Borovskih Y., Smirnova E. University brand in the views of prospective students of Moscow universities. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 3 (11). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (11)

Education Management in an open global society


University brand in the views of prospective students of Moscow universities

Borovskih Y
An expert sociologist, research intern at the University of Hamburg
(Hamburg, Germany)
Smirnova E
professor at the Faculty of Sociology at St. Petersburg State University, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
University brand in the views of prospective students of moscow universities
Abstract: the article discusses the concept of «a university brand», which was introduced to scientific vocabulary by a Russian researcher V. Glazychev, and analyzes its meaning in social sciences and marketing. Based on social research, the authors examine the relationship between a theoretical understanding of a university brand and the role of educational brands in choosing a university. The research was conducted in 2012 in qualitative methodology among first-year students of sociology at Moscow universities (24 interviews in total). The aim of the study was to obtain more specific information about the phenomenon of a university brand and revealing its qualitative characteristics. Theoretical principles of brand sociology developed by the founder of this concept Alexander Dayksel and his followers formed the basis for the findings presented in the article.
The authors conclude that brand is a social phenomenon, it is not fully developed yet but its certain characteristics are present among students. Prospective students consider them assessing and choosing a university. In this case, university needs to maintain its identity and develop its specific features against the background of current global changes in the education system (such as the Unified State Exam, transition to the Bologna system, standardization of educational programs, commercialization of higher education institution, etc.) The findings may be useful for heads of universities as well as for instructors, prospective students and their parents.
Paper submitted on: 06/24/2015; Accepted on: 09/14/2015; Published online on: 09/22/2015.

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