2024. № 3 (47). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (47)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



Eremenko Tatyana V.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management
Ryazan State University named after S. A. Esenin
(Ryazan, Russian Federation)
fraud triangle
academic fraud triangle
factors of academic fraud
academic dishonesty
pedagogical means
Abstract: the results of a study of the possibilities of the «academic fraud triangle» for identifying the most important means of pedagogical influence in the interests of effectively preventing students’ academic dishonesty are presented. The main method is the theoretical analysis of publications identified from open Russian and international scientific information resources. The article contains a detailed review of the literature on the research topic. It has been revealed that the concept of the «fraud triangle» has high potential for analyzing pedagogical problems in higher education, and all three sides of the triangle significantly influence students’ propensity to engage in dishonest academic behavior. Pedagogical means are identified and characterized to achieve the following goals: reducing pressure/incentive as a factor provoking academic dishonesty in students; to limit opportunities for academic fraud; to weaken students’ self-justification/rationalization arguments for their fraudulent actions. It is noted that the means of pedagogical influence aimed at preventing academic dishonesty of students are a combination of both active and proactive forms in all three sides of the «fraud triangle». A promising direction for further research based on the «fraud triangle» is to delve deeper into the role of the teacher in preventing all three factors of cheating.
Paper submitted on: 07/12/2024; Accepted on: 08/23/2024; Published online on: 09/26/2024.


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