and development targets is worthwhile.
Paper submitted on: 07/08/2015; Accepted on: 09/10/2015; Published online on: 09/22/2015.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2015.2929