2023. № 3 (43). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (43)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Political Technologies
Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin
(Ryazan, Russian Federation)
academic dishonesty
bibliometric analysis
Dimensions system
Abstract: the results obtained by studying the array of publications of foreign authors based on the data of the international scientometric database Dimensions in order to assess the dynamics and distinctive features of the formation of modern scientific discourse on the topic of academic dishonesty are presented. The main research method was bibliometric analysis. Criteria such as the following are applied: the chronology of publications with differentiation of the array into meaningful components; average citation; types of publications; sources of publications; research areas. It was revealed that the intensive growth of publications on the topic of academic dishonesty begins in the world around 2000, and the problems of scientific misconduct, student plagiarism and cheating, academic integrity and directly academic dishonesty are most actively studied by modern authors. The highest average citation rate is observed in works on student cheating; the lowest average citation is for academic fraud publications. The body of work on the topic of academic dishonesty is dominated by scientific articles. The journals in which they are published are of a multidisciplinary nature, which gives grounds to qualify academic dishonesty as a complex object of research, which is in the focus of attention of representatives of various branches of knowledge. Comparison of data on the distribution of publications by fields of research determines the leading position of pedagogy in the study of problems of academic dishonesty. A promising direction of research is the scientific sub-stantiation of a professional dictionary of terms about academic dishonesty, which can be used by teachers at all levels of education.
Paper submitted on: 05/27/2023; Accepted on: 07/27/2024; Published online on: 09/26/2023.


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