Babakova T. Implementation of the principle of additionality through highlighting an ecological component within a regional component of school education. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 3 (11). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (11)

Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia


Implementation of the principle of additionality through highlighting an ecological component within a regional component of school education

Babakova T
D.Sc., full professor,
head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at Petrozavodsk State University
post-nonclassical science
principle of additionality
national and regional component of education content
ecological education for sustainable development
ecosystemic cognitive model.
Abstract: the article justifies viability and feasibility of building a national and regional component of education content in the context of the principle of additionality as a methodological principle of post-nonclassical science. The possible realization of a regional component from the standpoint of this principle is exemplified by highlighting an ecological component in teaching biology as part of the project «My Karelia». The following methods are used: source analysis; comparative analysis of educational opportunities of a national and regional component and characteristics of ecology education for sustainable development; instructional design. As a result, the purpose of a national and regional component in school education is specified and its educational opportunities are formulated. Among them: expanding students' knowledge of reality; interdisciplinarity (aspects of humanities and natural sciences); interconnection between levels of education (global, national, regional); person-centered approach; development of values and motivating needs; exposure to practice-oriented activities related to the study of the region and practical application of acquired knowledge, etc.
The article shows the possibility of teaching biological aspects as part of a regional component on the basis of a modern concept of general ecological education for sustainable development. This happens through the implementation of an ecosystemic, multi-disciplinary, problem-oriented, regional, activity-based, axiological approach in the context of the principle of additional education. The author suggests the ways and means of applying these approaches to update the content of textbooks, tutorials, interdisciplinary projects and workshops. The conclusions proposed and the ecosystemic cognitive model developed by the author have methodological significance for further development of the regional component of education.
Paper submitted on: 07/03/2015; Accepted on: 09/11/2015; Published online on: 09/22/2015.

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