2024. № 3 (47). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (47)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



Severin Sergey N.
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of German Philology and Linguodidactics
Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin
(Brest, Republic of Belarus)
post-non-classical pedagogy
methodological trends
trends in the development of science
development strategies of post-non-classical pedagogy
risks of desovereignization of post-non-classical pedagogy
factors of deconfiguration of pedagogy.
Abstract: the article is devoted to the methodological problem of desovereignization of post-non-classical pedagogy and is of an analytical-hypothetical, debatable nature. The research problem is to determine how cultural and scientific transformations associated with the formation of post-non-classical culture, science, development trends of post-non-classical science influence the development of pedagogy; what methodological trends of post-non-classical pedagogical research these transformations form, including those of a destructive nature. The author focuses on the trends in the development of science in the context of post-non-classical culture (humanitariazation, convergence, intensification of inter- and transdisciplinary research, etc.), strategies for the development of post-non-classical pedagogy (in what direction should pedagogy be developed?), the trends in the methodology of post-non-classical pedagogical research, the risks of desovereignization pedagogy, factors of desovereignization, involution of post-non-classical pedagogy, methodological entropy in pedagogy (spontaneous divergent and convergent processes in science, the formation of «metascience», «technoscience», intensification of inter- and transdisciplinary studies of education, integration of pedagogy into inter- and transdisciplinary complexes, influence postmodernism, rejection of the paradigm as a methodological standard of research, emphasis on methodological pluralism, multi-paradigm). The author accentuates the main destructive methodological attitudes/trends/tendencies of post-non-classical pedagogy, post-non-classical pedagogical research (humanistic «declarism» (A. A. Arlamov), technocratism, «parade of paradigms, methodologies, neo-pedagogy» (V. V. Kraevsky), «erosion» of the disciplinary structure of pedagogy, legalization of «polymethodologies»), it is argued that the condition for ensuring the scientific sovereignty of post-non-classical pedagogy is the complementarity and synchronization of the following strategies for its development: theorization, humanitarization, methodologization and convergence (application of inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, inter- and transdisciplinary methodological tools in pedagogical research).
Paper submitted on: 06/23/2024; Accepted on: 08/16/2024; Published online on: 09/26/2024.


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