Oreshkin V. The notion of success in the context of current education. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 2 (14). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2016.3130

Issue 2 (14)

Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning


The notion of success in the context of current education

Oreshkin Victor
associate professor at the Chair of Humanities and Social Studies of Trance-regional Institute of Economics and Law attached to Inter-parliamentary Assembly of European and Asia Economic Cooperation, full-fledged member of the Academy of the Derzhavin Russian Philology and Fine Arts, a member of the International Image-makers League
«success pedagogy»
moral personality types
successful pupil
successful teacher.
Abstract: the article deals with the notion of success. Semantic and culturological analysis enables the author to come to the conclusion that the interpretation of the notion is far from being unambiguous in contemporary society. On the basis of onto-paradigmal approach, suggested by I. A. Kolesnikova, the peculiarities of teachers’ and pupils’ success estimation in technocratic and humanitarian educational space, and in the space of traditions are shown. From the perspective of the Adler personality psychology, the productivity of competitive oriented pedagogy for the competing behavior of a pupil casts into question. The variants for practical application of theoretical ideas of the «success pedagogy» are presented in the article. Starting out from the Zelenkova and Belyaeva ethic-axiological typology, the author emphasizes the success characteristics, connected with moral-ethical personal orientation, and he also brings forward different variants of «success formula», much used by coaches, tutors, and trainers. Relying on the ideas of modern generation theory, the author admits the changes in value orientation for contemporary youth, which is of high priority for building up the strategy and tactics of upbringing youth on different educational levels. Theoretically, the article might stimulate the further «success» and «non-success» notions studies with regard to the lifelong learning system.
Paper submitted on: 04/26/2016; Accepted on: 05/30/2016; Published online on: 06/22/2016.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2016.3130