2024. № 1 (45). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2024.9184

Issue 1 (45)



Paper submitted on: 03/11/2024; Accepted on: 03/11/2024; Published online on: 03/21/2024.

We invite our readers to familiarize themselves with the materials of the first spring issue of the «Lifelong education: The 21st Century» in 2024. The issue contains articles of various content devoted to topical issues of the methodology of scientific and pedagogical research, solving problems of spiritual and moral guidance, diagnosing educational outcomes, bringing the training of highly qualified personnel in line with the needs of the labor market, and ensuring continuity of professional education.

In the context of the implementation of state policy to preserve and strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, to preserve and promote the national cultures of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation, several articles in this issue are published. One of them presents an option for using a narrative analysis of the values of professional and pedagogical activities for future teachers.

The other is devoted to the implementation of the cultural concept «Heritage» in education for sustainable development through the analysis of an outstanding monument of pre-revolutionary Buryat literature - the works of E.-H. Galshiev «Mirror of Wisdom». In the third article, through the dialogue between the cultures of Russia and Greece the problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language are discussed.

Mass profiling of education in senior grades of secondary schools is not an unambiguous process that requires close attention and serious study. This process was marked by the creation of a large number of teaching classes designed to ensure an informed choice of the teaching profession by school graduates. Both school teachers and higher educators take part in the work of pedagogical classes. Both may be interested in the results of a large-scale study on the achievements and problems in the selection of content and organization of the pedagogical process in specialized pedagogical classes in St. Petersburg.

A number of articles in the issue are devoted to another topical area of modernization of education - the problems of training specialists in the field of engineering and modern technologies, such as: engineering training as a factor in achieving technological independence of the industrial complex; stages of training of maritime specialists in the system of continuous education; the formation of academic mobility of students in foreign language preparation for foreign industrial practice.

Despite the unstable foreign political situation, the study of foreign languages is going on in Russian educational institutions, and research is being conducted in the field of teaching methods. Specialists may be interested in the articles on preparing international relations students for oral political communication in French, and on organizing feedback in interconnected teaching of foreign language reading and writing.

The discussion section of the journal contains two articles inviting for debating. One of them is related to the study of external and internal motivation for creative self-realization in schoolchildren. The content of the article draws attention to the broader problem of motivation for learning of modern schoolchildren and students. Another article is devoted to a comparative analysis of assessment systems (traditional and point-rating) using statistical methods. In the educational process, all components are interconnected; the entire organization of the process and the characteristics of the educational activities of schoolchildren and students depend on the choice of the result assessment system. It has long been known that «a student learns as the teacher asks». The problem of assessing the results of modern education needs research and discussion.

We wish you interesting reading, stimulating a discussion of the issues raised and suggestions for further discussion of the problems of lifelong education. We remind our authors that the September issue of the journal is traditionally planned to be devoted to the problems of implementing academic writing in the education system. We invite new authors to cooperate. We pay attention to compliance with the requirements of the journal regarding the topics and format of articles.


Editorial team

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2024.9184