Smirnova S. Successive relations between the Federal State Higher Education Standard ("Teacher Education") and Teacher Professional Standard. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 3 (11). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (11)

Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia


Successive relations between the Federal State Higher Education Standard ("Teacher Education") and Teacher Professional Standard

Smirnova S
Ph.D., associate professor,
head of the Chair of Primary Education Theory and Methodology
primary education
professional standard
professional competence
job functions
work activities.
Abstract: the article aims to review the successive relations between the two Russian educational standards– primary school teacher training standard and teacher professional standard. The following methods are used: theoretical analysis of regulatory documents, questionnaire, comparison of work activities and professional competencies. The author analyzes the results of the questionnaire among teachers evaluating their readiness to implement general educational program of primary education in accordance with the Federal State Education Standard. Teachers of 13 educational institutions from 5 municipal districts of Karelia and 2 institutions of Leningradsky and Murmansky District participated in it.
As a result, the following criteria of teachers’ readiness to work in a new environment are identified: motivation, legal awareness, knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies, and knowledge of modern student’s psychology. The author also identifies the difficulties of working on the new standards and reveals the underdeveloped competencies of future primary school teachers. Teachers are willing to enhance the practical side of teachers’ continuing education; therefore the paper presents the most popular professional issues to be addressed and the preferred forms of teachers’ training. The author compares the job functions stated in the teacher professional standard with the professional competencies identified in the Federal State Higher Education Standard 44.03.01 «Teacher Education» (undergraduate level, B.A., B.A.A.) and assumes that a graduate might not be ready to fully perform the job functions. In addition to that, some professional competencies are not reflected in the list of teacher’s work activities. Particularly, these are the competencies related to certain types of cultural-educational, project and research activity. The author’s conclusions and recommendations may be used to improve the education standards and may also be taken into consideration by organizers and participants of the system of continuous primary school teachers’ education.
Paper submitted on: 07/27/2015; Accepted on: 09/11/2015; Published online on: 09/22/2015.

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